Christmas – the favorite time of year when we exchange presents and spend the holidays with our friends and loved ones. Every year we’re faced with the task of picking gifts for people we love. That’s not always easy if we want our gift to be unique and make the person it’s intended for feel special.
Faced with the question of how to use gifts to create that special Christmas atmosphere, many people choose to use laughter. There’s nothing better than a gift that brings a smile to everyone’s face.
These 50 people have succeeded in picking the funniest gifts for their friends and made everyone’s day with sheer creativity. Just sit back, relax, and take a look at the list of these 50 most hilarious Christmas gifts we’ve compiled for you.
1. One box too many
One has to appreciate the effort that went into the making of this gift. Wrapping it probably took a while but in the end, it was worth it. After all, isn’t the expectation you feel while you’re unwrapping the gift better than actually getting your hands on the gift itself?
2. “Shirtception” – “My Favorite Christmas Gift Every Year From My Brother. Right Now We’re At Level 3”
Some of you may think that getting the same Christmas gift every year is a bit boring but it doesn’t always have to be like that. This guy certainly seems to enjoy his gift. We wonder what happens at level 10.

3. Never challenge grandma
This guy’s brother told his grandma he wanted 100 items from the dollar store for Christmas. It may have been a joke but grandma took it as a challenge. One does not simply ask 100 Christmas gifts from grandma and gets away with it.

4. If you don’t like surprises, this gift isn’t for you
Do you remember the expression: substance over form? Well, it’s the reverse in this case and we can’t say it isn’t fun.

5. “My Sister Got Me A Mask Of My Face For Christmas”
A mask of your face may be a pretty fun and unique Christmass gift but not a very practical one. At least we can say without a problem that this guy has two faces, literally.

6. Some gifts aren’t what they appear to be at a first glance
Imagine you’ve been getting colored colored pencils as a gift every Christimas and you’re color blind? It happened to this woman’s husband. He wanted an iPhone and his wish finally came true but not without a little twist.

7. “Brother Killed It At Christmas Exchange”
Trolling can be an art, like everything else. This guy’s brother proved that pretty convincingly. Good luck buying that game whenever it comes out.

8. Mean but original
Who cares about money when all we need for Christmas is love and attention? This dad wanted to be original at all cost and it worked even without having to spend a single cent.

9. “My dad, an electrician, asked for a new wire stripper for Christmas. So I made him this”
Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it. Dad got his wire stripper, only it wasn’t exactly the kind he expected. He had some good laugh when he saw this unique gift from his son.

10. “How My Graphic Designer Sister Likes To Send My Christmas Presents”
Warning: graphic content. No one could say his sister doesn’t have an excuse for sending a gift like this, she a graphic designer, after all.

11. “Every Year My Friend And I Try To Find The Most Useless Gift For Each Other. Every Year I Am Not Disappointed”
Sometimes you have to try real hard to find a totally useless gift, or you can just buy a bowl, that one never gets old. It can always be worse, like we can see from this example.

12. “100 Zip Ties And Definitely Worth It!”
He may be trolling his sister but it was not easy to make this gift. The downside is that his sister will probably hate zip ties for the rest of her life.

13. “My Girlfriend Has Problems Opening Gifts Early. I Have A Problem With People Opening Gifts Early”
We often need an insurance against people opening gifts early because that always ruins Christmas. This guy has found a simple, yet effective solution to prevent that from happening.

14. “This Little Girl Asked For Frozen Gifts This Christmas”
Her face says everything. She’ll probably remember that Christmas for the rest of her life and take revenge one day.

15. “How My Mom Wrapped My Sister’s Rug For Christmas”
There are a thousand different ways to wrap a gift but this one beats them all. You just have to love this mom’s creativity.

16. “I’m 24 and still living with my parents. This is what I got for Christmas”
Best Christmas gifts are the most useful ones. We guess he’ll think about overstaying his welcome at his parents place after receiving this gift. Be that as it may, this gift is just mean.

