Not all people were born to be designers, yet somehow they end up doing the job anyway- creating disastrous results. Houses are designed to be as comfortable and functionable as possible, and it’s only after we took a look at these pictures that we realized just how much we take our homes for granted. A staircase bathroom or shower curtain blinds, anyone? If you day is in need of being brightened, then take a look at these 50 home designs that make zero sense.
1. “I Almost Fell Down And Rolled My Ankle On This”
When it becomes such a mission just go use the toilet, you’ve got to wonder why these people haven’t just built a new bathroom. Why is it on such a high ledge? it would be a leg workout every time you got up and down from there. And can you imagine if you were desperate?

2. Why is there wood separating the hallway in half?
This is either a lazy man’s way of putting a wall up, or maybe a tree just fell through the house and they couldn’t be bothered to do anything about it. A more reasonable suggestion would be that this is an uncompromisable support beam- but we like the tree idea better.

3. New kitchen style
This kitchen is like something out of our childhood dreams, and we’re not fully mad about it. In fact, our Barbie had a similar kitchen…. in 1999. She has hired herself an interior designer since and remodeled.

4. “Yup, the fridge fits boss.”
If it wasn’t for that random plank of wood at the base, the fridge would have fitted perfectly. And when it’s a choice between buying a new fridge (impossible during this pandemic) or making do, this person chose to make do. This fridge placement is probably more useful for people with back issues, as well.

5. “My parents have a bathroom with carpet that goes up the bathtub walls! Bonus points for the terrible wallpaper.”
Carpet in the bathroom? Nope. Carpet going up the sides of the bath? Nope. It’s like a field day for mould.

6. Who says crown molding is overdone?
This picture is actually pretty trippy. Is anyone else reminded of one of those Windows stacking errors? “Click ok to close” “click ok to close” “click ok to close” “click ok to close.”

7. “I think my stairs fit here.”
Just imagine trying to attempt this staircase when drunk? Oh the falls that must ensue! In fact, in the dark it likely becomes the stairway to heaven.

8. Middle class fridge. Lower class aesthetic.
At first, we thought that this fridge was in the process of being moved, still. So imagine our surprise when we realized that it was actually in its final spot?
Delivery guys: “I ain’t moving this no further!” Designer: “OK, I’ll cover it up!”

9. It’s not a mirror, it’s a doorway
We can’t help wondering what came first- the doorway, or the wardrobe? Granted, this warped door might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s not the worst thing we’ve ever seen. Maybe it’s the home of a belly dancer?

10. “Found this master suite in an otherwise normal house and I gotta say, this is my kind of nightmare.”
Once you get over its… uniqueness… this attic space is actually pretty cool, in a 70s kind of way. Though we can’t help wondering why they’ve carpeted the ceiling in the bathroom. Just imagine trying to clean the place!

11. The hidden steps
Who actually thought that these steps would be a good idea? Not only will you countlessly trip over them yourself, but it’s going to get pretty tiring making sure that your guests don’t break their necks every time they come round. This is only great if you hate people and also don’t mind being sued.

12. Up the drain it goes
The whole purpose of a shower drain is to collect water, but we’re not sure what an adequate job this one would do. No worries, the water will get out through the door first. This has to be the worst one so far!

13. “My Uncle’s House Got A Bathroom Without A Door, Literally The First Thing You See When You Enter The House.”
We love how they bothered to install some glass walls as an attempt of privacy… seriously, what were they thinking?! Well, it’s always kind of awkward to ask where the bathroom is when you’re a guest in a new house. So, maybe the uncle’s just making sure you know as soon as you walk in.

14. “My Friend’s Under-The-Stairs “Bathroom” Where The Toilet Is Diagonal And Partially Installed Into The Carpeted Wall.”
This is beyond weird. Not only does the diagonal angle mean that your knees will probably be sticking into the wall, but the brown carpet makes it seem as if you’re in some kind of weird cave. The legend says it was a white carpet at the beginning…

15. “Can’t stop thinking about this sink.”
It’s like one of those math problems where you have to try and figure out if a piece of furniture is going to fit in or not- but in this case, this person clearly wasn’t a mathematician. So they measured wrong and thought sod it? Even the microwave is shocked.

