Online shopping has become one of the most popular ways of shopping in the world, from groceries to clothes, people can just enter their card details online are able to have everything delivered to their door step, without even taking a step outside their home.
However, how many times we wished we could take our money back after receiving a product that barely resembled what we had originally thought we bought! Here you will find 58 occasions where people were tricked into buying products that were nothing to do with the ads they had initially seen.

1) A Little High
Why did they put the pockets so high up?! Who could possibly walk around like that all the time?

2) A Stellar Substitution
When you order groceries online and they don’t have the item you requested in stock on the day of delivery, the store sometimes tries to find an alternative or substitution for your item. This person ordered some lovely spring-time flowers. The supermarket didn’t have any, so sent spring onions instead. They look lovely in that vase!

3) Oh Dear
This is the perfect example of ‘Expectation vs Reality’. The image on the left shows a stylish and intricately designed pair of jeans with delicate lacework running along the legs. The real pair of jeans, however, are just embarrassing to look at and awkward to wear.

4) Not The Desired Effect
Shopping for clothes online can be so much easier and more convenient, but it can backfire in big ways. Just ask this girl.

5) Comfy?
This guy does not look happy! To be fair to the seller, they did put the word “Boys” in the product title, so it should have been clear to any potential buyers that the chair probably wasn’t going to be adult-sized.

6) Why?
We have no idea what happened here or why, but we can’t stop laughing about it. The ‘thumbs up’ pose really makes the image so much better.

7) Even The Cat Hates It
We have no idea how the model in the photo managed to wear this thing considering how small it turned out to be! Even the buyer’s cat felt uncomfortable in it, but at least it covered her nipples.

8) Always Read The Small Print
At first glance, you might think these pajamas have a simple little black and white pattern on, but when you start to look closer, some rather explicit images begin to appear…

9) Kitty’s Going On An Adventure
Imagine buying a backpack and getting something no bigger than the palm of your hand! What is anyone supposed to put in such a small bag?

10) That’s Just Low
Sellers who do stuff like this are just the worst of the worst. Technically, they’re not even breaking the rules, as they gave the buyer exactly what they advertised, but it’s still a very sneaky trick to play.

11) You Can Fry Half An Egg
Maybe you could fry a baby tomato in that thing. Or a single slice of onion. Or half of an egg. Or a quarter of a burger patty.

12) Not Quite The Same
Imagine ordering a Star Trek uniform and getting a DHL T-shirt instead. That’s what happened to this unfortunate online shopper.

13) It’s So Small
Gosh, the lady in that photo sure must be tiny if she can wrap herself up like that in such a teeny tiny blanket.

14) But How Does It Taste?
Okay, this cake is super ugly and definitely not at all like the one pictured on the left, but maybe if it still tastes okay, it’s not a total loss.

15) Burn It!
This is just terrifying! The mask in the photo looks pretty cute and fluffy, but the one that arrived is hideous! They could make a horror film based all around that mask.

16) Just One
The photo online only showed one shoe, so this person only got one shoe in the mail! How are you expected to go out or do anything at all with only one shoe?!

17) Why Would You Buy That Anyway?
We have to wonder why anyone would even want to order a shirt with a bunch of weird Trump faces all over it, so getting this one with Kim Jong Un’s face instead seems pretty fitting.

18) Size Matters
Here’s another example of a product seeming to be a lot bigger in the images online than it really is in reality. If you think you’re getting a great deal on something like a rug, be sure to check all the measurements before confirming your order.

19) Whoops
The product images for this dainty dress made it seem gorgeous online, but when it arrived, this girl soon discovered that the bottom half was actually totally transparent!

20) That’s False Advertising
You really should be able to sue the people who try and sell products like this! It looks nothing at all like the image shown on the internet!

21) Mermaid Or Pig?
A girl bought this snuggly blanket expecting to feel warm, cozy, and look like a fairy tale mermaid all at the same time. In reality, she looked more like a pig than a sultry siren of the sea.

