Crafts & DIY
Here Are 15 Ways That You're Destroying Your Sofa
I had no idea I was wreaking such havoc on my couch!
D.G. Sciortino

Good quality sofas don’t come cheap. And when we pay good money for a good quality sofa we want to make sure it’s going to last us a long time. But there are things you’re probably doing right now to sabotage your sofa.

Here are 15 ways that you’re destroying your sofa:

1) You’re Overcleaning Your Sofa

There is such a thing as over-cleaning. And over-cleaning your couch can speed up wear and tear. The chemicals can wear your fabric down.

Squeaky Clean Couch
Squeaky Clean Couch

2) Sitting in the Same Spot

You may be particular about your spot on the couch but it’s ruining your sofa. This causes the sofa to wear unevenly. It will look worn in on one side pretty early on, while the other side looks brand new. So, switch it up.

Interior Define
Interior Define

3) Reckless Moving It Around

Moving your sofa around without being careful can cause damage. Always lift your sofa instead of pushing it around. You also don’t want to stack heavy items on it.

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Our Thrifty Bickel Blog

4) You Allow Jumping On It

Never let anyone jump up and down on your sofa. And don’t just throw yourself on to it. Throwing your weight on it can damage its support and make it squeaky.

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YouTube Screenshot

5) Perform Regular Maintenance

Make sure you do regular couch maintenance. This means tightening screws and bolts regularly. Keeping them loose can cause them your sofa to become weak and break.

Trailer Life
Trailer Life

6) You Don’t Vacuum It

Most of us eat on our sofa which means it gets crumbs on it. If you don’t vacuum regularly, that gunk will build up and can stain or be harder to clean. Use the upholstery attachment to properly clean your cushions.


7) You’re Lax on Couch Rules

Make sure everyone who comes in contact with your couch knows the rules. Whether it’s no eating, no jumping, or whatever it may be. This will help your couch to last long.


8) The Couch Is Exposed To Pollutants

You may not realize it but things like kitchen grease and cigarette smoke can damage your couch. Make sure you use a hood or vent when you cook and smoke outdoors. This will prevent your couch from stink and becoming discolored.

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YouTube Screenshot

9) You Let Stains Sit

You must clean sofa stains immediately. It can become permanent if you don’t. The sooner you clean it, the better chance you have of removing it.


10) You Sleep On It

Sleeping on your sofa is a no-no. This can cause your sofa to deteriorate and sag. Naps are fine but don’t get your full 8 hours on it.


11) You Keep Your Sofa in The Sun

Keep your couch out of the sun. It can bleach the fabric and lighten it. You could end up with a red couch in the back and a pink one in the front. Try to pace it in a shady part of the room or close the shades during the day.

12) You Don’t Rotate the Cushions

Rotating the cushions regularly is an absolute must. Rotate their order at least once a week. Make sure you flip them over too. This will prevent uneven wear.

13) You Don’t Use The Right Cleaner

Using the wrong cleaner can wear your sofa out. Make sure you get a cleaner that is used for your sofa’s specific material. An all-purpose cleaner just won’t do.

14) You’re Not Protecting the Upholstery

Even if you do have rules, things can go wrong and accidents happen. You’ll want to make sure you’re protecting the upholstery. Have something like Scotchguard applied to your sofa to protect it from stains.


15) You Fail To Temperature Control

Humidity, dry air, and extreme heat can warp wood furniture. Make sure you keep indoor temperatures moderate. And prevent your home from becoming drafty as this can lead to big changes in humidity and temperature.

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