Crafts & DIY
10 Indoor Plants That Are Super Easy to Keep Alive
No green thumb? No problem!
Cheryl Knight

Plants are a great way to “get back to nature” and grow something with your own hands. Some people do not do well with plants, lacking the skills and time to care for them properly. While keeping plants indoors makes it much easier to care for them, if you don’t have a green thumb, you might still have issues keeping them alive.

Here are some indoor plants to consider growing at home that are easy to keep alive and thriving at home.



An indoor tree, ficus has shiny leaves and you can braid the stems for a neat effect. The tree likes to get plenty of sun, so make sure to give it a thorough watering after several days. The temperatures that work best with the ficus range between 65 to 75 degrees.

Jade Plant


A succulent, the jade plant has thick, lush leaves. The plant grows slowly and has a long lifespan, growing over the period of a few decades. Being a succulent, jade plants require little water and grow best in dry soil. The plant also prefers bright light and grows well in standard room temperatures.

Snake Plant


The snake plant requires little watering, making it perfect for use at home. It also can flourish in a variety of lighting conditions and grows best in dry air at room temperature. The leaf edges of this plant range from yellow to white, and it sometimes, although rarely, blooms small, white flowers.

English Ivy

Beautiful and easy to cultivate, English ivy has long trailing stems that can drape down furniture for a pretty effect. Unlike many house plants, English ivy actually prefers cooler temperatures ranging from the mid-50s to about 70 degrees. In addition, English ivy grows best in moist soil.

Peace Lily


Easy to grow and take care of, a peace lily plant has curving white blossoms and dark leaves. Favoring low humidity, the peace lily grows best in low light conditions. It does prefer moist soil, so you should water it more often. For temperatures, it can tolerate up to 85 degrees.

Spider Plant

The Spruce
The Spruce

Spider plants have long, sinewy leaves, which add interest to a room. Working well as hanging plants, spider plants thrive in medium-to-bright lighting conditions, require moist soil and a room temperature ranging from 60 to 75 degrees.



The large leaves of the dieffenbachia plant can grow up to a foot long and have a more tropical look. In fact, the plant itself can grow up to six feet in height. The dieffenbachia plant thrives in room temperatures above 60, grows best in moist soil, and needs medium to low light to grow best.

Aloe Plant


Aloe is a succulent, meaning it requires little to no watering. With the ability to grow up to three feet in height, the plant prefers a lot of sunlight and temperatures around 70 degrees. In addition to making a great house plant, the aloe plant also has medicinal properties, or at least its pointed leaves do.

Rubber Tree

Gardening Know How
Gardening Know How

This indoor tree can grow to heights of up to eight feet. If desired, you can actually keep it shrub-size by pruning back any long stems that might develop. For best care of the tree, allow the soil to dry out in between watering. You should also keep it in medium to bright light and a room temperature ranging from 60 to 80 degrees.


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Gardening Know How
Gardening Know How

The air purifying properties of the leaves of the pothos plant make it perfect for keeping indoors. You can either cut back the stems when they get too long or allow them to grow out. While the plant can live in any light condition, it actually prefers medium or brighter light. You should also let the soil dry out somewhat in between watering.

Source: Today
