Your hydrogen peroxide bottle is more versatile than you think. In fact, it’s too good to be just sitting in your first-aid kit.
From disinfecting wounds to covering your dark roots, the clear liquid can be used in so many ways. Some of them might even be new news to you.
To help you make the most out of your bottle, here are 60 awesome ways to use hydrogen peroxide around your home.
1. Disinfecting gardening tools
If you’re into gardening, make sure to clean your garden tools. This will help prevent rust and minimize the spread of plant diseases. You can soak your tools in a 6% to 9% solution or use a sprayer to clean them.

2. Remove sweat stains
One Good Thing by Jillee shares an effective way to deal with the yellow stains on your white shirts. . What you need to do is combine 1 part of your dish soap with 2 parts hydrogen. Remember to stir the mixture well before applying to the stain. Sprinkle some baking soda on the area and scrub. Wait for at least an hour before washing the shirt as usual.

3. Make aged metal pieces
If you’re aiming for a rustic theme at home, you’ll find this hack extremely handy. Plus, it’s quite easy to do as well. All you need to do is soak your metal pieces in plain white vinegar for a day. After that, dry the pieces and pour on a couple of bottles of hydrogen peroxide. A strength of 3% should be enough to get you that aged look.

4. Deep clean your mattress
Cleaning your mattress seems like hard work, particularly if you’ve never done it before. However, in reality, it’s super easy. For this hack, you’ll need a spray bottle, a natural dish soap, 3% hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda.

5. Brighten white linens
Chlorine bleach works well in brightening clothes but it’s not the best for our health. A safer but equally effective alternative is hydrogen peroxide. This guide lists down everything you need to know about the hack.

6. Clean wooden cutting board
Spray some vinegar on your cutting board first before your 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Rinse and dry before storing.

7. Disinfect your fridge
In case you accidentally spilled raw meat or poultry products inside your fridge, one of the best things to do is wipe the spill and wash the area with hot water. After that, you can disinfect by spraying hydrogen peroxide. Wait for 5 minutes before wiping dry.

8. Clean humidifiers
Your humidifier can be a prime place for growing microbes and mold so it’s important to clean them regularly. For this, you can rinse your humidifier’s tank with hydrogen peroxide. Don’t forget to rinse with water after.

9. Clean grout
Make your own grout cleaner by mixing one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts baking soda. Combine the two until you’re able to achieve a paste-like texture. Apply it to your graying grout lines and wait for a few minutes before scrubbing with a toothbrush. Take a wet rag and use it to wipe away your DIY grout cleaner.

10. Clean makeup brushes
Don’t assume that your brushes are clean just because they look like they are. Considering that their bristles are porous, there’s a good chance that they’re harboring bacteria and oil that can cause problems to your skin. See this guide to see how you can clean your makeup brushes with hydrogen peroxide.

11. Get rid of mold at home
Combine 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts water into a spray bottle. This helps ensure an even application. Spray the mixture on the target area and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. For stubborn stains, you may need to do some light scrubbing.

12. Make your stovetop sparkling clean
Drizzle hydrogen peroxide on your stovetop and sprinkle some baking soda. Get a brush and use it to mix the two together while lightly brushing the surface. Once you’re done, get a damp paper towel and wipe the mixture off.

13. Remove grease from your oven
Based on this guide, a mixture made with 1/4 cup dish soap, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1/4 hydrogen peroxide is gret in removing grease. Apart from that, the mixture also helps disinfect the surface.

14. Treat foot fungus
A fungal infection on your foot can cause stinging, itching, and burning. If you’re looking for a natural way to get rid of foot fungus, simply combine equal parts of peroxide and water and apply to your foot. You can also soak your feet in a bowl with enough hydrogen peroxide to cover the affected areas. Remember to dilute it with an equal amount of water.

15. Clear ear wax
Too much ear wax can block your ears and prevent you from hearing properly. You can soften the wax by adding 1 to 3 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a syringe and apply a couple of drops to your ear canal. You can read this guide to see all the steps.

16. Ease toothache
Hold a mixture of warm water and hydrogen peroxide in your mouth for about 10 minutes. This should help ease your pain until you’re able to see your dentist. Now, remember, this hack is to just ease the pain. You’d still have to see your dentist to treat the problem.

17. Get whiter teeth.
Put a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth and swish it around for about 30 seconds to help whiten your teeth. Take note that you should only do this once a week. Hydrogen peroxide can cause increased sensitivity and mouth irritation if used too often.

