Crafts & DIY
7 video tutorials for beautiful crochet edgings and patterns
Karen Lei

The basics of crochet include repeating the same pattern with a hook and yarn continuously. With this skill, the possibilities for what can be made are endless. Whether you want to create something as simple as a scarf or something as complex as a sweater, learning more patterns will only improve your projects. Here is a list of 7 types of unique crochet stitches you may not know about. You can add these new techniques to your old projects and make whole new creations!

1. Umbrella Crochet Stitch

This versatile stitch can be used to make lovely dollies, but it can also be used to replicate the scales on costumes. You can try using alternating colors or different colors for each row. This is great if you’re tired of using the scalloped stitch because it yields a similar shape with a very different technique.

[Source: Cherry Cheeks Quick Stitches]

2. Double Weave and Link Stitch

At first glance, this may seem like a stitch you would not use often, but it is actually more practical than it comes across to be. If you ever want a light, airy garment, this is perfect. With some strong string and this stitch, you can make a hammock for the backyard! This is also great for learning how to attach different crocheted pieces together. You can adjust the size of the holes by lengthening or shortening the chains.

[Source: Meladora’s Creations For Crochet]

3. Diamond Stitch

The diamond stitch is a classic stitch that can be used for anything. It’s a simple look, yet it adds something extra to garments. Try using this stitch where you would normally just use single crochets. This stitch would look precious on a baby’s beanie!

[Source: Meladora’s Creations For Crochet]

4. Chevron Stitch

This chevron stitch can be used as a fun twist for the border of any project. Remember that this stitch shrinks up quite a bit due it it being zigzagged instead of straight. Because of this, you want to experiment with length, and start with a chain that is much longer than what you want your end result to be. Follow the video below for an in dept tutorial on how to crochet the chevron stitch.

[Source: B.hooked Crochet]

5. Bobble Stitch

The bobble  stitch is a cute and fun way to add texture to projects. You can utilize this stitch to make a rug or a pillow case. Try using different colors for each row, or just use a solid color for your entire project. Either way, it will stand out because of the fun bobbles.

[Source: B.hooked Crochet]

6. Waffle Stitch

The waffle stitch is the perfect stitch for warm and cozy blankets. It produces extra thickness, which makes this great to use in your projects for the cooler seasons. This stitch can also be used to make a nice wash cloth. If you’re making a washcloth, use cotton yarn rather than acrylic yarn because it can be cleaned more easily. Follow the tutorial below to learn the waffle stitch!

[Source: Bella Coco]

7. Strawberry Stitch

Lastly, this fun strawberry stitch is definitely eye catching. It is also easier than it looks; the main stitch used in this tutorial is the half double crochet. Each row alternates between 4 and 5 strawberries, which changes the pattern for every other row slightly. Besides that, the process is pretty straightforward and simple. This is an excellent starting point for beginners who want to learn how to stitch their own shapes and designs into projects. Try crocheting a pocket-sized square with this stitch then add it to a crocheted sweater, dress, or even a bag.

[Source: Happyberry Crochet]

With all these tutorials, the possibilities for what you can make are endless! Comment below your favorite stitch, and please SHARE this with your friends and family.