16. Kitchen made by a sofa maker
What in the name of Fiat 500 is this? Pleather over a gas stove-what could go wrong? Well, it’s certainly unique…

17. Bog standard
The one good thing about this toilet is that at least you never have to reach far for the toilet paper. In an insane way, this actually makes sense. They had good intentions, but your legs would have to be spread apart pretty far.

18. This is why they call it the throne
This bathroom literally gives us a headache- it’s like something out of a kid’s movie. Since the shower has a door, we’re going to assume that the huge shower curtain is actually there in place of a bathroom door? We’ve never been so horrified.

19. All it needs is a juke box and a soda fountain…
…and the back end of a ’59 Cadillac sticking out of the wall. What in the world possessed someone to theme their bathroom after a 50s diner? It’s certainly fun, but not to our taste.

20. Imagine the scrubber you’d need for that bad boy
While this design is certainly original, we’d question why anyone would want to sit on something so uncomfortable looking. If you filled in the gaps with an epoxy resin, it might be cool, but this looks impossible to keep clean as it is. Someone well and truly reached rock bottom with that design.

21. How do you stand in this?
Maybe you sit on the rock instead of standing. Then, close your eyes and imagine you’re a mermaid in a waterfall. It must be a way to encourage people to take shorter showers.

22. “I can just imagine the whole house shaking like crazy.”
Well, it did provide a much-needed shelf to the bathroom…The air freshner and toilet paper were really placed there with a lot of optimism. Let’s see how long it takes before those lovely new tiles have cracked.

23. This Single Square Inch Of Raised Carpet Complete With Lining
It fills us with an unexplainable joy to think that someone actually took time out of their day to carpet this one tiny piece of raised floor. It’s like your very own designated toe-stubbing point. Carpet hides a multitude of sins.

24. Would you use this sink?
This is just straight-up creepy. Imagine coming in with no/dim lighting and seeing that in the corner? It doesn’t even seem clever, or artistic, but rather just in the way.

25. Imagine using this while drunk
We’d put any bet down that this is one of these places that only put in a bathroom so that they could get a higher star rating. The thing is, if there’s no room for a toilet, then you really shouldn’t bother. You can’t even sit on it. Where would your right leg go?

26. “My friend just finished a kitchen remodel”
We’re guessing they bought ready made cabinets to save money and this was as close as they could get to center. Is it really bothering anyone else how nothing is lining up? Who forgot to measure?

27. This risky staircase
This staircase is like an accident waiting to happen. Imagine being in this bedroom and really needing the bathroom? We’d rather hold it all night than risk these steps in the dark. Designing your own death? That’s bold.

28. Get some red duct tape
Ah, yes. The good ole Toe Buster 300. This jutting out ledge is so invisible that it took us a second before we even spotted it. Our toes cringe just looking at this picture.

29. “Prayers For The Contractor Who Had To Call These Homeowners And Explain They Needed A Second Set Of Front Doors Because. Math”
This house might be selling for a couple of million, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have its flaws. We love how the doormat has been placed in front of the one set of useable doors, as a helpful reminder of which ones to use. Designed to confuse Jehovahs Witnesses.

30. The shower with blinds instead of curtains
We can think of a million different ways that this could go wrong. And with the blinds are outside of the tub, water from the shower will inevitably end up on the bathroom floor unless they are pulled inside the tub. We guess cleaning the water off the floor isn’t that problematic for some?

31. “Is it possible to change this?”
Is there really any need for those extra two steps? They just end up making things a whole lot more confusing than they need to be. What responsible human would allow this to occur?

32. “This is making me mad and giving me amnesia.”
There are so many things going on in this room that we don’t quite know what to look at first. Let’s start with the TV- what’s the need for it being so high up? What happens if it breaks? Why are there renaissance paintings on the ceiling? We’ve never been so confused.

