Even if you’ve never tried your hand at DIY, you’ve heard about it. It’s impossible not to these days. There are TV shows, websites, blogs, and social media pages all dedicated to the art of DIY.

In case you didn’t know, DIY stands for “do it yourself.” It’s a movement that’s become increasingly popular in recent years as people look for cheaper and easier ways to decorate and organize their homes.

Some of those “professional” DIY people are pretty ambitious. They’re willing to whip out a drill and start doing carpentry. Not all of us are quite at that level and that’s okay. In fact, DIY doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many options for people at every level of handiness.

Here’s the good news: most DIY projects require just a little bit of time, elbow grease, and maybe a glue gun. And in the end, you have a product that’ll hopefully make your life easier — and it’s customized for you.

Of course, it also helps that you spend less money…making things than buying them from a store.

So, grab a few tools and dive into these 75 DIY products that are super easy.

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