Some people have a natural knack for makeup. For others, it’s a long learning experience that takes years to perfect. But either way, there’s no denying that in the right hands, a makeover can completely change someone’s appearance. Sometimes, it’s almost unbelievable how much a face can change.

And it doesn’t have to be crazy winged eyeliner and deep red lips, either. Some people can completely mix up their look with some foundation, contouring, and a few touches of an eyebrow pencil. Looking at them, there’s no doubt that makeup is an art form.

Some celebrities have shaped their entire look on dramatic makeup effects. In fact, the average person might not even recognize them with their natural face! There’s a huge number of things that makeup can accomplish — in the right hands, of course.

In the 21st century, that’s where the internet comes in. Reddit sub-threads are now a great place for people to get makeup advice, even from professional artists. They can find those familiar with coloring and know about all kinds of different products. Essentially, it’s now possible for almost anyone to become a makeup expert.

Take a look at these 30 people who shared their before and after photos on Reddit.

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