18. Lighten your hair color
If you don’t want to color your hair or you just want to subtly lighten it, you can use hydrogen peroxide. For this, you’ll need 1 tablespoon water, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 3 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide (6%). Mix them together and apply to your hair. Wait for 3 to 4 hours before rinsing and washing as usual.

19. Disinfect your toothbrush
Believe it or not, your toothbrush can harbor millions of bacteria, like E.coli and Staphylococci. This is one good reason why you should sanitize your toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide. See this guide to learn more about it.

20. Soften callouses on your feet
Mix a cup of peroxide and a half cup of water in a bowl. Let the solution sit for about five minutes before soaking your feet. Wait for 15 minutes before removing them and rinse with water. Don’t forget to dry your feet thoroughly.

21. Clean mirrors
Spray hydrogen peroxide to your mirrors and wipe with a paper towel or a clean cloth. This should leave your mirrors with no streaks.

22. Make your dishwasher more effective
Add a couple of drops of peroxide to your dish detergent to make your dishwasher more effective in cleaning your dishes. You can also use the same tip to clean your appliance.

23. Remove stains from your pots and pans
Apparently, you don’t need to scrub your pots and pans all the time just to remove stains. To get the job done quicker and with less effort, mix hydrogen peroxide with some baking soda to create a paste-like texture. Rub it on your target areas and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Use warm water to get rid of the stain.

24. Disinfect sponges
For this hack, you’ll need just two things: a bowl and hydrogen peroxide. Once you have them, place the sponge in your bowl and add just enough hydrogen peroxide to cover it. Give it a good squish to make sure that the peroxide is able to go all the way through the sponge. Don’t forget to flip it, too.

25. Clean fruits and vegetables
Always wash your fruits and vegetables first before letting your family eat them to make sure that they won’t be exposed to harmful pesticides. For this, you can let them spray them with 3% peroxide and allow them to soak for a few minutes. Rinse in cool water after.
26. Keep your salad fresh
Keep your salad fresh for a longer time by spraying a mixture of one cup of water and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Now, for your safety and to ensure that you’re able to dilute the peroxide properly, only use food-grade peroxide.

27. Make your own carpet shampoo
Mom4Real has an interesting carpet cleaner recipe that works like a charm. You’ll only need 6 materials to make the said DIY carpet cleaner. Click here to know more.

28. Disinfect your kids’ toys
It’s super important to disinfect your kids’ toys, particularly these days. One of the best ways to do that is to wipe them with hydrogen peroxide from time to time. Don’t forget to do the same thing on your kids’ toy box.

29. Wash your shower curtains
After taking a shower, open your shower curtain to allow the water to evaporate. Then, spray a solution of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap and wipe it down. This hack should help clean your shower curtain and make it mildew-resistant.

30. Disinfect your lunch boxes
Mix hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle. Use the solution as an all-natural sanitizer for your lunch boxes.

31. Sanitize reusable bags
This one’s super simple. All you need to do is spray your bags with hydrogen peroxide and wait for a couple of minutes before wiping them. Remember to do this every time you go out to buy your groceries.

32. Boost your plant’s growth
Believe it or not, soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide can help speed up the process of germination. The extra oxygen atom in the chemical acts as a supplement to the seeds. To learn more about it, read this guide.

33. Get rid of algae in your aquarium
Algae isn’t that easy to remove. Fortunately, Floating Leaf Aquatics found a way to get rid of them using hydrogen peroxide. Read this post to know more.

34. Transport fishes safely
If you need to transport fishes and you’re not able to bring an air pump or extra water, you can provide extra oxygen to your fish’s water by adding 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water. This should provide 24 hours of sufficient aeration. Take note that this should only be an option during an emergency. Read this guide to know more.

35. Help treat acne
Containing oxygen molecules, your hydrogen peroxide can help create an aerobic environment in the skin which bacteria hate. The environment makes it hard for them to thrive, preventing them from causing pimples. If you’re going to do this hack, remember to dilute the peroxide first and do a patch test first.

36. Get rid of bad breath
Hydrogen peroxide is a great alternative to your mouth wash since it’s effective in destroying bacteria that causes bad breath. And the best part? It doesn’t leave your mouth feeling dry. Read this guide to find out more about this hack.

37. Whiten your nails
For this hack, you’ll need to mix 2 1/4 baking soda and 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide. Soak your nails for about 5 minutes and then rub them a bit. Rinse with water after.

38. Disinfect your countertops
If you’re worried about bacteria thriving on your countertop, you can use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the area. You only need to mix equal parts of it and water in a spray bottle and spritz some of it on the surfaces. Just make sure to use it occasionally since regular use can dull the polish as well as degrade your granite sealer.

