Modern fashion has always been a weird mix of beautiful clothing items and others that are completely bizarre. This list focuses on the bizarre. We’re not sure what these people and designers were thinking.
They probably thought that they were the height of fashion when they were parading down the street.
From the guy who wore a shirt with dozens of Britney Spears pictures on it to the women who wore a bird’s nest on her head, these people are out there every day pushing the boundaries of what is cool and what isn’t. In the modern fashion world, anything goes. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone necessarily has to agree with their goofy style choices.
The first mistake here was probably wearing tie-dye. That hasn’t been in style for decades now. However, the series of random holes in the t-shirt was definitely a nice touch as well.
We actually like the pattern on these leggings. The main issue with them is the color. It is the same as her skin color. In a way, it kind of just looks like the patterns are tattooed on her legs.
It’s not entirely clear what is going on here. Are they sweatpants or a sweatshirt, or both? It really doesn’t make a lot of sense. We suppose that the arms could be wrapped around the waist like a belt…
4. Extremely Ripped Jeans
If you are going to wear pants with holes this big, what is the point of even wearing pants at all? She might as well have put on jean shorts. They would have looked about the same.
It’s one thing to shop at IKEA. They have a fantastic selection of DIY furniture that you can put together. However, this woman took it a step further and made herself a very fashionable DIY top.
Denim is in style these days. However, these outfits might be a bit excessive. They are full denim suits made from recycled jeans.
This one was spotted at Walmart. If it was Halloween, the outfit would be totally acceptable. In fact, it would be an excellent choice. However, we’re not so sure about using it as an outfit for everyday wear.
Here we have some shoes that look like pigeons. In the middle of the city, they blend right in. Pigeons in parks are just a normal part of life in the big metropolises.
Shoes that look like a woman wearing a bikini might be okay on a store shelf, for novelty purposes… However, once you put them on, the face and body are no longer visible. It sort of defeats the purpose.
When someone came up with the idea for a cat-shaped backpack, there was a lot of potential for it to be really cute. They could have made something similar to the Hello Kitty style and it would have been great. Instead, they created this freaky-looking creature.
These guys have some pretty crazy looking boots. They are just as good for skiing as they are for walking. Not to mention, if you get in a fight, you can use them as a weapon.
Here we have some leggings that look like muscles. They aren’t the sexy kind of muscles either. These are the kind that are normally only seen in a medical textbook.
One of the worst parts about walking around on a windy day is that your hair gets blown around and messed up. However, not with this jacket. It has a convenient hair window in the back to keep your luscious locks from moving.
Faux fur has been making a resurgence lately. However, this man looks like a real-life gorilla. We imagine that he is probably pretty warm though.
This is the perfect outfit for a late-night crime spree or num-chuck fight out in the streets. Although, this person wears it all of the time. It kind of looks like he is wearing black garbage bags on his body.
Here we have the perfect fishing tackle bag. It appears as though the woman is just casually walking around the city with it and using it as a purse. It looks like an actual fish.
This is what it looks like when you can’t find any matching clothes to wear. You just have to throw on whatever isn’t dirty and pray that no one sees you. Laundry day can’t come soon enough.
All of those people who only use one belt to hold up their pants are doing it wrong. Using four belts is a much more secure method. That way if one happens to break, you still have three more as backups.
Most individuals tell the time using a watch or their cellphone. However, it’s always a good idea to have an alternative option. With this stylish bag, you’ll never be late for an appointment ever again.
It’s one thing to be religious. It’s another thing to wear a representation of Jesus on a cross on your sunglasses. Let’s hope that he doesn’t wear them while driving. It looks like the cross might partially obscure his vision.
These pants have so many great things going for them. They combine outer space, bright colors, and cats all into one beautiful creation. What is there not to like?
The denim skirt would have been fine on its own. However, the woman then added denim boots to the outfit. The combination ended up looking pretty ridiculous.
We’re not sure if this woman is wearing a jacket or if she just has really wild hair. Honestly, it could be either. The end result looks like something out of a Star Wars movie.
Somehow, these shoes seem like they could easily present a tripping hazard. The toes on them are just so awkward. Although, on the other hand, they are also very stable for when you are just standing around.
If you’re not sure whether to wear jeans or shorts, don’t worry, these pants are here to save the day. They are a mix of both. One leg is long and the other is short.