17. “My Friend Asked Her Parents For A 6ft Teddy Bear For Christmas. Today She Got This”
Here’s a perfect example of how small can be big. She got what she asked for and also learned an important lesson: parents always win.

18. The pizza pan war
A dad put a Pizza pan on his Christmas list but his son would not get it for years because he considered it to be too boring as a gift. When he finally yielded and got him one, he made sure they both remembered all the years of their struggle over a pizza pan.

19. “My brother is in a wheelchair. This is what he got for Xmas”
It’s hard to be the only living guy amongst the hordes of the dead. The best gifts are the ones that make us feel special and we think it’s true in this case.

20. “Last Year My Friend’s Mum Got His 94 Year Old Great Grandfather A Mug Saying, ‘Nobody Knows I’m Gay’. This Year She’s Taken It Up Another Notch”
Nobody can rock this great granddad’s boat. When you reach the same age as he, you become cool about almost everything.

21. “For a brief moment I thought my dad had gotten me an amazing Christmas present…”
The moment you realize the you’re getting the best Christmas gift ever has to be pretty amazing but the very next moment, your joy turns into utter disappointment when you finally become aware of the fact you’ve been cheated. There’s always next Christmas to look forward to, if that’s any consolation.

22. “My brother had a testicle removed last week due to cancer. I got him this for Christmas”
What better way to help a loved one get through a difficult time than cause them to laugh. Even a small smile has a huge therapeutic benefits.

23. “Son Wanted Beats For Christmas. I Delivered”
All that fancy technology can’t beat nature. We can bet these will work just as nicely as other other beats available on the market.

24. “I Wrapped A Darth Vader For My Dad. I Couldn’t Figure Out Where To Put The Light Saber”
We aren’t buying this guy’s excuse since it’s obvious what his intention was. Now, the question is, how will his dad unwrap the present, will he begin with the sword first or leave that part last. A tough decision, for sure.

25. “I buried my nieces’ presents in the backyard”
They say we need to work hard to get what we want but does this principle apply to Christmas presents too? Their cousin certainly thinks that it does.

26. It’s what inside that matters
For some reason, this husband wanted the necklace he bought his wife for Christmas to look as horrible as possible. The guy who wrapped it outdid himself with just one roll of tape.

27. “Bitcoins – Christmas Gift From My Parents”
Bitcoins as a Christmas present can be a good idea but first we need to realize that Bitcoin is actually two words ‘Bits’ and ‘Coin’. His parents will be really pleased with this gift.

28. “I mentioned to my friends that squirrels are my favorite animal. I have received squirrel related gifts every Christmas since then”
With friends like that, this guy needs no enemies. Every Christmas is a squirrel nightmare for him. He may even grow to despite squirrels eventually.

29. “My amputee brother didn’t appreciate his Christmas present”
We can all tell by the look of his face that he’s far from happy with his Christmas present. It will be payback time next Christmas.

30. “My friend got me a gag gift for Christmas… I will use these”
Here’s the right present for you if you have problems with people not returning the pens they borrow. No one will want to borrow these, ever.

31. “This is how my husbands wraps gifts. That is an old tablecloth and rope.. He said “what? I’m going green”
Why spend all that money on gift wraps that will be torn up and end up in the trash bin anyway? Old tablecloth and rope are a fine replacement for wrapping paper and the best thing is that they can be used every Christmas.

32. “The Best Way To Wrap An Iphone”
That’s a very inventive way to wrap an iPhone but it has one obvious flaw. What happens if you get too excited and wish to try out your new chair and sit on it right away?

33. “Our son wants a duffel bag for Christmas. We decided to give him cash and chocolate chip cookie ingredients as well”
Sometimes you get more than you bargained for. The one good thing about this gift is that if he ever gets abducted, he won’t have to ask his folks to pay the ransom.