39. Clean your toilet
To make your own toilet cleaner, simply pour 4 ounces of hydrogen peroxide into your toilet. Allow it to stand for about 20 minutes. After that, take a toilet brush, scrub your toilet, and flush. It’s that simple!

40. Clean bathroom tiles
Over time, your tiles can look dull and dirty. To improve their look, you can mix hydrogen peroxide with sodium to make an oxygen bleach. By adding water to this mixture, an oxygen molecule will be released and that’ll help lift any mold or stains on the surface of your tiles. To see the exact measurements, check out this guide.

41. Remove stains from white clothes
Having blood stains on your white clothes doesn’t mean you need to throw them out right away. You can actually remove the nasty stain with just hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, baking soda, and an old but clean toothbrush. Click this link to find out more.

42. Deodorize your cooler
Leaving your cooler unattended after months of use can cause it to develop a funky smell. This is partly due to the build-up of food residues. To avoid such problem, remember to wipe down your cooler with hydrogen peroxide before storing it.

43. Sterilize water
During emergencies, you can use hydrogen peroxide for water sterilization. There’s no guide on how much of it you can add to drinking water but this site has important details you need to know before trying this hack.

44. Get rid of skunk odor on your dog
If you have a dog and you live in an area with lots of skunks, you may want to take note of this hack. Based on the Humane Society, one way to de-skunk your dog is to mix 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide (3%), and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing soap. Use this mixture to wash your dog.

45. Disinfect your garbage cans
Wash your garbage can with soap and water. After that, spray the entire container with a mixture of 1 part water and 1 part hydrogen peroxide. Leave the garbage can under the sun for a couple of hours.

46. Remove soap scum
Get 1 cup baking soda, a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, and 1/4 cup white vinegar. Mix these three to create a foaming paste which you can use to scrub the surface of your tub and shower.

47. Treat fungal infections in plants
Based on this guide, you can stop fungal infections in plants by diluting 3% hydrogen peroxide to 6 ounces of H202 per gallon of water. Use a pump sprayer to apply the solution to your plants.

48. Make your dog throw up
If your dog has eaten something he’s not supposed to, there’s a good chance that he’ll vomit on his own. If that’s not the case, making him throw up might be a good idea. You can administer a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution following this guide from AKC.

49. Disinfect the litter box
First, you need to empty the litter and wash it with soap and water. Once done with those steps, you can spray it with full-strength peroxide. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing and replacing the litter. You can also pour the peroxide directly to the litter box and let it soak for 5 minutes based on Pet Life Today’s tip.

50. Make your own toothpaste
For this hack, combine 6 parts of baking soda to 1 part hydrogen peroxide, and 1 part vegetable-based glycerin. Put the mixture in a squeeze bottle for easier use. A pastry bag is an excellent alternative if you don’t have any bottle around.

51. Make your own detox bath
Detoxify your body by adding half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide to your warm bath. Soaking yourself in it can help you feel more relaxed and at ease. See this guide to learn more.

52. Remove musty smell from your towel
Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar and 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide to your washing machine. Allow the towels to soak for 15 minutes before washing as usual.

53. Help treat canker sores
End your problems with mouth ulcers by mixing a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with a glass of water. Use it as a mouth rinse 2 to 3 times a day to say goodbye to canker sores. You can also mix it with salt and baking soda following this guide.

54. Clean contact lenses
Hydrogen peroxide can dissolve proteins and lipids, making it effective in cleaning contact lenses. However, take note that hydrogen peroxide-based cleaning solutions come with special cases. This is to avoid experiencing unpleasant sensations in your eye.

55. Use for first aid
Hydrogen peroxide is effective in disinfecting cuts and wounds. You can apply it directly to minor wounds to clean them or to stop bleeding.

56. As replacement to bleach
Hydrogen peroxide is a safer alternative to your commercial bleaches. It’s not formulated with harmful ingredients that can compromise your health.

57. Kill mites
They might be small but they can certainly cause problems. To eliminate them, simply spray hydrogen peroxide on areas you know are infested.

58. Help treat an ear infection
Putting a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide may help in clearing ear infections. If you’re not sure how to apply it, check out this post. It has interesting tips on how to use hydrogen peroxide for children’s ear infections.

59. Clean your fridge
After cleaning your fridge, you can disinfect the surface with a bit of hydrogen peroxide. Wait for 5 minutes before drying.

60. As a hand sanitizer
This one’s quite simple. Just apply a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide to your hands, rub them together, and your good to go.

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