Some people are known to be clever, crafty, and sly. Sometimes in a genius way, other times in selfish ways, and always in a way that makes people laugh (whether they want to or not).
Here are 75 people who are almost too clever for their own good.
Their ingenuity is really quite impressive – you gotta hand it to them for that! Get ready to see some ideas that you’ll maybe wish you thought of years ago.
#1 Yogurt cravings
You know when you want the large size of drinkable yogurt but they only have the six-pack of smaller ones? This is how you fix that problem. You’ll just need to waste six straws.

#2 Adorable forgery
This little trickster thought he could fool his teachers into thinking his mom signed his homework. But, we have a feeling ‘Mom’ has a real name.

#3 Helping mom out
This person decided to set up the TV remote so that it was easy for their mom to use. We think this should be implemented in every household.

#4 Who’s paying for this?
This security guard thought he’d be clever and take a quick snooze behind a life-size photo of a security guard. Is the guy in the photo holding a gun? And what happens if real security is actually needed?

#5 When life gives you lemons…
If you have a dent in your bumper and you can’t afford to get it fixed…just turn it into your favorite cartoon character! Like this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

#6 How to get your kid to clean their room
Does you kid want to plug in their TV? Attach a padlock to the TV plug and keep hold of the key! Tell them they have to clean it in order to unluck it. Genius.

#7 “I’m not sleeping in class…”
This guy needs to catch up on some much-needed sleep while in class. So, he painted this face on his head and placed his glasses just so. We’re sure his teacher will never be the wiser.

#8 Dad genius level = 100
This dad figured out a way to mow the lawn without any hard labor whatsoever. Plus, you end up with a cool circle pattern in your front yard. Beat that, neighbors.

#9 Most relaxing traffic jam ever
Most people get stressed out and frustrated in traffic jams. Especially when they’re going absolutely nowhere. But not this guy! He found the silver lining.

#10 Nice try, Jackie
You have to hand it to this girl for being so brazen about trying to avoid answering this question. The teacher seems less than impressed, however.

#11 How to deal with long queues
Instead of waiting in a long line wherever these people are, they just lined up their sandals in the order that they arrived. Now, they can just take a seat until it’s their turn. Mass ingenuity.

#12 Steep driveway
Why walk your garbage can up and down your steep driveway when you can just drive it down in your car when you leave the house? That’s called efficiency.

#13 Turning a fail into a win
Don’t be upset if your gingerbread house breaks or crumbles. Add a dinosaur and you’re all set!

#14 Low on whipped cream?
We’re sure that this pie was designed on purpose but it’s also a great idea for when you run out of whipped cream mid-decorating. Plus, it’s cute!

#15 Mommy to the rescue!
After taking a little tumble and getting a scratch on his head, this mom turned the boo-boo into the Harry Potter symbol and it’s absolutely adorable.

#16 This Einstein
This guy has the right idea. He turned his charger plug into an ingenious way to watch videos on his phone hands-free. No more being bored in class, though I don’t know how the teacher will react if she catches him on his phone. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get caught.

#17 You were going to eat it all anyway
While we don’t recommend eating this much cereal in one sitting, it is a great idea if you don’t have a bowl. You just have to eat it all before the box gets soggy.

#18 World of hurt
“Let’s see you little punks smash my mailbox now,” said the person who shared this photo. This could end up being a painful mistake for some future pranksters.

#19 Outmastering the master
This idea is all good and dandy until his dad checks the camera when it is supposed to be dark. Regardless, pretty darn smart idea. Teens are too clever for their own good.

#20 Thinking outside the box
This person had no spoons or forks, so she made do with the closest thing at hand, a plastic hanger. Too bad they had to ruin a perfectly good hanger, but a hungry person does what they must.

#21 Creative hospital staff
Wanting to get in the holiday spirit, this hospital staff got creative with the supplies they had on hand. On hand! Get it?

#22 Future of flirting
While at the club, a guy handed this girl his card. Upon scanning the QR code, her phone gave access to all of his social media accounts. Talk about a next level number exchange.

#23 You know you’d drink the whole thing anyway
Straight from the “I am Pretty Sure This has Already Been Done” file comes a water bottle lid on a wine bottle. Trust me, wine lovers everywhere have been looking for easier ways to drink the wine they love for ages. Chances are, someone has already discovered this hack.

#24 Preventing package thieves
Sick of people stealing your packages? Instruct your delivery person to put the package in this scary guy’s lap. That should do it.

#25 Mind. Blown.
The inventive person is always on the lookout for ways to improve upon their everyday life. Take this genius for instance, they took two simple McDonald’s snacks and turned them into delicious ice cream sandwich.

