If you use the internet at all, you probably know what a life hack is by now. Life hacks are tips that supposedly make your life easier. While not every hack you’ll find online is good, hundreds of them make us wonder how we’ve lived without them.
The whole point of life hacks is to simplify life. These changes can lead to drastic improvements. Now, while they’re supposed to be easy, they don’t work for everyone. But most of them do, and those are frankly genius.
So, it’s not surprising you can find entire blogs, websites, and social media pages dedicated to sharing life hacks. You’ll even discover television shows streaming on cable channels that focus on these humble but radical hacks. It’s no wonder we just can’t get enough of them.
That’s the wonderful thing about the internet. It lets people from all over the world share the tips and tricks they’ve used to make their lives a little easier. And that helps us make our lives easier, too. Now THAT’S a hack.
Here are 75 hacks that’ll change your life in just a few simple steps.
1. When in a hotel, put your keys on your phone charger
Are you worried about forgetting your keys or your phone while staying in a hotel? Hook the keys onto your phone charger so you’ll remember to grab both items.
If you’ve ever had a knot in your shoelaces, you know how difficult it can be to get it out. Threading some bobby pins through the knot will help loosen it easily.
There’s nothing more annoying than trying to get that last Pringle out of the can. Just slip a piece of paper into the can, using it to shake the chips out.
5. Use a Popsocket to put your makeup on one-handed
Popsockets are intended to help you hold your phone, but they’re also perfect for makeup mirrors. Just stick one on the back of your mirror and you’ll only need one hand to apply your makeup.
If your laptop tends to overheat, there’s a simple solution. Just prop it up on an egg carton, which will keep air flowing to the bottom of the device.
Why buy a sprinkler when you can rig one up yourself? A simple plastic soda bottle punctured with holes lasts just as long and for a fraction of the price.
11. Chill your wine with frozen fruit to avoid watering it down
If you like white wine, you know it can be a challenge to chill. Instead of putting ice cubes in it, pop some fruit in the freezer and then add it to your glass.
If you’re scooping watermelon out of the rind and don’t have a place to put the seeds, there’s a solution right before your eyes. Just carve one right into the watermelon.
13. There’s a perfect sauce holder on your car door
If you need a place to set your fast food sauce while in the car, just take a glance at your door. Of course, make sure you don’t eat while you’re driving.
If you need to drill a hole in the ceiling, there’s no need to scatter dust everywhere. Just stick a cupcake liner on your drill to catch anything that falls.
To make a DIY theater while you fly, just hang your phone in a plastic bag. This also works on long car trips — a perfect idea for keeping kids entertained.
Boil-in-bag rice is super convenient, but it can be awkward and painful to fish the bags out of the hot pot. Try suspending them from a wooden spoon instead.
When you freeze meat, put it in a plastic bag and roll it out nice and thin. That way, you’ll cut down on the thawing time when you’re ready to cook it.
25. Keep your trash bags from falling into the bin
It’s so annoying when trash bags fall into the bin — plus, it wastes bags. Cut out the annoyance by sticking Command hooks on the sides of your trash can.
If you’re tired of freezer bags falling out of the cabinet every time you open the door, make use of those shelves. Grab a couple of binder clips to secure the bags to the rungs.
28. Prevent a bandage from slipping off your finger
It’s so aggravating when a Band-Aid slips off your finger. All you need to keep it snug is a quick cut on each side, making it easy to wrap it tightly.
You want to hit the water at the beach but don’t have anyone to watch your belongings. Instead of storing them in a bag, place them inside a clean disposable diaper. No one will touch it.
Bread ties are annoying and fiddly, but there’s no need for them on bagel packages. Just spin the bag and stuff the end into the hole of the last bagel.
If you have a child who rebels against taking medicine, here’s a handy switcheroo. Cut open a juice box, feed the straw into the medicine cup, and let them at it.
32. Label your pills with the date and time you should take them
If you have a hard time remembering when you should take your pills (or if you’ve already taken them), label each one directly on the packaging. You’ll always know if you’re on schedule.
