Especially today as people struggle financially due to the coronavirus, the level of interest in repurposing everyday things has skyrocketed. That includes something as simple as dryer sheets. Sure, some people prefer liquid fabric softener but others don’t. So, if you’re someone who likes the sheets, you’ll love this information.
Life is hard enough as it is. Just imagine using something you typically throw out to save yourself time and money. Well, that’s what you get by using dryer sheets. All you need to do is consider one of these 45 plus secrets for reusing them.
41. Clean dirty pots and pans
That’s right, used dryer sheets work perfectly for cleaning dirty pots and pans. But here’s the secret. Place a sheet in the bottom of the pot or pan you need to clean. Then, fill it water and soak overnight. The next morning, stuck-on food will come right off.
42. Remove dead windshield bugs
It doesn’t matter if you drive five minutes to a local store or 50 miles to visit a friend. Bugs splatter on windshields all the time. But if you use a wet used dryer sheet, all the goo comes off pretty easily.
43. Get rid of soap scum
Stop spending so much time trying to remove soap scum in your shower or bathtub. Yep, a dampened dryer sheet will get the job done easier and faster than scrubbing with cleaning products.
44. Keep mosquitoes away
As summer approaches, the mosquitoes will come out. To avoid getting bitten, place several used dryer sheets on your body or in pockets. There’s something about the scent these nasty critters don’t like.
45. Remove crayon marks
If you have children, there’s a good chance you’ll end up with crayon marks on furniture, walls, and countertops. But you can wipe them away with a dryer sheet.
6. Use as a drawer sachet
For dresser drawers, you don’t have to buy expensive sachets to keep everything inside smelling fresh and clean. Instead, place a used dryer sheet inside. Especially in an enclosed area, the scent permeates.
7. Clean toilet bowls
When dealing with stubborn stains, here’s an easy solution. Place a dryer sheet in the bowl and let it sit overnight. The next morning, scrub it as you normally would using a brush.
8. Freshen air while you vacuum
For this, simply place a dryer sheet inside your vacuum cleaner bag or canister. Every time you vacuum floors, the scent will make your home smell great. Of course, you can use this hack when cleaning the office, too.
9. Another air freshening hack
In this case, you have two options. First, you can place a dryer sheet over your vents. When the air conditioner turns on, air will blow through the sheet and into the air. Second, attach a used dryer sheet to a fan. The same thing happens here.
10. Lubricate scissors
Although a used dryer sheet won’t sharpen your scissors, it’ll lubricate them. As a result, they’ll cut much better.
11. Clean paintbrushes
That’s right, you can even use a dryer sheet to clean paintbrushes. Just fill a small jar with water and then add a used sheet. Within about 15 minutes, you’ll find the cleaning process becomes incredibly easy.
12. Clean your computer
Not only will a used dryer sheet clean the screen on your computer but also the keyboard. Simply use it to wipe off dust and debris.
13. Remove dust from blinds
Window blinds are always a pain to clean. But not if you use a dryer sheet. The great thing about this is that in addition to removing dust, the sheet will prevent dust build-up so you don’t have to clean as often.
14. Dust furniture
You can also use a dryer sheet to dust furniture. Depending on how dirty the pieces are, you can use the sheet alone or spray on a small amount of cleaning spray.
15. Keep eyeglasses clean
Whether you wear glasses all the time, only for reading, or sunglasses on sunny days, you can keep the lens sparkling clean by using a dryer sheet to clean them. This works amazingly well.
16. Use a sheet for appliques
If you enjoy sewing, including the application of appliques, you can use a dryer sheet as the backing. Because of the woven pattern, the design will stay securely in place.
17. Clean your washing machine and dryer
After completing each load, wipe your washer and dryer out with a sheet. That’ll remove any debris left behind so it’s clean for the next load.
18. Freshen sleeping bags and tents
The next time you bring your camping gear back from a trip, place a couple of used dryer sheets inside. When you get ready for your next camping adventure, the sleeping bags and tent will smell incredible.
19. Eliminate a musty smell from books
When storing books, it’s not uncommon to pull them out of the box only to notice an unpleasant musty odor. To eliminate this, place several used dryer sheets in between multiple pages. Within a couple of days, the foul odor disappears.
20. All-purpose freshener
This is a great idea if you have pets. To get rid of dog and cat smell, place several used dryer sheets around the house. Put one in a basket, behind the curtains, near the litter box, and any other place where odors linger.
21. Make your shoes smell great
After kicking off your shoes after a long day at work, slide a used dryer sheet inside. This is also great for tennis shoes for people who love to jog or participate in sports.
22. Remove pet hair
Those sticky rollers you buy are costly and they don’t last very long. You can get the same results by using a dryer sheet to wipe off furniture, carpeting, and curtains.
23. Stop static electricity
We all hate dealing with static electricity but with a used dryer sheet, there’s no need to. Just wipe it on your hair or clothing. Instantly, the problem’s solved.
24. Make a diaper bag smell good
It only takes one dirty diaper and 10 minutes for an entire bag to smell. To prevent that from happening, place a couple of dryer sheets in the bottom of the diaper bag.
25. Freshen your car
Something as simple as placing a used dryer sheet underneath the seats, in the glovebox, and inside the center console of your car will make the interior smell so much better. And because no one can see them, they aren’t visually distracting.
