Crafts & DIY
4 DIY hacks to remove pet hair from furniture, clothing, and carpet
We love our pets but we don't always love the amount of hair they shed. Here are 4 DIY hacks to make removing pet hair from fabric easier.
Ian Carey

We love our pets but we don’t always love how much hair they shed. It gets on our clothes, it gets on our furniture, and it gets on our nerves!

Removing pet hair doesn’t always have to be a pain, however. There are some handy tricks anyone can learn that will help make removing pet hair easier.

YouTube - Cuteness
YouTube - Cuteness

Try using a sponge to remove pet hair from fabric.

Sponges are an easy way to remove hair from many different types of fabrics. The same kind of sponges you use to wash dishes can be scrubbed over fabric that has pet hair on it. There is no need to wet the sponge either, it works best if it is completely dry. You’ll end up with a very hairy sponge after!

YouTube - Cuteness
YouTube - Cuteness

Squeegees can be used to remove pet hair as well.


Squeegees aren’t just good for washing your windshield, they can also help remove pet hair as well. This works best on furniture where your pet has shed a lot of hair over a large area. What would take a lot of time to go over with a sponge is done much faster with a squeegee. Once again, it’s best to use the squeegee dry rather than wet.

YouTube - Cuteness
YouTube - Cuteness

Using shipping labels to remove pet hair from clothes.


Shipping labels have just the right amount of stick to them to remove pet hair from clothes without damaging the fabric. Simply peel off the label and press the sticky side to your clothes and the pet hair will come right off. Don’t worry though, your clothes will still look good after doing this, it’s just they won’t be covered in hair!

YouTube - Cuteness
YouTube - Cuteness

Dish washing gloves can help remove pet hair too!


Those big dish gloves with ribs on the fingers aren’t just good for cleaning dishes, they can help you get at some of the gnarliest pet hair as well. For furniture, simply put the gloves on and scrape the ribbed part over the pet hair and it’ll help pull it out from the fabric. You just want to make sure you give the gloves a good wash before tackling any dishes with them after.

Pexels - Pixabay
Pexels - Pixabay

Other pet hair removal tactics you might not know about.

Lint rollers are fantastic for removing pet hair from clothes and they are very convenient. They might not work for hair from bigger dogs or on furniture, but if you’ve got some small pet hair on a sweater and a lint roller nearby, you’ve got a solution.

Pexels - Dennis Perreault
Pexels - Dennis Perreault

Another method some people have used with some success is dampened inside-out sweat socks. These seem to mop up pet hair with some level of efficiency.

Pexels - Dominic Buccilli
Pexels - Dominic Buccilli

Avoid pet hair in the first place.

Taking your pet in for regular grooming appointments is the best way to lessen the amount of pet hair you have to clean up in the first place. Not only that, but your pet will love you even more for it. Even our pets enjoy looking nice!

Pexels - Cottonbro
Pexels - Cottonbro

Learn these 4 DIY pet hair removal hacks in the video below.

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