It’s never fun going to the hospital. If you have to make a trip there, it is almost always because something bad has happened. Although, one good way to make it through the doom and gloom and still come out with your sanity intact is by using humor.
It’s something that the individuals that work in hospitals understand really well. In fact, doctors and nurses are oftentimes some of the funniest people you’ll ever meet. Playing jokes on each other is just part of the job, and sometimes, even the patients get involved.
Once you check out this list of 65 funny things that have happened at the hospital, you’ll see what we mean. That’s right, it’s not all bad, folks. It turns out, there is plenty of fun to be had inside the various wards of the hospital as well.

Drew Allen
1. Dr. Hedgehog
Doctor A. Hedgeh has a very unique last name. The other employees in the hospital have been taking advantage of the unusual spelling as often as they can. They keep adding an “og” onto the end of it and the doctor is not happy about it.

Bored Panda
2. Don’t Forget To Push
This maternity ward is full of people with a great sense of humor. Once you enter, they want to make sure you are aware that there is going to be a lot of pushing involved. It starts at the door and only gets more intense after that.

3. Real Pain
Pain scales are normally pretty arbitrary. What feels like a 3 out of 10 to one person could easily be a 7 out of 10 to another. This improved pain scale aims to simplify the process. For example, real pain is getting mauled by a bear.

4. Hungry Patient
This funny photo was taken outside of a children’s hospital. The smart kid was hoping to take advantage of public sympathy by inviting people to order pizza up to his room. “Send Pizza, RM 4112,” the sign reads.

5. Monster Spray
The young girl was afraid of monsters in her closet so the doctor had the pharmacy fill her a special prescription. It’s a bottle of monster spray and she is supposed to spray it all around the room before going to sleep.

6. Hospital Calendar
It includes all sorts of funny calendar pages such as “reasons to date a nurse”. The various reasons listed in the calendar are pretty ridiculous. Although, there is definitely some truth to them.

7. After Hours Visit
The woman didn’t want to go to the hospital because her pet ducks had an illness that required medication. She needed to be there for them. Luckily, for her, a kind nurse let her sneak them in at night for a visit.

8. Tooth Fairy
This hilarious dentist decided to mix things up one day and wore a tooth fairy costume into work. His patients definitely appreciated the goofy outfit. There is no better costume that the dentist could have chosen.

9. Reading Material
It’s common practice that doctors leave a couple of magazines or books lying around in their waiting rooms for patients to read. However, this doctor’s office only has one — “The Complete Manual of Things That Might Kill You”.

10. Pirate Surprise
The patient found himself in a really unfortunate situation. He had to have his leg amputated. Luckily, the man has some awesome family members. His brother showed up in a goofy pirate costume to cheer him up.

11. Angry Doctor’s Note
When a man called in sick to work one day, his employer made him go see the doctor to get a note for verification. However, the doctor was not on board with the policy. He made it clear in the note that the strict workplace policy was wasting his precious time.

12. Gummy Bear Diagnosis
This is what ER nurses do when they are bored — diagnose gummy bears. Each flavor bear gets its own corresponding illness that matches its color. For example, the icy aqua-colored bear was diagnosed with hypothermia.

13. Health History Questionaire
The patient was only half-serious when he filled out his health history before his vasectomy appointment. His main symptom was that he didn’t want children. However, the nurse did not find his answers amusing.

14. Hospital T-Rex
The friendly dinosaur has a reminder for all of the patients in the waiting room. “Waiting is good,” it reads. “It means you are not going to die. The person who you need to feel sorry for is the one who gets rushed into the ER and treated first.”

15. Archery Mishap
This one is only funny because of how crazy it is. The son accidentally shot his dad with an arrow. Although, the man doesn’t seem to be too upset about it. It’s merely a flesh wound.

16. Definition Of A Nurse
This guy’s t-shirt shows a new possible definition of what it means to be a nurse — it’s the first person you run into after doing something stupid while drunk. For example, trying to climb a really high tree and falling down, or breaking a bottle over your head.

17. Television Outage
The doctor was sick and tired of all of the patients asking why the TV in the waiting room was turned off. Instead of just turning it on, he found an even better solution — recommending an alternative healthier activity.

18. Before And After
One of the best ways to demonstrate the quality of your service to prospective clients is to show a before and after picture. This dentist totally gets it. Gollum’s teeth are looking fantastic now.

