Life can throw you some curveballs and that’s especially true nowadays. In the age of the internet, people have to be aware that their expectations might not always line up with reality. With sites like Amazon, Wish, and many more all advertising cheap, quick products, some deals seem too good to be true. Unfortunately, often that’s exactly what they are.
There’s an adage that says you should never order clothing online. There’s a good reason for this — people all over the world have had tragic and sometimes hilarious results when they tried to go the online route. But the adage doesn’t just apply to clothes. There are all sorts of things that you might try to order only to find them wildly off base from your expectations.
Of course, the internet didn’t start this phenomenon. The real problem is with advertising and the way it can mislead you! As annoying as it is, however, it often has hilarious results, as evidenced by these 50 people who didn’t get what they expected. Lucky for us, we get to sit back and laugh at their misfortune.
Enjoy these posts about people who didn’t get what they expected — and be careful next time you shop – especially online.
This poster ordered an iron-on patch to proclaim their interest in intelligent life on other planets. Unfortunately, what they got was a cry from help from those of us who are earthbound.
This hilarious Amazon review came with a picture of a very annoyed cat. The poster tried to look on the positive side — it offered full coverage for kitty. Unfortunately, the daughter hated it and so did the cat.
That advertisement certainly sets up the expectation of a large blanket big enough to cuddle up with your whole family. The blanket the poster got was enough to cover a family of mice, maybe. It’s not exactly the warm and cozy picture you see.
This teddy bear probably comes alive at night to chase you through your dreams. It was $109 and $50 were just for those monster legs. Hello, customer service, I’d like to return a demon bear as soon as possible.
Deadpool is one of the coolest of the superheroes, so it’s no wonder someone wanted a costume to roleplay as Ryan Reynolds. Unfortunately, they got Deadpool’s dumber cousin’s costume instead. What would Stan Lee say?
6. How to turn Minnie Mouse into your kid’s nightmare.
Young kids often get obsessed with certain cartoon characters and it can get annoying for parents to have to watch the same shows and movies over and over again. Maybe this was a parent’s clever idea to make their kid hate Minnie Mouse forever?
Not only does this sandwich have way too much bread and way too little chicken (unlike its sumptuous advertisement), that is a disgusting amount of mustard. Seriously, what person puts that much mustard on a sandwich? Why are they allowed to make sandwiches?
Did the advertisement specify that there would be all 26 letters of the alphabet in the package? Doesn’t everyone need 40 L beads? You can spell so many things with L! Plus, you have a couple of Ts and Ns up in the corner.
Oh, you wanted a cute lion floral arrangement, like one happily peeking at you from a flower bush? We’ve provided a terrifying googly-eyed monster. It doesn’t want to eat you – it just wants to stare into your soul.
Those scroll-down menus for sizing on some websites can be tricky. You have to make sure that you clicked the right size and that it’s recorded correctly. This girl obviously accidentally clicked on size minus 10.
Hmm, time to dig into my big, juicy sandwich! Or at least, it’s time to eat my roll and tomato. Wait, there’s a thin disc of sad meat down at the bottom, too. Doesn’t it look delicious?
Computer mice are almost obsolete now. But if you’re going to use one, you might as well make it look as cool as the mouse in the advertisement. Still, at least this poster only paid a couple of bucks for it.
13. Ruining yet another beloved childhood character.
There’s nothing like a surrealist picture of Bugs Bunny rendered in ice cream. The best part is his terrifying blue eyes. It’s so easy to turn a beloved childhood character into a monster.
The poster explains that this person was hired to entertain at a birthday party. Yes, you read that right. Man-Covered-With-Sponges expected to be paid for showing up dressed in sponges.
There was a significant misunderstanding here but if you’re a fan of The Office, you’ll get how awesome this really is. After he played. Did he try to turn a cartwheel?
There’s really no explaining these bizarre Frankenshoes. Are they made from two different shoes welded together? Are they supposed to have an odd platform at the bottom? How are you supposed to wear these?
This cute panda is supposed to be large enough that kids can lay on it and cuddle. I guess they could still do that, but it’s not very comfortable to lay on a small round ball.
18. Well, they just need to update the description.
This poster ordered a mug that was supposed to change when exposed to heat, as from hot tea or coffee. It’s clearly illustrated on the side of the mug, as you can see. Wouldn’t it be cool if this mug did that? I guess we can only dream.
