While you may clean your house on a regular basis, making sure every room and piece of furniture is dust- and dirt-free, there can still be odors lingering in your living space. This doesn’t mean the house is dirty, but it can definitely use some freshening up.
The best way to freshen up your living space is by opening the windows and letting the fresh air get in. By doing this, you make sure the air is recycled, while your house takes on that scent of crisp air that most of us just love.
But in some cases, the above practice is just not enough. It could be kitchen odors that won’t go away, or odors coming from your shoes that you can’t ignore. In these cases, you need to resort to other means in order to make your house smell great.
Below, we have compiled the ten most effective ways to get rid of unpleasant odors in the house, and the best part is that they’re all-natural.
1. Essential oils

An easy way to make your living space smell good is to put some drops of essential oil on your air filter. This way, the scent will go throughout the house when the air blows through it. Essential oils are also used in diffusers. The mist they create goes throughout the house and makes it smell great.
2. Dishwasher tip

Sometimes you’ll find the dishwasher starts having a funky smell. Try putting some lemon Kool-Aid in it and run the dishwasher. You’ll be surprised at how good it will smell afterward.
3. Eucalyptus

An amazing tip to make your bathroom smell good and to also help you relax is the following: tie up some eucalyptus in the shower and let its smell spread in the room.
4. Naturally scented candles

Who doesn’t love vanilla and coffee? Their sweet smells help you wake you up in the morning with a smile on your face. So, why not put a vanilla-scented candle in a bowl full of coffee beans?
5. Garbage disposal cubes

You can follow these instructions to make frozen cleaning cubes using white vinegar and citrus.
6. Dry Shampoo

Unpleasant shoe smells are caused by sweaty feet. In order to prevent your feet from sweating and, therefore, your shoes from smelling bad, you can spray some dry shampoo in them before wearing them. Trust us, it works!
7. Simmer Potpourri

We love some potpourri in our homes, but putting them in a bowl in the living room just doesn’t seem to work. The best way to really make the potpourri release the incredible smells that make the house smell like a cozy home is to simmer it on the stove.
8. DIY Air Purifier

Using a big fan and air filter, you can make your own air purifier following these instructions.
9. Vanilla extract in the oven

We all love to use vanilla extract in our desserts. But have you ever considered using it to make your house smell like it? Well, try pouring 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract in a baking pan and cook it at 300 degrees for 20 minutes. You won’t regret it!
10. Air freshener in the air vent

Here’s a quick tip for refreshing the air in your house: clip an air freshener onto the air vent and the A/C will help the scent spread around the house.
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