#26 Pro tip
Here is an innovative way to cool your tea, ice cubes made out of ice tea. As the poster says, this is the perfect way to keep your ice tea from getting watered down. Tea lovers everywhere rejoice!

#27 Broken screen
This person’s phone screen cracked, which is always an expensive bummer. But, until they get a new phone, they just downloaded a new wallpaper to make it all work.

#28 Genius idea
Everyone hates missing 3 or 4 minutes of a movie when you have to use the bathroom – and it’s always at the best part! This genius idea would fix that problem.

#29 When you don’t want to choose…
If you can’t decided between which cereal you want to eat for breakfast – just follow this smarty pants’ idea. Now, you can have it all!

#30 Best pregnancy costume ever
When no pre-made Halloween costume fits you, take advantage of it and create your own! Like this Star Wars fan.

#31 Way to go
Whoever set up this display is tuned in to the female condition. Chances are that this display needs to be refilled multiple times a week, maybe even once a day. Not to say that all females crave chocolate during these times, but enough do to warrant this genius product placement.

#32 Chevy fan
As long as this plate owner drives an Impala they are all set. It does look like they need to clean the bird dookie off the back of their car though. I doubt the Impaler is too cool to be seen driving in a car with that on it

#33 How to get your teen’s grades up
“My daughter is currently pulling a D- in math. This is her phone,” shared this mom showing her total ingenuity. That should be some serious motivation!

#34 Punny trash
This person is a real pun master. I don’t mean to couch it in these terms, but these are kind of simple. I hope he can get bedder at it.

#35 We see what you did there
The person who wrote this blurb is a real wordsmith. They could seriously write for television if they wanted. I’m curious as to what other gems this person has come up with over the years.

#36 Making the subway a little more tolerable
Here’s a way to make smelly, crowded subway rides a little more pleasant. Bring along your giant rocking chair like this guy did.

#37 Makeshift Dolly Llama
Many people want to meet the Dolly Llama, but few are able to actually make the trip. At least in this case, he is hanging out in a warehouse and is easier to access.

#38 Truly a mystery
This bookstore has the ultimate mystery section. Not only do you not know which book you are getting, you have no way to know if you’ve read the book before. And no peeking, you wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.

#39 Seems safe
We certainly wouldn’t call these guys geniuses but…they are getting pretty crafty when it comes to transporting this giant box on a scooter. She better hold her center of gravity!

#40 What beautiful eyes you have
Little did she realize how embarrassing the placement of the cat’s eyes would be when she bought this shirt. Luckily, she is smart and found an easy fix for the problem. Madonna, move over!

#41 Nuclear snowman
At least the workers at this radiation research center have a sense of humor. Chances are, there are far worse things created by exposure to radiation on this planet.

#42 The least amount of effort
This person wanted to be festive but they were also cheap and lazy. At least their house still has that fresh pine scent!

#43 Fun with Facebook posts
Here’s a Facebook user that decided to have a little fun with the timestamps on their posts. Kinda cheesy, kinda hilarious.

#44 One smart niece
It must be nice to be related to someone so smart. If this was my niece, I would take her down to the store and tell her to pick out a gift to go with those batteries, and then give it to her.

#45 Belly hole
This pregnant woman figured out the perfect way to finally get some R&R. Just cut a hole for the belly and enjoy a lovely afternoon cat nap.

#46 A future writer on our hands
If you love the written word, then passing that affection on to your children is important. That’s why this little girl’s pun is so cute. As a matter of fact, I apple-lutely adore it.

#47 Anti-theft solution
Here is an idea if you are trying to keep your car from being stolen. Granted, it does make it look like you drive a piece of crap, but if theft is a problem in your area it is a small price to pay.

OMG Beau Peep
#48 When you’re tired but still have work to do
This person might be a bit lazy, but they’re still getting work done, so call it what you will. Or maybe their just browsing Facebook. Either way.

#49 Well, naturally…
When you have a hole in the wall, but no way to fix it, you improvise. Kudos to the person who thought of this idea. Hopefully, they are able to fix their wall at some point, but until then, Oh Yeah!

#50 She’s not wrong
This 4-year-old is obviously way smarter than her teacher. Honestly, it’s a trick question. The paper doesn’t specify that the bottom line is for your signature, which is an easy mistake on the 4-year-olds part.

Pleated Jeans
#51 Dentist jokes
This dentist’s office is pulling some serious dad jokes to bring in new patients. “Trapping” them with candy – it’s too cheesy not to laugh at.

Pleated Jeans
#52 Looking good
What is a person to do if they have their makeup looking great but need to wash their hair? Throw on a pair of swimming goggles of course. This allows you to wash your hair while keeping your makeup dry. Boom!