34. “Just got my Christmas gift from my grandparents. I’m 31”
How many times you told your grandparents you don’t need another Spiderman toy for Christmas but they just wouldn’t listen? It happened to this guy too. Look on the bright side, a gift like this will make you feel like a kid again.

35. “My wife wanted jewelry for Christmas….don’t think she’ll be too happy”
A few days after Christmas he appeared at work with a large ring-shaped bruise on his forehead. When everyone asked what happened he said ‘I got mugged.’

36. “My friend wrapped up a toilet plunger for our white elephant party”
Using just a little bit of imagination, one can make miracles with wrapping paper. The recipient of this gift must have felt awful upon unwrapping it but who doesn’t need a toilet plunger?

37. Find the intruder
Santa suits are overused as a Christmas outfit. A grey T-shirt presents a much better alternative, the downside is, he’ll probably have a hard time telling his family members apart. Except for his dad, that is.

38. “My kid has an unhealthy obsession with who got the “biggest” present. Gift wrapped 32GB microSD card. Banana for scale”
Size doesn’t matter, we get it. Small things can do the job just as well as the… big ones.

39. “The Only Thing My Dad Asked For For Christmas Was “Creative Shit From Daughter”, So She Gave Him This”
This is what happens when you’re not specific about what you want for Christmas. Some people don’t get metaphors.

40. “My Grandma Loves Apple Pie. This Was Her Christmas Present”
Grandma will have her hands full with the Christmas present she got. It’s the best Christmas present and the best Christmas lunch at the same time.

41. “How My Dad Is Sending Out Gifts This Year”
How could dad make something as innocent as a dinosaur seem so dirty? Anyway, it’s a Christmas present his loved ones won’t soon forget.

42. “My Sister Gave Me A Very Honest Gift”
It’s not the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it. Or the size of the box. All jokes aside, the best thing about this present is the image from SpongeBob. We find it a very cute detail.

43. “Taking Gift Disguising To A New Level. This Is Just A Golf Umbrella And Was Constructed Out Of Cardboard And Duct Tape”
The effort that was put into wrapping it is often worth much more than the gift itself. Here’s one Christmas gift that’s just not worth unwrapping.

44. “My Girlfriend Wrapped Her Christmas Presents In Fast Food Bags”
‘Am I really getting a burger for Christmas this year?’ is what must have been on this guy’s mind when his girlfriend gave him the present. It turned out to be a regular Christmas gift but using fast food bags to wrap it was a brilliant idea.

45. “Custom Wrapping Paper For My Dad With His Least Favorite Picture Of Himself”
‘Didn’t I tell you I hate this picture’ dad shouted and tore up the wrapping paper. If you ever get an idea to troll your friends or family with a Christmas gift, this is one way to do it.

46. “Recently told my parents I was sexually active, and this was their Christmas present. Thanks mom and dad”
If you didn’t like using liquid soap before, you’ll change your mind after seeing this. Especially if you have a teenager in the house.

47. “How I Wrapped My Vegetarian Sister’s Present This Year”
It probably took a while to convince his sister to touch her present. When she finally did, she was relieved. You’d have to be very cruel to do something like that to a vegan.

48. “This is how I wrapped my brothers iTunes gift card (I also bought him WinRAR)”
Let’s stop for a moment and consider what’s happening here. We have an inTunes gift card wrapped in the shape of a dog and WinRAR. Do you also think WinRAR should be used to unpack this gift? That’s the only thing which could explain why someone would buy WinRAR.

49. “So It Took About 2.5 Hours To Open Everything Up… Thank You Very Much, Santa!”
Seriously, Santa? Either this Santa is a prankster, or he tried to teach the Elf how to be patient – and how to use power tools as well.

50. “My traditional grandma found out I moved in with my boyfriend… So this was her Christmas gift”
It may not be a fashionable clothing item but it’s practical. Nevertheless, don’t tell your grandma you moved in with your boyfriend if you want to avoid getting a Christmas present such as this.

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Source: Bored Panda