22) So Stylish…
This poor guy thought he was getting a super cool poncho, perfect to give himself a stylish new look while going out on dates or hanging with his friends, but the effect wasn’t quite what he’d anticipated after seeing the photos online.

23) What A Joke
When you look at the outside of this unicorn calendar, you think it must be beautiful, with lots of richly detailed, wonderfully illustrated images throughout. Then you hand over the cash, get it shipped to your home, and open it up to see these awful drawings inside.

24) Wish You Were Here?
You probably wouldn’t want to send a postcard from this vacation. Some travelers booked this rental place, expecting to enjoy a week of luxury after viewing the photos online, but when they arrived, the pool wasn’t quite what they expected.

25) At Least They Look Comfortable
Buying shoes online is always a big risk. It’s hard to get the sizes right, and you never know how shoes are going to look on your feet until you actually have them there in front of you. In this case, it’s clear that the images shown online do not reflect the final product!

26) Not Happy
Uh oh. This poor kitty must have been so excited to get her own tree, with posts to scratch, hidey holes to hide in, and lots of soft fluffy platforms to curl up on. Unfortunately, it just couldn’t stand up straight.

27) A Little Too Big
This guy ordered an inflatable Santa Claus for Christmas, thinking it would be about the size of a person so he could put it in his yard or around the house as a fun decoration. It turned out to be almost as tall as his house!

28) A Little On The Small Side
Size matters when it comes to blankets. A blanket that is too small, like this one, is no use to anybody. You can’t cover yourself up with something like that on a cold winter night or get cozy beneath it with a loved one. What a disappointment.

29) Too Good To Be True
If you see some kind of designer brand clothing or accessory online at a super low price, it’s probably a fake! This person ordered some ‘Wulf’ boots and thought they got an awesome deal, but then opened the package and saw that life had played a trick on them.

30) What?
Here’s an odd one. Someone ordered a light bulb, but instead received a fidget spinner hiding inside a light bulb box!

31) Half Way There
This unlucky man ordered a kayak online, but only half it arrived! He later learned that the kayak was being delivered in two separate halves, coming from two different locations. We hope he didn’t try heading out on the water in that thing.

32) Teeny Tiny Gun
If only all guns were this small, maybe the world would be a much better place! This online shopper ordered a toy gun, expecting a fake, plastic, regular-sized gun to use as a costume accessory. In reality, they received a toy gun which is about the right size to be held by an action figure.

33) Wanna Play?
Once again, we have an example of an online shopper falling victim to the old “Print out a photo and send it in the mail instead of sending the actual item” trick. Poor guy.

34) Super Skinny Jeans
We’ve heard of skinny jeans, but this is just ridiculous! You’d have to be a stickman to get into those things.

35) How Dumb Can You Be?
So, here we have a girl who ordered some party stuff as she was planning a secret surprise party for her mom. She wrote a little message to the company, asking them to be careful with the packaging so that the whole ‘surprise’ element of the party wouldn’t be ruined. Unfortunately, they didn’t quite understand the message.

36) King Of The Jungle
The whole point of flowers is that they’re pretty to look at, especially when they’re beautifully arranged by a professional, as we can see in the image on the left. The bouquet that arrived, however, is severely lacking in symmetry.

37) A Tiny TV
A guy ordered a TV stand on Amazon. This is what he got. It was actually designed to be placed in a doll house.

38) How Unflattering
We can’t help but feel that whoever drew this awful picture of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle either hates them or has never seen them! Those are the only possible explanations for such an ugly drawing of two good-looking people.

39) Another Doll House Accessory
Here’s another unlucky shopper accidentally ordering a teeny tiny doll house item instead of a full-size product. So many people fall into this trap and think they’re getting awesome deals, only to discover the truth when little packages arrive in their mailboxes.