33. “My grandma’s bathroom.”
If this bathroom doesn’t say “grandma” then we don’t know what does. It’s a nice big tub, we’ll give them that, but wall-to-wall carpeting in a washroom is just wrong. Bonus points for the toilet rug on top of the carpet.

34. “The Bathroom Door Of The New Place My Girlfriend And I Just Moved Into. I Was Sat At The Dining Table When I Took This”
If you’ve got a phobia of going to the loo in public, then this bathroom might not be for you. Just what you want to see when you’re eating at the dinner table. They need to invest in a curtain, sharpish!

35. The Queen’s seat
From a hygiene point of view, our inner clean-freaks are going mad about this. Because seriously, does a toilet really need a cover- let alone such an extravagant one? Not the most sanitary of items, that’s for sure.

36. Quarantine entrance- keep those COVID germs at bay
This looks practical for farmhouses and the like for a back door, walk in, wash off all the mud, keep moving. It is like next level mud room. And the one thing we will say, is that at least they put some rubber under the door to stop the water from seeping through.

37. The Raised Cutout Of This Ceiling Doesn’t Allow The Fan To Suck In Any Air
Well that sucks. Or not. To be honest, we’re not a fan of this.

38. Tiles that already look dirty
These things don’t even look like they’ve been put in straight. Why do this, when the rest of the kitchen looks clean and lovely?! What’s more, we’re pretty sure these are actually wall tiles…

39. A corner stove
In a small kitchen space, sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. But we just can’t get our heads around this slanted stove. The corner of that hood looks like a concussion waiting to happen!

40. Creative
Why is the toilet diagonal? How would it even be possible to get the lid up? But there’s one benefit to all this: Now you can wash your hands while you are on the toilet.

41. “Calgon, take me far far away from here”
Was this bathroom designed by someone who has so much money that they don’t know what to do with it? Possibly. But we’re going to say it: after the monstrosities we’ve seen in other pictures, we actually don’t particularly mind this bathroom. It’s like a bathroom that’s based on a dream journal entry, but we kind of love it.

42. “This “Form Over Function” Kitchen In My Apartment”
Who on earth designed this kitchen? The oven-fridge picture hurt the most, as we could literally hear the sound just by looking at it. This looks as if it was designed by someone who’s never used a kitchen before in their life.

43. Yin Yang couple bath tub
If you’ve ever tried to share a bath as a couple before, then you’ll know that expectation vs reality is a whole lot different. This Yin Yang bath actually seems perfect to us, as both of you can have your own space, while still being together- and both of you have control over the temperature of your water.

44. Toilet room design
It’s like the 80s was sick all over this room. All that they need now is a crocheted shark doll toilet roll cover to complete the look. And what on earth is that on the toilet tank??

45. Staircase bathroom
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again- if there’s not enough room for a bathroom, then we don’t suggest putting one in. At least the toilet is in a more stable place here, but who wants to wash their hands halfway up a flight of stairs?

46. “Why: 1. They Put In A Sliding Door To A Bedroom. 2. They Placed Curtains On The Outside Of It. 3. They Also Placed The Lock On The Outside?”
There’s so many things about this room that just don’t make sense. The only explanation possible is that this house belongs to a kidnapper who wants to monitor his victim. Creepy.

47. 8000 Magic cards covering 39m²
This isn’t exactly to our taste, but there’s no denying that it’s pretty cool. And it’s probably one of the most expensive floors that we’ve ever seen. This floor would be great for a games room.

48. Mouldy floor pattern
Why would you pay money to tile your floor with tiles like this? Between that and the grungy grout, it’s going to give someone an asthma attack. Drop some blue cheese on there and you’d never find it again.

49. Imagine Being A Firefighter And Entering A Dark Smoke-Filled House From The Outside Through This Window
We can’t help loving this pointless little ledge. We would find a way to get up there and take a book for some distraction-free reading. After seeing all of these other pictures, we’re surprised there’s not a toilet up there.

50. This throne room
What pains us the most is that this ugly tile work must have taken so long to complete. Like seriously, who does this stuff? At least it’s easier to clean than wall-to-wall carpet.

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Source: Bored Panda