33. Protect your hands while frying food in hot oil
Nothing is worse than getting splattered with hot oil while cooking. But there’s a simple life hack to fix that. Just cut the end off of a two-liter soda bottle and cook without fear.
Microwaves have space restrictions, but there’s a hack to change that. Just grab a cup to create a second level and voila: you can heat two plates at once.
If you find yourself with the wrong size pan for your recipe, don’t despair. Just grab some tinfoil and create a border to make a temporary smaller pan.
If you want to bake two pizzas but only have one baking pan, there’s a hack for that too. Cut them up and carefully fit them together — like a large pizza puzzle.
If you have a dog that’s incorrigible about getting in the trash, there’s no need to put them in a kennel. Instead, protect the trash can by putting it in the kennel.
If you often forget to take your wallet with you when leaving the house, you can make sure you’re never caught without cash by slipping a couple of bills into your phone case.
Avocados can take a long time to ripen, especially if you buy them while they’re young. To hurry them along, stick them in a beer koozie and put them in the fridge.
If you’re tired of your charger slipping down under your bed, secure it in the cutest way possible. Those little Lego hands are a perfect size for holding a charging cable.
If you’re in a hotel room but the curtains won’t close all the way, just grab a clothes hanger. Those clips will seal the gap, giving you more privacy.
If you’re always getting your children’s things mixed up, institute a color system. Lunch boxes, towels, and other items can be color-coded so that mix-ups don’t happen.
57. Stop public toilets from flushing before you’re ready
Have you ever had a public toilet explode underneath you before you’re ready? Keep things a little more peaceful by putting a piece of toilet paper over the motion sensor.
If your toilet has a stubborn clog, don’t panic. Just grab some dish soap, squirt it in the bowl, and let it sit for a while. Then try unclogging it again.
If you need to steam a shirt but don’t have time to run to a dry cleaner, you can do it right in your kitchen. Just hang the shirt over a pot of boiling water.
If you live in a snowy environment, chances are good your boots are stained with salt by the end of winter. To make them look new again, rub them down with a slice of lemon.
If you’re staying somewhere overnight and find yourself without a nightstand, there’s an easy way to make a temporary one. Just stick a book between the mattress and the box spring.
Blinds are tricky to clean, but it should be no surprise there’s a life hack to help. Wrap a microfiber cloth around some salad tongs and slip them between each slat.
If you need a good place to store your pills while traveling, just grab a contact case. It’ll let you transport just a couple of days of pills without any fuss.
68. Use a piece of raw spaghetti to light a candle
Are you tired of burning your fingers on matches when lighting a candle? Use a piece of raw spaghetti. It burns well and it’ll keep the flame away from your fingers.
There’s nothing worse than trying to remove a stubborn splinter. To slip them out pain-free, let a dab of Elmer’s glue dry on your skin, then peel it off. The splinter should come right out.
Before you go hiking, rub your toes and heels with a little bit of deodorant. This will help prevent blisters from forming if your shoes rub against the skin.
It probably won’t work long term, but in an emergency, you can use a pair of scissors in place of a Phillips head screwdriver. A pair of tweezers may also work.
75. Chill beverages quickly by wrapping a wet paper towel around them
You might know this one from your college days. To chill drinks quickly, stick them in the fridge wrapped in a wet paper towel. They’ll be chilled in roughly 10 minutes.
If you use the internet at all, you probably know what a life hack is by now. Life hacks are tips that supposedly make your life easier. While not every hack you’ll find online is good, hundreds of them make us wonder how we’ve lived without them.
The whole point of life hacks is to simplify life. These changes can lead to drastic improvements. Now, while they’re supposed to be easy, they don’t work for everyone. But most of them do, and those are frankly genius.
So, it’s not surprising you can find entire blogs, websites, and social media pages dedicated to sharing life hacks. You’ll even discover television shows streaming on cable channels that focus on these humble but radical hacks. It’s no wonder we just can’t get enough of them.
That’s the wonderful thing about the internet. It lets people from all over the world share the tips and tricks they’ve used to make their lives a little easier. And that helps us make our lives easier, too. Now THAT’S a hack.
Here are 75 hacks that’ll change your life in just a few simple steps.