Vaseline: it’s that little clear tub that your mother always kept in the medicine cabinet when you were growing up. You probably weren’t sure what it was for. Maybe your mom rubbed it on your chest for some reason whenever you were sick.

Now that you’re an adult, you’ve likely heard of the ways that Vaseline can help moisturize dry skin. That alone should be enough to endear it to you! But there’s a secret: Vaseline is actually one of the most versatile things you can keep at home.

That’s right, it’s not just for soothing sore elbows now. Vaseline has a use in every room in your house, and then some. If there was ever a medicine cabinet item that could be called a “jack of all trades,” Vaseline would be it!

It’s perfect for everything from soothing chapped skin to lubricating squeaky doors, getting stuck rings off of fingers, and protecting your car engine. If you love makeup but you’re also budget-conscious, you can use it to revitalize old eyeshadows, make your own lip gloss, or bring a shine to your cheeks.

Basically, when you said you’d never become your mom, you were wrong. Everyone needs Vaseline in their medicine cabinet.