Look – you are free to do whatever you’d like with your body. It’s your body and your choice. And some people choose to go under the knife to alter and change their appearance – that’s totally fine! Do you, boo! But before you choose to do so…make sure you do your research to have a qualified and competent doctor to do the work.
Here are 72 times plastic surgeries didn’t turn out quite right.
And if you like these looks? That’s okay too!

1. Jawline journey
This poor girl looked like she was striving to become Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, and Bella Hadid all wrapped into one. The cheekbones and lips might be a little much… An exaggerated version of Angelina’s jawline and lips, Bella’s cheekbones, and Megan’s nose show why individuals are…well…individuals.

2. Balloon lips
Look those…eyebrows. Really, you’ll miss them if you don’t look past the lips.

3. Bad surgeon
Well, what do you really expect? He used his face as the basis of his art. Some could say the results are jaw-dropping…

4. That nose, though
The dog looks like “Well, she gives me treats, but I’m not sure if it’s the same lady.”

5. Circus lips
Those lips are something else! I bet she wishes she could have this one back. Plus, the glare is hard to avoid!

6. Tattoos, etc…
The tattoos may have turned out a lot better than the rest of it on this one. Is that an owl?

7. Pouty Barbie
Come on, Barbie, let’s go party! The pout is very understandable after this job.

8. Something seems off
It’s so easy to spot the plastic surgery. I wonder what she looked like before all the obvious changes? Well, she looks very happy, so that’s all that matters.

9. Instagram isn’t reality
One wrong move and the entire thing collapses. Let’s hope she’s careful not to walk into any doors or blow her nose too hard. The progression has been pretty stark.

10. Whoville
Well, where exactly is her hometown? My money is with @mikejw127 on Whoville. Those cheeks might be a little overdone…

11. Cheeks
Just when we thought the cheeks couldn’t go any further. Maybe they’re still swollen from the surgery? Well, she’s still smiling, so that’s good.

12. Watermuscles
Yes, doctor, I would like a grapefruit inserted onto each arm. They honestly look like they could burst at any moment! Fortunately, they both really seem to let them.

13. Tilted
For the price of plastic surgery these days, who can blame her for trying. Well, better luck next time. I hope it wasn’t painful.

14. Lines under the eyes
What’s going on under the eyes? That doesn’t look like makeup. Are those scars?

15. Puffs
Those lips look like they could burst at any moment… As long as she’s satisfied. And those eyes…

16. Lip tissue
Apparently this is only 10% real lip tissue. What’s the other 90%? That’s quite the upper lip. I sense some sorrow behind those eyes.

17. Erased
Some of her face looks erased… or animated. She might have modeled her look after Barbie. I like the lashes.

18. Cheekbones
Those cheekbones are big! They’re actually way, way bigger than big. She looks happy, though. I’m glad.

19. Harley Quinn
With the blue eyeshadow, penciled-on eyebrows, and pouty lips, she is a real-life Bratz doll. Too bad these dolls have been discontinued. I like her eye for color.

20. Let’s see that smile
We can’t see that beautiful smile! And those wonderful teeth. It seems that she can barely open her mouth. Can she close it?

21. Chest shelf
Chest day sure just got a heck of a lot easier. He no longer has to worry if he’s training both pecs equally because, well, he only seems to have one. Is that a chest shelf?

22. Ken & Barbie
Why choose between Ke and Barbie when you can have both? Two for the price of one! Unfortunately, I’m not sure this lives up to either.

23. Lovely lips
At least she’ll save money on waxing her real mustache! Thick eyebrows apparently don’t pair well with an even thicker top lip. Seriously, what’s up with those lips?

24. Bad breasts
I think she needs to reconsider her choice in plastic surgeon… Maybe you’ll get a matching set next time! If she wanted this, then that’s cool, too.

25. Those lips
Eating might be hard these days… As long as she loves herself it’s all good. Those lips!

26. Animated
On the bright side, at least he looks so perfect that he no longer resembles a real human being. Why look human when you can look like a digitally animated character? He used to be a pretty handsome guy.

27. Two sets of lips
Well, at least with two mouths, she’ll never grow tired of talking. From this angle, it almost looks like there’s another person in there. If she’s satisfied with the results, more power to her.

28. Bad boob job strikes back
Perky just got a little bit perkier. It looks like two balls were taped to her chest… Let’s see gravity try to bring those back down to earth. She looks pretty happy so maybe she’s happy with the results.

29. Large lips
Most people walk out of the hair salon feeling brand new. I’m not sure what happened here… Apparently, construction silicone was injected into her lips at a salon. You read that correctly.

30. Lip removal
….No lips! To achieve the perfect cupid’s bow, remove the lips entirely. You’re sure to see hearts even after Valentine’s Day! Where did her lips go?

31. Plastic surgery princess
It’s probably a full workout for her just to open and close that mouth now… As long as she’s satisfied with the results… She looks so different now!

32. Ribless Rex
I thought the whole point of seeing doctors was to keep yourself healthy? Who needs ribs anyways? That’s 24 less bones to worry about!

33. The same person
I don’t know what happened. This is the same person. Never fix something that’s not broken.

34. Botched nostrils
But, like, what if she gets a cold? How does she blow her nose? This doesn’t look right… no, not at all.