#53 The silver lining
Harsh words, but true nonetheless. This is even truer if you cry a lot and your tears run down into your mouth while you are eating said caramel. Maybe that’s not the prettiest of pictures, but hey it works if you are craving salted caramel after a bad day.

#54 Dog owner bath trick
Well, here is an ingenious way to keep your dog calm at bath time. Now, all the dog owner has to do is clean the wall of the bathtub – if there is any peanut butter left at all.

#55 ‘Stinky’ safe
The next time you need to hide your valuables, just do like this person did and hide them in a clean diaper. Chances are any would-be thieves won’t even think to look there. You do need to be careful and make sure the maid service doesn’t throw it away while traveling.

#56 Baby steps to health
This person found an easy way to make a simple cheese snack. Take one Babybel cheese, cut it in half, and sprinkle on shredded mozzarella, or other cheese of your choice. This gives you a delicious little snack to eat in between meals. Best of all, it is healthy for you.

#57 No seats left? Fine!
Though crude to say the least, this person seems to have found the perfect way to get a seat on a crowded subway train. Simply fall down like there is something wrong with you, and then when everyone gets up to get away from you, take a now empty seat.

#58 Awww
This is the type of stuff romantic comedies are made of. What a sweet gesture.

#59 Stay strong, plastic bag. Stay strong.
This grandma has found an ingenious way to take home her groceries without having to carry a heavy bag. She placed all of her groceries into a garbage bag and then drug them behind her using her cane. I just hope the bag is tough enough and doesn’t break.

#60 The Mega Roll
For people who use too much toilet paper, introducing the Ultimate Mega Roll. Now, all you need to install it on the roller is a friend and you are all set for maximum bathroom bliss. Please, keep small children away from the bottom of the roller to avoid injury while in use.

#61 Drama for hire
Here’s a guy with a genius idea, the “Fiancé for an Hour.” Not only will he meet your family, he is even willing to fake his own death to get your parents off of your back about having children, at least for a year or two.

#62 Office security
Here is a helpful little office hack. Attach a spoon made of metal to your monitor to act as a mirror to see behind you. That way, if a supervisor or your boss walks into the room, you can quickly switch over to work if you are doing something else.

#63 Not-so-romantic
While the original poster thinks it is sweet that her boyfriend keeps all of their movie tickets, little does she know there is probably an ulterior motive behind it. At least their friend set the record straight, so she would have a heads up if they ever did break up.

#64 “Sure, dad. No phone while doing homework.”
This little girl has really gotten inventive ever since her dad told her she couldn’t have her smartphone while doing her homework. It must have taken some careful thought on her part, and best of all, dad is none the wiser.

#65 Future therapy sessions in store
This person’s idea of what to do with his little brother while playing is a little morbid. Hopefully, this is not the first sign of years of therapy for the poor younger brother.

#66 DIY hedge trimmer
I guess there is more than one way to approach a problem. With this method, you better have some real good upper body strength. Better yet, to avoid injury and potential death, I would recommend actually using a tool designed for the job.
#67 Clever cheapskate
While this might work in some circles, I have a feeling that this would come off as cheap to many ladies. Testosterone aside, you should always opt to buy your girl or guy flowers as it is one of the best ways to say you love them and are thinking of them.

#68 Hotel cooking hack
This looks like a person who has figured out how to survive on their own. When life hands you lemons, or in this case a home with no stove, then make lemonade. Lemonade of course being using an iron to heat up your leftover pizza. Just make sure it is clean first.

#69 ‘60,000-word’ paper
This student might be cheating their way through an education but this is seriously genius. Dishonest. But genius.

#70 Makeshift snow shoes
This kid is a genius when it comes to keeping his boots clean on a wintery day. Instead of getting his boots all wet and muddy, he uses a plastic shopping bag to cover them. At least until he gets across the mud and snow, then he is off to the races all the way home.

#71 Saved by meat
We’re not sure you want to always be walking around with sausage in your pockets because, well…that’s weird and you’d smell bad. But it’s a pretty clever thought.

#72 Sneaky, sneaky
This guy is trying to beat the checked luggage system and get away with a “lighter” bag. If everyone did this, it could pose a safety risk but this guy is pretty funny for the effort.

#73 Sober and satisfied
This person knows how to really enjoy a party. Plus, they won’t have a hangover the next day!

#74 Did it sell?
This person is trying to make a quick $25 by selling this seriously impressive ‘camouflage jacket’. We hope it went to someone who will really love it.

#75 You’re hired!
Nicholas’ “resume bar” is the most genius thing we’ve seen yet. We’re not surprised that he got the job. He was also probably promoted already too.

So, what do you think? Are these people geniuses or just sort of lazy? We think they at least deserve a round of applause for their creativity.
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Source: Brightside