19. Semen’s Greetings
This funny greeting card was sent to a fertility clinic by a urologist. It shows two different sperms wishing each other happy holidays. We had no idea that medical-themed jokes could be this funny, but we have to admit… we definitely laughed.

20. Weight Studies
No one likes getting weighed at the doctor’s office, but sometimes, a goofy sign placed in just the right place can make all the difference. This one was hung up directly above the scale.

21. Dinosaur Attack
For some unusual reason, the chiropractor keeps taking down the signs. However, the doctor is no match for the clever dinosaur. It’s because the dinosaur is a “chiroraptor”! It can’t be stopped.

22. Gynecologist Office Fail
It’s always nice to have a view of the outdoors when at the doctor’s office, but not when that doctor is a gynecologist. When the blinds are up at this office, the whole world can get a peek at the patients’ privates.

23. Aunteater
This children’s hospital likes to hang various patients’ artwork up on the wall. One day, a person visiting the facility spotted this masterpiece framed in the bathroom. It’s amazing how creative some kids can be.

24. Appointment Reminders
The dentist loves to incorporate humor into his yearly reminders that tell people to schedule an appointment soon. This one is a fake movie poster for an awesome new dental film.

25. Health Tips
This joke sign was found at an after hours clinic. If you don’t have the cash to pay the doctor, it recommends going to the airport instead. The security there will give you an exam and x-ray completely free of charge.

26. Alternative Pain Chart
Here we have another alternative pain chart. It is extremely descriptive about what the different levels of pain feel like, and at a certain point, the pain becomes too serious for numbers. Basically, you probably have Ebola.

27. Toilet Paper Only
At first glance, the sign makes total sense. Don’t flush anything except for toilet paper in this hospital bathroom. Although, one patient discovered a flaw in the logic — what should they do with the poop?

28. Comparing Pain
If you are ever worried that getting a cavity drilled might be painful, according to this dentist, you shouldn’t be. At the very least, it’s less painful than watching an episode of a bad reality television show.

29. Drawing Blood
This gem was found hanging up on the wall of a hospital laboratory. It takes the concept of drawing blood literally. The doctor drew a smiling drop of blood on paper.

30. Fighting Illnesses
Medical literature can be quite complicated. Sometimes, the best way to put things into layman’s terms is by using comics. In this one, Batman slaps the virus right out of a person.

Bored Panda
31. Keeping The Spirits Up
“Three broken ribs yet Grandma still knows how to keep her spirits up during hard times,” the Redditor explained. Even in her old age, the woman is still full of jokes… and standing very erect.

32. Dr. Jack Sparrow
When this man went to a new doctor’s office for the first time, he was shocked to learn that the doctor was also a pirate. Not only was he wearing a full pirate’s outfit, but he even had a fake parrot and told several pirate jokes to the confused patient.

33. Christmas Tree Fun
It’s always cool when a facility uses themed Christmas decorations. This fertility clinic hung Santa-hat-wearing sperm ornaments up on the tree. Where one would even find such a thing, we have no idea.

34. Rewarding Visit
For many kids, the best part about going to the Doctor’s office is the sticker or piece of candy they give you after the appointment. However, this doctor proposes that there is actually a much more significant benefit — not dying.

35. Friendly Conversation
It’s often the little things that bring the most joy. Things like having a laugh or two with a patient over smells. This is the first time that we’ve heard of a scent being described as happy though.

36. Rectal Exam
There is nothing more discouraging than having to go see the doctor for a rectal exam. It’s something that no one looks forward to. However, at least we can joke about it. This doctor hung a fun painting on the wall that helps put patients’ minds at ease.

37. Veteran Humor
At the VA hospital, you run into all sorts of characters. Check out this guy. He might be confined to a wheelchair, but if his t-shirt is any indication, he has a pretty good attitude about the situation.

38. Mad Scientist
This doctor has an alter ego as a mad scientist. One evening, he went to work in the lab and designed himself a new prosthetic limb. If there ever happens to be a zombie apocalypse in the future, he is now well equipped.

39. Strange Coincidences
There is no way this is actually a real hospital. The building is named the medical building. It is called the surgery center. And its address is 12345. Yeah, right… It has got to be a fake.

40. Halloween Birth
It was the night of Halloween in the baby delivery room, and the doctor decided to put on an extra special costume for the event. This is the first face the newborn will see when coming out into the world.

41. Expanding Hair Mousse
This poor woman accidentally applied a can of builders foam to her hair thinking it was hair mousse. The unfortunate mistake landed her in the hospital. She is not happy about it now, but we’re sure she’ll be laughing about it down the road.

