There’s no doubt that plastic waste is a big problem all over the world. It’s estimated that 91 percent of plastic waste is not recycled. That means it goes straight into a landfill or even worse, into natural environments like rivers, forests, and oceans where it wreaks havoc on wildlife.

In 2010, the global production of plastic was 270 million tons — and the estimated amount of plastic waste was even higher, at 275 million tons. That’s because it’s easy to keep wasting plastic that’s been around for years. Of that, about eight million tons made their way into the ocean.

It’s a huge amount of waste, with plastic causing enormous health problems for marine and birdlife as well as other animals. So, it’s no wonder there’s a worldwide push to find other ways of packaging supplies. In 2018, a social media fight erupted over laws surrounding the use of disposable plastic straws.

It may still be many years before we start to consistently see alternatives to disposable plastic packaging, especially with items like bottles. But in the meantime, here are 45 ways that you can reuse plastic bottles and help protect the planet that’s our home.

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