The DIY craze has really taken off in recent years and for good reason. There are so many things you can do at home with a few simple tools and a lot of creativity! Retail clothing is expensive, and let’s face it: when it comes to women’s clothing, a lot of retailers just haven’t figured out what we want.

No, it’s not fancy designs, odd sleeve cuts, or crop tops. At the end of the day, we want some pockets.

But that’s where the DIY movement comes in. When you’re making your own clothes, you can decide exactly how many pockets you want, as well as designs, cuts, and more.

But not everyone is a whiz with a needle. Maybe our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to sew their own clothes but these days, it’s almost a lost art. Fortunately, the internet is here to teach you how to make your own clothes, no needle and thread required.

Many of these hacks are also great ways to reuse and upcycle clothes that you don’t want anymore. Not only is that thrifty, but it’s also better for the planet! So, sit back and enjoy these 45 clothing hacks — no sewing needed.

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