35. Cool hair
Lots of girls would spend big bucks to look like the “before” picture. The “after” picture, though… What are your thoughts on her hair?

36. Big difference
She looks so different now! Most people get plastic surgery to look younger, but I guess things don’t always goes in one direction… At least we know that she won’t get ID’d at bars anymore.

37. 2015 vs. 2019
Things really escalated in the second half of photos. What vivid lipstick! The cigarette just makes it comical, honestly.

38. Crushed nose
If this doesn’t make you afraid of plastic surgery, I don’t know what will. If that’s the look she’s going for, more power to her… I wonder if this was intended.

39. Hungarian celebrity
It’s truly amazing what eighteen years and a dozen plastic surgeries can do to a person. Remember, aging gracefully is always an option. She’s a celeb in Hungary, apparently.

40. Fat pack
Looking for that perfect summer body? Skip the gym and head straight to your nearest surgeon. No sit ups needed. In fact, you’ll never be able to do sit ups again…

41. 24 and more
She’s only 24! There’s a lot of sadness in those eyes… Her expression;s actually pretty funny in this photo.

42. The lower lip
She doesn’t sag her pants. But she does sag her bottom lip. Like, she can’t even close her mouth!

43. Bubble butt?
Sun’s out, bums out! It’s too bad that the rest of her body won’t be able to see the light of day, though. That butt looks so bent out of shape.

44. Face failure
Imagine waking up from anesthesia and having your entire face transformed. Honestly, this look is enough to drive even the sanest of people a little crazy. Maybe it’s just swollen…

45. Tom Brady
He used to be kind of cute. He had this Tom Brady thing going for him. Definitely not anymore… Even his hair is more ridiculous now.

46. That butt
She’s truly spent a lot of time at the plastic surgeon’s. Errrr I mean the gym… What’s up with that butt? She claims she’s had no surgery…

47. Girth
His face might just be swollen. Those cheek bones have a lot of girth. Maybe he likes the results. There’s no shame in that.

48. Eternal supernatural sadness
There’s some sorrow in those eyes. This could be a cool album cover. She looks so sad. It’s making me sad.

49. Toy doll
You can find her on aisle 16 with all the other toy dolls. That’ll be $24.99 plus tax. I hope her nose recovers quickly…

50. Wavy hair
That’s quite the chin! She looks like an elegant ice sculpture. What do you think of the hair?

51. 2013 to 2019
Time goes by. Things change. Her face has changed a lot… Look at those nails!

52. Lips and chin
She was once a very attractive girl. Now? We’ll let you be the judge. Those lips… and that chin!

53. How?!
Do they hurt? And she was so cute before! What happened?! She looks weary these days.

54. Lashes and lips
The lips are a tad large… But if that’s how she likes them, who’s to judge? More power to her! Those lashes and lips are a potent combo!

55. Flat boobs
They’re flat! They lost so much spunk during the surgery. But maybe she likes them that way!

56. Radiant eyes
She has vibrant eyes. And huge hair! The ensemble is unforgettable. She’s quite unique.

57. Sans photoshop
That’s one humungous caboose. Surprisingly and unfortunately, there was no photoshop involved here. What a world we live in.

58. Orange County
Everyone gets older. It’s a fact of life. This Orange County TV is a little older now than in her star days. Her plastic surgery didn’t do her any favors…

59. Before and after
Wow, she looks completely different. Like she decided to make her body the opposite of what it used to be. Now, she looks like she should star in a zaney comedy.

60. Fat upper lip
Have you heard the song “Fat Lip” by Sum41? That might be the soundtrack of her life… It’s not a bad jam. She looks like she regrets her surgery…

61. Small clothes
They’re huge now. Her clothes can’t even contain them these days. If that’s the look she’s going for, more power to her?

62. All-natural
This is all natural. With no make up. But her lips… Does those qualify as natural?

63. Blue jacket
Can you tell who’s been under the knife? She looks like she’s wearing a mask… I like that jacket.

64. 20 years old
She’s just 20 years old! What happened?! Her looks like out of this world. And she used to be a cutie!

65. Cannot compute
This one’s not the easiest to process. Those cheek bones! They’re huge!

66. Vanishing eyes
And for her next trick she’s going to make her eyes disappear! She probably had very lovely eyes before all the surgery. Well, she seems happy, at least.

67. Tattoos and lips
Those lips really throw everything off. Regardless, she’s very attractive! What do you think of that little tattoo near her eyebrow?

68. Upper lip
I’m not quite sure what to compare these lips to. Something looks off with the upper lip… Was that intentional?

69. Oil injections
Apparently this is the result of oil injections during the 80s. The 80s were a wild decade. That’s for sure. Is she wearing a wedding dress and veil? I’m so confused.

70. The letter “P”
This butt is brought to you by the letter “P.” What was she thinking? What was the surgeon thinking? I don’t know if they were.

71. Frozen face
This one’s subtle. Look at how wrinkle-free her skin is! They say nobody understands her facial expressions these days…

72. What’s that now?
What’s this? Those lips look a little synthetic. She’s well on her way towards androidizing herself…

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