Fast food restaurants — whether you’re a regular visitor or an occasional guilty indulger, you probably walk through the doors of one or another at some point. But now, Redditors who have been employed at America’s top restaurant chains are sharing the menu items you absolutely don’t want to order.

These aren’t all for the same reason. Some are because their ingredients are handled poorly or are bad quality. Others just aren’t worth it for the money. Some are absolutely loaded with sodium and fat, whereas, others are just a pain in the neck to make.

Fast food restaurants aren’t exactly known for offering healthy options. In response to the outrage surrounding the nutritional emptiness on the McDonald’s menu, comedian Jim Gaffigan quipped, “We sell burgers and fries. We never said we were a farmer’s market.”

But it’s not just about the unhealthiness. It’s also a matter of poor hygiene, low-quality food, high prices, and some menu items just not worth buying. Thankfully, the employees of the fast food industry have come together to provide the internet with a definitive list of what you should not eat.

From old, rancid chili to calorie-laden sandwiches, here are 55 foods you should skip next time you go out to eat.

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