Introverts get a bad rap (although that’s usually only from extroverts). In reality, we can occupy ourselves, enjoy a night in, and analyze our thoughts without needing a ton of extra external stimuli!
We introverts are pretty low-maintenance, but we do have a hard time with the following things:
1. Overthinking
It’s honestly astonishing how quickly some people move on from things without replaying them over in their heads.
Introverts seem to replay social interactions constantly, typically not in a good way. It may come as a result of social anxiety, but it can cause even more anxiety to ruminate.

2. Parties with strangers
People assume that introverts don’t like parties or gatherings – that’s not true! Introverts don’t like gatherings with STRANGERS.
5-10 people who you love and care about? Come on over for some wine and a movie night!
Strangers at a party in a new place? No thanks.

3. Downtime interruptions
We all need our downtime, but introverts can get particularly agitated when something interrupts their alone time.
Then again, shouldn’t we just leave people alone if they’re taking some time for themselves?

4. Networking
This word just makes me want to throw up. Combining two things introverts hate (talking with strangers and selling yourself for some reason) is sure to cause anxiety and dread.
It’s insane to think that some people throw networking parties! Who does that on purpose?!

5. The attention that comes with validation
Attention and validation aren’t the same things.
We all need validation and for someone to tell us we did a good job and that we deserve good things.
Unfortunately, validation usually comes with attention, something that introverts rarely seek out.

6. The need to repeat themselves
Did you finally build up the courage to say something clever in a group of people but nobody heard you?
So annoying.
Introverts don’t like having all the attention on them as they repeat themselves, especially if the moment has already passed. It keeps us from talking in the first place if we’re in a group.

7. Loud people
There is a difference between someone saying something loudly and someone who is loud.
Loud people aren’t just loud in voice, but in action and demeanor. Those people are hard to handle for an introvert.

8. Keeping in touch
No, we won’t. We are never going to talk again. We aren’t going to keep in touch.
Introverts don’t follow the social convention of lying like this unless someone else initiates it. The only thing worse than a stranger who wants to “keep in touch”? Someone who actually does it.

9. Being seen as aloof
Introverts are often seen as snobby or accused of trying to look “too good for what’s going on.” That is WILDLY inaccurate.
Most of the time, we are just listening and processing what’s happening. That doesn’t make us better, it just makes us different.

10. Being called anti-social
Social anxiety and introversion are NOT the same. One is a preference, the other is a psychological condition that usually requires therapy and/or medication.
Introverts usually prefer small groups and enjoy specific ways of interacting socially. Social anxiety is a fear of groups of people.

11. New jobs
It’s not a fear thing (usually). It often has to do with the pressure people feel when they know they have to form new social circles or join existing social circles.

12. Being told to smile
Don’t get me started on this one. If someone ever told me to “smile more” and they weren’t my romantic partner making a joke, they are done.
Introverts don’t often outwardly process things and as a result, are internal with their emotions and facial displays.

13. Being talked over
Extroverts are usually external processors who need to talk in order to gather their thoughts and form ideas.
Internal processors do everything internally and then speak with their fully coherent thought or idea.
Introverts are usually internal processors. But pausing to think isn’t a sign that I want someone to talk over me. Please… let me finish and you can blabber.

14. Only being able to relax at home
There is just something beautiful about having alone time in a house where everyone else is away. It doesn’t matter whether that’s in the morning when everyone is asleep (when you can have a solo coffee by the window) or at night (where you can read before bed without people being around), it’s just better to be at home and alone sometimes.

15. Constantly being asked if they’re OK
“Are you ok? You’re quiet.”
Ahhh, you don’t know me at all, huh. No, I’m not upset, I just have nothing to contribute to this conversation right now. I will let you know when I do… or I might not.
Either way, I’m ok. Please don’t ask me that again.

16. Small talk
We all get that you have to talk about menial things when you meet someone. But that doesn’t mean that’s all we have to talk about!
Deep talk in the right environment is what brings the essence out of introverts!

17. Not getting the hint
Overtalkers don’t seem to get the hint when you are trying to leave the conversation. It doesn’t matter how angled your shoulders are away from them, how many times you say “well…” and then try to turn, or nod faster than is necessary – they will keep… talking… forever.
As an introvert, we won’t stop them either. It’s hard being the good guy sometimes.

18. Last minute changes
A plan is a plan for a good reason. It’s a plan. Let’s NOT change it last minute just because.
Introverts ready themselves according to the plan, mentally and physically. When you alter a plan last minute, you risk angering all the introverts involved.
Unless you want to cancel the plan to do something social. Then we’re generally ok with it.

19. People who talk during movies or while someone is reading
If I’m reading, I can tolerate 2-3 interruptions before I start to wonder if you are an idiot or just rude. I’m reading, clearly, I don’t want to break concentration every few seconds to answer some inane question.
The same thing goes with movies. I will pause the movie while you talk. We will NOT be talking over it.

20. People who can’t handle silence
Silence is a wonderful thing. It’s ok to be quiet. Even at a party.
For some reason, extroverts seem to have a need to fill any silence that happens anywhere.
Is that because there is a silence in your head that scares you? Maybe.

21. Long vacations away from home
This may not be just an introvert thing, but coming home is a wonderful thing. Your routine, your things, your bed.
Vacation is awesome but home is really where an introvert thrives.

22. Extended talks on the phone
It may be true that introverts don’t like talking on the phone at all. But let’s face it, we all prefer basic questions through text or email.
We don’t need to have a 10-minute phone call for something that only requires a simple “yes” or “no.”

23. People who don’t tolerate difference
It’s ok that introverts do some things differently. But some extroverts seem to have this thing where they think it’s ok to tell other people that the way they do something is wrong.
If an introvert is doing something differently that isn’t all that important or won’t cause the building to collapse… just let them do it.

24. A lack of silence
Silence is golden. But some people hate it and think introverts are weird or depressed for liking the sound of nothing.
But we’re just letting our brains recharge.

25. Name recall
Let’s just be honest here fellow introverts. This is a weakness. We can’t seem to remember people’s names unless they are in our lives for extended periods of time.
We just have to practice extra hard to remember.

If you are an introvert, you probably related to all of this WAY too much.
If you are an extrovert, hopefully, you learned something that will help you out with your introverted friends.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.