Bored Panda
42. Birth Reaction Chart
The various reactions people have when witnessing childbirth can be pretty funny. This creative chart illustrates several of the possible expressions one might make ranging from happy to ripping one’s hair out.

43. Doctor Training
There is actually a video game version of a rectal exam that doctors have to play in some medical schools before graduating. It’s one of the least fun video games we have ever seen and we can’t believe it is a real thing.

44. Sperm Sink
We don’t want to know what goes on in this goofy fertility clinic bathroom. It is named the “collection room” for a reason and even has the decorations to match.

45. People Catchers
This hospital ER keeps a collection of all of the assorted fish hooks they have removed from people’s body parts over the years. It turns out, accidentally catching yourself is a pretty common problem among fishermen.

46. Sensitive Gums
No one likes when the dentist is poking around in there. You never know when they might accidentally hit your gums or other sensitive areas around the teeth. Although, this sign is probably a bit of an exaggeration.

Bored Panda
47. Recommended Reading
It’s exactly the sort of book that every patient hopes to see lying around in their doctor’s office — a collection of short essays on how to kill as few patients as possible. How incredibly comforting!

48. Surgery Practice
The doctor and the little girl are playing a friendly game of Operation together to prepare for her upcoming surgery. It’s great practice for the real thing. Especially trying to get the funny bone out.

49. Bad Jokes
The eye doctor wrote this awesome sick note for one of his patients recently. It says that she “simply cannot see herself working today” because of her eye issue. It’s not the best joke ever, but it’s still kind of funny.

50. Health Secrets
For most people, becoming skinny is not really that hard to accomplish…. in theory. All you have to do is eat less and exercise. Although, it’s easier said than done.

51. Painting In The ER
The patient had a badly bleeding finger. This is how he passed the time while waiting in the emergency room for a doctor to see him. We have to say, he is quite the artist.

52. Hip Cane
This man got a hip replacement and had the doctor save the bone for him. He then turned it into a cane that he could use to help him hobble around. It’s definitely funny, but also slightly disturbing.

53. Leech Jailbreak
This is what it looks like when a leech escapes from the lab. The insect left a disgusting trail of blood everywhere. It makes for a pretty good selfie opportunity though.

54. Browser History
The doctor gave the patient an awesome in case of emergency bracelet as a gift. It’s a pretty good joke. The last thing you would want to be remembered for after dying is what you were previously looking at online.

55. Stool Sample
We had no idea what was going on into this photo until we looked really closely at the little container. It is a stool sample jar and contains a tiny stool.

56. Post-Vasectomy Gift
After getting his vasectomy completed, the doctor gave the patient a complimentary bag of nuts. Although, they are not just any nuts. Check out the ridiculous brand name on the prank bag.

57. Look-Alikes
Do you notice any similarities between the patient and the medical poster on the wall? It is a pretty hilarious coincidence. The guy in the poster is basically the man’s doppelgänger.

58. Modern Art
This doctor’s office has all kinds of cool art on the wall. Although, our favorite part is the little sign on the counter. It says, “You will obey and wash your hands”.

59. Where’s Waldo
Do you remember those Where’s Waldo paintings from a couple of decades ago where you had to seek out the man in the striped shirt and hat? This dentist has one attached to the ceiling to keep his patients distracted while he works.

60. Careful Stitching
This nurse has an amazing sense of humor. Even her stitches are funny. It might not be the most efficient stitch for closing up a wound, but it is very entertaining.

Bored Panda
61. Pregnancy Pen
This ultrasound doctor has a very neat pen. It has little sperms floating around in it trying to fertilize an egg. Just in case you didn’t know, that is how babies are made.

62. Good News Made Fun
There is no better way to break the bad news to a patient than with a cute animal photo. It really helps soften the blow for everyone involved. This fun book contains a different one for every possible devastating situation that doctors encounter.

Amanda McCall
63. Pregnancy FAQ
This informative document was found in the OBGYN’s office. It answers a lot of common questions women might have surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. We definitely learned a lot.

64. Dental Work
The patient went to see the doctor to get his wisdom teeth removed. All was going well until the doctor put the man under anesthesia. Then the doctor’s real personality started to show. His hair got longer and he pulled out a pair of pliers.

65. Promotional Pocket Knife
Some doctors hand out pens or business cards to advertise their practice. This vasectomy clinic hands out pocket knives. If you need any work done, just call Dr. Snip. He’ll be sure to get the job done.

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