26. Freshen gym bags
It doesn’t matter how much you sweat or if you put dirty workout clothes in a plastic bag before placing them in your gym bag. That bag is going to stink. Thankfully, dryer sheets help.
27. Clean TV screens
Similar to cleaning a computer screen, a dryer sheet will pick up dust from a television screen. And it won’t leave streaks that distort the picture.
28. Prevent tangled thread
This used dryer sheet hack is pretty amazing. After threading a needle, push it through a used dryer sheet. With that, a small film coats the thread, which prevents it from tangling.
29. Pick up loose hairs
Whether hair that’s fallen from your head or beard or mustache hairs in the sink, wiping them up with a dryer sheet makes the task easy. It grabs every one so you’re not going over the same area repeatedly.
30. Remove iron residue
If there’s any residue on your iron, it won’t work properly. There’s also the risk it could damage a piece of clothing. So, wipe your iron down with a used dryer sheet and the residue will come right off.
31. Make chrome shine
Whether indoors or outdoors, chrome begins to look worse for the wear over time. To bring back its original shine, use a dryer sheet to clean it.
32. Freshen laundry hampers
It doesn’t take any time before a hamper starts to stink. By placing several used dryer sheets in the bottom, the odor will be far less noticeable.
33. Clean plant leaves
When it comes to collecting dust, plant leaves are no different than furniture. To make your plant shiny and allow it to breathe, wipe the leaves off with a used dryer sheet.
34. Erase a whiteboard
After a meeting, you can remove the writing on a whiteboard by wiping it down with a used dryer sheet. It works so well that it’ll take little time to complete the job.
35. Clean hairbrushes
Along with hair, brushes collect dander, dirt, and other debris. Rather than use that on your head, run a dryer sheet through the bristles. It’ll grab all the nasty stuff you don’t want to transfer back to your hair.
36. Clean hardwood floors
Have you ever reached for a wet pad to clean your floors only to discover you’re all out? If so, you’re not alone. In a situation like this, you can use a dryer sheet instead. Not only will this clean hardwood floors but also those made with ceramic, tile, and linoleum.
37. Remove candle soot
Candles shouldn’t just smell great but also look great. But every time you light one, soot accumulates. You can remove that quickly and easily by wiping candles down with a used dryer sheet.
38. Reduce trash can odors
Even used dryer sheets work great to reduce odors from coming from a trash can. Simply place several in the bottom before adding a plastic liner.
39. Enhance the smell of towels and sheets
Linens always smell so good when they first come out of the dryer. But within a few days, the fragrance fades. To keep your towels and sheets smelling fresh longer, place a used dryer sheet in between them before placing them in the closet.
40. Freshen luggage
The next time you go on a trip, place one or two dryer sheets on the bottom of your luggage before adding your personal belongings. When you arrive at your destination, everything will smell amazing. Especially when traveling for business, you can go straight to an important meeting without taking time to freshen up.
1. Eliminate film inside of vases
It’s not fun cleaning vases. No matter how many times you run them through the dishwasher, there’s almost always a white film left behind. A great way to eliminate that is by soaking a used dryer sheet in a vase filled with water for several hours. Then, you can wipe it right off.
2. Get rid of water spots
Even if a room is clean, water spots make it look dirty. For your bathroom and kitchen faucets, you never have to work hard again to remove those unsightly spots. Just use a dryer sheet to wipe them away.
3. Get rid of mice
Mice might be cute but they can cause significant damage. If you suspect mice are getting into your home, stuff a dryer sheet in the opening. For some reason, these critters hate the smell so they’ll go elsewhere.
4. Deter fungus gnats
If you’ve ever seen tiny insects flying around your plants, they could be gnats. The problem is they multiple quickly. To deter them, place a used dryer sheet near the affected plants.
5. Protect your garden
Rabbits, deer, and other animals that love eating garden plants don’t like the fragrance of dryer sheets. So, hang several on the fence or secure them with a small rock to keep these animals away.
46. Remove paint spots
No matter how careful you are, it’s easy to get a few spots of paint on windows. Instead of using a chemical or razor blade to remove them, which seems to take forever, wipe the paint off with a dryer sheet.
47. Prevent tangled hair
As adults, we don’t like trying to pull a comb through wet hair if it’s tangled. But for children, this is a horrible experience. All you need to do is rub a used dryer sheet on wet hair and then the comb will go through with ease.
48. Make stuffed animals and toys smell great
To freshen your child’s stuffed animals, add one or more used dryer sheets to their toy box. They’ll love to snuggle with their favorite “pet” even more than usual.
49. Use as block backing for quilting
Do you love to quilt? If so, you can use dryer sheets as the backing for each block. Not only do they work incredibly well but the finished quilt will smell wonderful. And this will save you money on buying normal backing material.
50. Make your pets smell better
If you have dogs or cats that go in and out, then you know how quickly that smell permeates your house. By wiping them down with a used dryer sheet, they no longer stink. This also reduces the amount of hair brought indoors.
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Source: Pinterest, Morning Chores, Wrapped in Rust, Housewife How To’s, True Money Saver, Tip Hero, Krazy Coupon Lady, Imgur