Crafts & DIY
10 household plants that will flourish in your kitchen
Not only do they look good but there’s a lot of benefits to having houseplants in your home, too!
Morgan Slimak

One of the best things you can do to improve the atmosphere of your home is to acquire a houseplant. Research conducted by NASA shows that houseplants can significantly improve air quality in the home by filtering out toxins. If that isn’t incentive enough though, it’s also been found that people recover from illnesses faster in the presence of plants.

Really, there is no reason not to add a couple of plants in the home!

The 10 household plants included on this list are not only easy to grow but don’t even require much space. You can grow them right in your own kitchen! We’ll give you the rundown on exactly how much light you’ll need as well as other useful information for all ten popular plant choices.


1. Coffee Plant (Coffea arabica)

Imagine growing your own coffee at home next to the window in your kitchen. You probably won’t actually be able to harvest any beans, but the leaves should get very green and glossy. Coffee plants need indirect bright lighting and a lot of water.

Mark Mathosian
Mark Mathosian

2. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

The vines of this plant variety will easily adapt to most environments and light conditions. They will hang from most surfaces and are really easy to take care of. As long as they get some occasional water, they should do just fine.

Jerzy Opiola
Jerzy Opiola

3. African Violet (Saintpaulia)

One of the best parts about African Violets is that they flower almost all year long. The bluish-purple color is absolutely beautiful. As long as they get lots of indirect bright light and water, the flowers will be happy.


4. Philodendron hederaceum

Philodendrons would look great in a hanging basket on your windowsill. They can be grown as big or as small as you want. They are fairly tolerant to drought and only require medium indirect light to do well.

David Stang /
David Stang /

5. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

If you are in search of a houseplant that is both adaptable and exotic, the ZZ Plant may be the way to go. It can thrive in almost all light conditions and requires very little water to survive. Even the most novice gardeners can grow one successfully!


6. Herbs

Home chefs should all consider growing some herbs on the windowsill in the kitchen. We’re talking about common spices such as parsley, thyme, rosemary, basil, cilantro, and mint. There is nothing better than some fresh herbs to add flavor to a dish.


7. Rubber Tree (Ficus elastica)

Growing a rubber tree in the kitchen might not be the first thing that aspiring gardeners think of doing, but hear us out. As long as you prune them regularly, they will remain small and grow great in whatever space you have available. They do excellent in a variety of conditions.


8. Succulents

If you desire a type of plant that is both fun and low-maintenance, succulents are a perfect choice. The main requirement is a bright and sunny window nearby. Succulents hold water in their leaves, thus, they can go a long time in drought-like conditions.

Rena Tom
Rena Tom

9. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Snake plants are one of the most popular picks when it comes to houseplants. Their long and slender leaves make them a perfect choice for the corner of a kitchen. Since they don’t require direct light next to a window, they are often used to fill out a space, adding some lovely tropical vibes.

Karl Thomas Moore
Karl Thomas Moore

10. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)

The name might give some people the creeps. However, the truth is that spider plants are really beautiful. Whether you hang them up or leave them seated in a pot on the countertop, they should flourish nicely. Just don’t place them in front of direct light, as it could burn the sensitive leaves.


If you are looking for some easy houseplants to grow in your kitchen, any of the ones on this list should do the trick! Take your pick. From herbs to vines, to succulents, the choices for the amateur gardener are endless.

See an additional photo of some common houseplants below for more ideas.

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