40) Where’s His Body?
It looks like someone sucked out all the fluff and body of this bear, leaving nothing but an empty shell behind. We still love him, though.

41) Such A Let-Down
This girl probably thought she was going to look beautiful in that stunning dress when she saw the images online, but just look at what actually arrived in the mail!

42) Lesson Learned
At least this girl, and many other online shoppers, learn their lesson after incidents like this one. Once you get burned once by a bad internet seller, you start being way more careful about what you order online.

43) It’s So Different
At least some of the items in this list look mostly like the images shown online, but this one really looks nothing like the advertised product! The dragon is totally different and looks so unprofessional compared to the image on the left.

44) Curse You, Autocorrect
Usually, people blame the seller when online orders go wrong, but in this case, we can all just blame autocorrect. A family was ordering a birthday cake. They wanted a little blonde girl sitting on top, but autocorrect changed ‘blonde’ to ‘blind’ in the text message, resulting in this hilarious mistake.

45) Looking Good
This muscular dude wanted a cool tank top to show off the results of his hard work at the gym, but the final product turned out to be way longer than he ever expected.

46) That’s Just Not Fair
This one is super sneaky too! If you saw that picture, you’d assume that the pillowcase you’re ordering is the dinosaur one seen in the image, not just a photo of the kid printed onto a regular old pillowcase.

47) A Face Mask For Cats
Maybe the cat should try this one on for size. That face mask is never going to fit a grown person.

48) Wow
This is just unreal. The dress in the online images looks nicely made, perfectly proportioned, and flawlessly cut to flatter the model’s figure. The one that arrived is just plain wrong from top to bottom.

49) Not Such A Good Deal
It’s easy to be distracted by low price tags when shopping online and simply order items without reading through all the details. The girl who ordered this chair saw a picture of a cute chair and a $10 price tag beside it. She didn’t think twice when hitting the ‘Buy Now’ button, but she definitely regretted it when the little chair arrived.

50) Better Than The Book
Someone ordered 50 Shades of Grey online. They were expecting the famous erotic novel. Instead, they got this hilarious gag gift.

51) What Happened!?
What even happened here!? Did something attack the blanket on its way to the buyer’s home? It bears no resemblance whatsoever to the cozy blue blanket seen in the photo. This is what happens when you order from those super low budget sites.

52) What Long Legs You Have
It’s funny how just one little change to a bear’s body can transform it from being cute and adorable to super weird! The bear in the photo looks sweet and lovely, but the one that arrived looks like a drunk uncle passed out at a party in a bear suit.

53) Just Like Ryan Reynolds
Whoever ordered this costume was super excited about dressing up like Daredevil and heading off to a costume party with his buddies. Unfortunately, the cool-looking costume in the picture was nothing like this ugly mess that turned up on his doorstep.

54) Ha!
This one is pretty hilarious. A girl ordered some earrings from AliExpress. They never arrived, so she applied for a refund, but the seller asked for “evidence” that the earrings never arrived. So the girl sent him photos of her inexistent earrings as evidence.

55) No, You Haven’t Sent It!
We’ve seen plenty of examples throughout this list of people receiving exactly what they ordered, but here’s an example of one poor guy getting something very different to what he was expecting! He ordered some jeans and shades but got a sexy red dress instead. It suits his figure pretty well though.

56) The Cat Can Go Camping
Again, we have an issue with the size here. Someone bought this backpack expecting a typical, backpack-sized backpack. Instead, they wound up with something that is just about the right size for this cute cat.

57) Don’t Go Out In That
We really hope the unlucky lady who ordered this dress online never dared to step outside in it. It’s so different to the images online!

58) What Are You Trying To Say?
Someone ordered a Russian flag and got an LGBTQ+ rainbow flag instead. Given that Russia is notoriously unfriendly to members of the LGBTQ+ community, it seems like this was an intentional prank.

The next time you decide to buy something online or from telemarketing maybe you should think of it twice! Be careful where you spend your hard-working money.