19. And that’s why I don’t eat bruschetta anymore.
Here’s another post where delicious food was promised and the result makes you lose your appetite a bit. Did the chef actually look at that and think that it was edible? Next time, let’s order from the Chinese place across town.
There is one thing that this seller got right about the product shipped to this unfortunate man. Even the nice version of that poncho is ugly. So at least they got that part down pat.
21. I’ll think about this every time I see a poodle for the rest of my life.
I wish I had a nickel every time that I’m trying to buy a poodle and someone tries to sell me drug-addicted weasels. I have so many questions. Why did they have so many ferrets? How did they give them steroids? I need to know!
Sometimes when people order an underwater puzzle, what they really want is a landscape. Still, they managed to put the whole thing together without any guide, which is impressive!
23. Who’s to say real aliens don’t look like this?
This poster says they placed an order for a traditional Croatian cake at their local Eastern European bakery. Apparently, the staff wasn’t familiar and delivered quite a literal interpretation of the order.
In this bizarre example of bad advertising, these acoustic sound panels will do exactly nothing they’re supposed to do. How much did the poster pay for these, exactly?
26. Yet another unrealistic beauty standard for women.
Well, this lovely face mask should be enough to exfoliate a very small part of her face. Maybe that’s all she was going for? At least her forehead will look great.
Maybe this is the version for someone on a diet. If you just want the flavor of pancakes and sausage, but without the calories, just gnaw on this special pancake stick.
Can you imagine the disappointment if you gave this lollipop to a child? Don’t the lollipop makers think about that when they’re creating misleading panda packaging? Think of the children!
29. I don’t remember this part of Game of Thrones.
The poster says they ordered the shirt on the left for a Game of Thrones event. Needless to say, the people at the event were probably somewhat confused. Which season was this in?
I’ve got to be honest, the cake that this poor couple got has a distinct toilet vibe to it. The poster says they got a refund and chose a cake at random from another bakery.
I can’t stop laughing at the pure terribleness of the cake on the right. What person thought that those odd dough-people belonged on top of a cake that was going to be seen by wedding guests?
When you only have two M&Ms, you had better savor them slowly. It’s pretty disappointing, considering the package shows a brownie that is bursting with M&Ms.
33. Well, that will draw some odd looks at the pool.
Hopefully, this cake isn’t an attempt to capture a beloved family pet. I have so many questions. Why does it have fingernails? What’s up with the flower nose?
This is so tragic it’s actually hilarious. That poor kid looks so let down — they were obviously expecting a fun-filled day in the sun. Unfortunately, they got the world’s saddest sprinkler.
I don’t even know where to begin with this on one. What’s the craziest part? Is it the bizarre shape of her body? The addition of flowers on her dress? The fact that anyone thought this was okay to give to a customer?
This isn’t the worst online purchase fail of all time but it’s still pretty far off the mark. When was the last time you saw, say, a vampire wearing a jacket?
Bob Ross was known for his belief in “happy little accidents” but we’re betting that even he would have a hard time finding something to say about this shirt. He’s just a happy little blob.
Hopefully, this guy got the jacket on a discount because they’ve shorted him about a third of it. If he’s prone to hot flashes solely in his abdomen, though, it’s the perfect jacket for him.
Getting the completely wrong product delivered didn’t stop this guy. Instead of throwing it back in the box, he decided to put on his new dress and strut his stuff.
Life can throw you some curveballs and that’s especially true nowadays. In the age of the internet, people have to be aware that their expectations might not always line up with reality. With sites like Amazon, Wish, and many more all advertising cheap, quick products, some deals seem too good to be true. Unfortunately, often that’s exactly what they are.
There’s an adage that says you should never order clothing online. There’s a good reason for this — people all over the world have had tragic and sometimes hilarious results when they tried to go the online route. But the adage doesn’t just apply to clothes. There are all sorts of things that you might try to order only to find them wildly off base from your expectations.
Of course, the internet didn’t start this phenomenon. The real problem is with advertising and the way it can mislead you! As annoying as it is, however, it often has hilarious results, as evidenced by these 50 people who didn’t get what they expected. Lucky for us, we get to sit back and laugh at their misfortune.
Enjoy these posts about people who didn’t get what they expected — and be careful next time you shop – especially online.