Steve Buscemi is a fantastic actor. There is no denying that. However, you pretty much have to be a super fan of his to wear yoga pants like these.
When you’re in a hurry and can’t find a hat to wear, why not just throw a piece of lettuce on your head? That’s what this woman did. It was a very eco-friendly fashion choice.
You would have to have a lot of confidence to wear these goofy flip flops out in public, or should we say fish flops. They are shaped like two wide-mouthed bass. There is no way that they are comfortable.
These heels are downright creepy. The heel in the back is a miniature leg. It looks like it was ripped off of a Barbie doll and attached to the shoe.
There is nothing that screams high fashion quite like wearing a bird’s nest on your head. Let’s just hope a bird doesn’t choose to actually land on the nest. We could totally see her getting attacked.
We’ve heard of jean jackets before. However, this is literally a jacket made from a pair of jeans. It must be some sort of weird fashion statement as it only really covers the shoulders.
This guy knows that adding bright colors to a wardrobe makes a person look much younger. The same goes for hair. Some rainbow-colored beads and braids can take ten years off of your appearance overnight.
A little sag in the jeans can be stylish on the right person. However, wearing jeans that hang below the knees is not. Luckily, the man hid the rest of his undergarments with his extra-long shirt.
Gummy worms are a delicious candy. We don’t recommend wearing them on your head though. They are meant for eating, yet, somehow, this guy never got the memo.
There is something a little backwards about this photo. Can you see what it is? The kid likes to wear his hoodies in the opposite direction as everyone else.
Here we have another man who likes to wear his pants a little lower than normal. He doesn’t have the extra-long shirt to match though. Instead, he is completely exposed.
We’re not sure whether this is a fashion statement or just someone being cheap. It looks like they had some holes in their clothes. Then decided to patch them up with an entire roll of green tape.
This woman’s outfit looks like one of those optical illusions where if you stare at it for a long time, the lines start moving. It makes us dizzy just seeing her at a distance. If we got any closer, we might become cross-eyed.
Wearing two pairs of socks is an ingenious trick for making shoes that are too big fit better. Most people don’t advertise that they are doing it. However, this guy rolled up his pants to make it as obvious as possible.
The cat t-shirt is pretty cool on its own. However, add a black bra on top of it and it instantly becomes even cooler. It looks like the cat is wearing sunglasses.
How is the man balancing like that? It has to be hard on his feet, or should we say hooves. Maybe he is one of those half-human half-horse centaur creatures that we’ve read about.
At first, we thought this person was wearing a basket on their head. It would make more sense, as you could actually carry stuff in it. However, upon closer inspection, it appears to be a random piece of decorated chicken wire.
Here we have another man rocking the rolled-up socks and pant legs look. He even has two pairs of pants on at the same time. Is this actually a fashion trend? If so, we find it hard to believe…
These girls must all be copying the same fashion magazine. If you start at the top and work your way down, the jeans get progressively worse. The first pair has minor holes, the second one has medium-sized holes, and the third one is completely tattered.
There’s nothing to see here, folks. It’s just a man in a full spandex leopard print outfit posing with a pineapple. It’s no cause for concern. It’s completely normal.
Leather cowboy boots are cool. So are leather sandals. However, mix them together and you get something much more bizarre. Just check out this kid’s footwear for proof.
The key to looking good in a suit is to get it fitted properly. You should also choose a normal color such as black or blue. Unfortunately, this man failed on both of those fronts.
We aren’t even going to criticize this guy. We are in love with his amazing style. Although, we probably wouldn’t have the confidence it takes to wear the fun outfit out in public for ourselves.
When you can’t find a good pair of shoes to wear, why not just wrap your feet in plastic wrap? That’s what this woman did. It keeps her feet clean, and when she gets home, she can just throw the plastic away.
Making your own clothes at home can be fun too. Apparently, this woman is a big fan of Apple computers and iPhones. She has the company logos plastered all over her.
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Modern fashion has always been a weird mix of beautiful clothing items and others that are completely bizarre. This list focuses on the bizarre. We’re not sure what these people and designers were thinking.
They probably thought that they were the height of fashion when they were parading down the street.
From the guy who wore a shirt with dozens of Britney Spears pictures on it to the women who wore a bird’s nest on her head, these people are out there every day pushing the boundaries of what is cool and what isn’t. In the modern fashion world, anything goes. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone necessarily has to agree with their goofy style choices.