Life hacks have become one of the biggest trends on the internet in recent years. What are they, exactly? They’re tricks to make your life easier, whether it’s a matter of saving you time, organizing your house, or salvaging clothes from an ink spill. Most of them are also amazingly cheap, so there are no exclusions for people living on a budget.

There are thousands of blogs, websites, and video tutorials dedicated to sharing amazing life hacks with internet users. Since 2015, there’s even been a TV show on TruTV called Hack My Life, all for the purpose of sharing one of the internet’s favorite preoccupations. It’s an amazing way of collecting all the tricks that people all over the world have learned and shared with, well, everyone!

If you love life hacks or want more ways to organize, clean, and save time, read on for 40 amazing life hacks. But even if you’re not up to date with this awesome online trend, you should still glance through these. The 40 life hacks provided are for absolutely everyone. Once you start using some of these, there’s no doubt you’ll ask yourself, “How did I ever live without them?”

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