Way back in biblical times and then throughout various ancient eras, it was common for men to wear their hair long. As time progressed, that changed. But in the 1960s and 1970s during the “hippie days,” long hair once again became popular.
Usually, many of these guys were judged, negatively. There were also bikers that many people thought of as “bad boys.” Overall, if someone saw a man with long hair at that time, they’d immediately have negative thoughts, which wasn’t always warranted.
Well, we’re now in 2021 and things have changed yet again … for the better. Today, a lot of men sport long hair, including executives of prominent companies. It’s a trend that gives people a completely different perspective.
As you’ll see with these 75 guys, long hair does them justice. Okay, the truth is that with long hair and all, these men look fantastic. Check it out for yourself.
1. Is this the same guy?
Wow, unless you knew him personally, you’d never guess the before and after photos were the same person. Come to find out, he started to go gray at a very young age. So, as an adult, he chose to grow his hair long and let his natural color take over … wow.
2. The “come hither” look
Now, this is one good-looking man. And with those eyes, he draws you in. The hair … it’s the icing on the cake.
3. Lion’s mane
A mane like that is enough to make both men and women green with envy. It took this guy five years to grow his hair to this length. While it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, you have to admit, it’s impressive.
4. Looking good, really good
After shaving his head two and a half years ago, this guy decided to let his hair grow out. And women everywhere are glad he did. With soft waves and a stylish beard, he looks really good.
5. Reminiscent of the 1800s
The first thing you might think of is Zoro when looking at this man. With his gorgeous locks, it wouldn’t be a far stretch to place him in the 19th century. Who knows, if Hollywood ever does a new version of the Zoro movie, they might want to consider casting this guy.
6. Who cares if he’s a “bad boy”
Okay, we’re not saying he is but he kind of gives off that vibe. But honestly, who cares? He’s probably just a big teddy bear with beautiful hair.
7. Sales just skyrocketed
Shoot, with a delivery driver like this, you can see why online sales have increased dramatically. While some guys don’t look good with long hair, this isn’t one of them. Instead, his hair further enhances his handsome features.
8. The complete package
Yep, this guy has it all … beautiful white teeth, dimples, mesmerizing eyes, and oh yeah, the body. We’re supposed to be focusing on his hair, right? Well, that’s perfect too.
9. Feeling cool
There’s no question that this guy is loving life. As he stated, he’s the “cooler version of Billy from Stranger Things.” It doesn’t matter who he resembles, keep being you with your fantastic hair.
10. Don’t change a thing
This guy looks a little rough around the edges. But hopefully, he won’t change his looks. On him, the long hair and scruffy beard look great, especially with those deep brown eyes.
11. One in a million
This is a rarity. First, this man has unbelievably long, stunning thick hair. Second, the bright orange/red color is 100 percent natural.
12. Forget the suit
This man posted a photo to show off his new stylish suit. But we’re pretty sure no one’s focusing on it. Instead, people are fixated on his perfectly groomed hair and beard.
13. Staying warm
Even from a young age, this guy always wanted to grow his hair long. Finally, he achieved his goal. Besides that, he said his thick locks work great to keep him warm on cold winter days.
14. The ideal length
When it comes to long hair, guys have so many choices of length. This individual stopped once his hair reached his shoulders. And for his particular features, it’s ideal.
15. The messy man bun
Depending on the type of work a guy does, combined with his personal preference, he might wear his long hair down or put it up into a man bun. Usually, these buns are somewhat neat and tidy. But in this case, this individual liked the messy look.
16. Waiting for the big reveal
While under quarantine, a lot of people weren’t able to get their hair cut or colored. Well, this young man decided to use his time in isolation to grow his out. Now, he can’t wait to show his family and friends.
17. That’s some serious hair
Are you feeling jealous yet? If not, this man’s long hair might do the trick. People pay a lot of money to get natural curls like his.
18. Modeling career
That’s what this guy does for a living … model. While he has short hair in a lot of his online photos, this one with long hair looks just as good. You might even notice a slight resemblance to Brad Pitt.
19. Carrying on his heritage
This is super cool. The large image in the background is this man’s great-grandpa. And as a Native American, he’s proud to carry on the family heritage by keeping his hair long.
20. Keeping things interesting
As a musician and actor, this man likes to change things up. Sometimes, he wears his hair rather short, and other times, relatively long. Either way, he looks amazing.
21. Nice … hair
Seriously, just look at this man’s hair. If you were to look up the word “perfection” in the dictionary, this is what you’d probably see. The color, length, thickness, and waves … wow.
22. Having fun
Hey, when you have long dreads like what this guy has, you can do whatever you want. For him, it’s all about having fun. What a great way to spell out “love.”
23. Brave Heart – version two
For any casting directors out there, here he is. The combination of long hair and a man bun looks stunning. We’d watch the movie, for sure.
24. Never-ending curls
What a lucky man. Both guys and gals would die for curls like these. Although his hair isn’t super long, it doesn’t matter.
25. No more military cuts
For years, this man served in the military. That meant getting constant buzz cuts. Now that’s he’s out, he can do whatever he wants with his hair.
26. Where does it end?
Holy smoke, this is what you call long hair. We have no clue how long he’s been growing it but it must’ve been years. As far as we’re concerned, he should keep going.
27. To the floor…
…yep, that’s how long this man’s hair is. Just imagine, if it weren’t in dreads, his hair would be even longer. According to him, this is almost 16 years of growth.
28. On a journey
This guy only started to grow his hair out a year ago. But he wants it even longer. Perhaps the man with floor-length dreads can serve as his inspiration.
29. Piercing eyes
Whatever hair products he uses are doing their job. His hair looks so healthy. And because of the way he wears it, his gorgeous eyes stand out.
30. Staring in commercials
According to this guy, he was approached by more than one shampoo company to do commercials. We don’t know if it’s true but it could be. After all, he’s got great hair.
31. The dark side
We’re referring to this guy’s amazing black hair. Just look at how shiny it is. He might resemble a villain but he’s likely sweet with a big heart.
32. Keith Urban lookalike
If the famous singer wore his hair this length, this is pretty much what he’d look like. Well, sort of. Regardless, this man probably receives more compliments on his long locks than he does about the resemblance.
33. It’s Tarzan
Can you see it? This guy with his long, flowing hair as he swings from one tree to another? Yeah, we can, too.
34. From long to short
For 10 years, this man wore his hair super long. But ready for a change, he cut it off. Although his hair is now short, he donated his locks to an organization that makes wigs for people who’ve lost theirs due to chemotherapy.
35. George Michael?
Here’s another guy with a strong resemblance to someone famous … George Michael. Even if he didn’t look like the late singer, it’s hard to get past the hair. It’s incredible.
36. Ready for a night out
What better way to look your best for a formal event than to let your hair down? And that’s what this guy did. With the sun shining on him, you can see just how amazing his long locks are.
37. Too perfect?
The color, waves, thickness, and length of this man’s hair are so perfect, it almost looks like he’s wearing a wig. But no, this hair is all his. This isn’t something you see very often … too bad.
38. He hears it all the time
With chiseled features and long, dark hair, you can probably figure out what this guy hears all the time. “You look like Jesus.” That’s the best compliment anyone could hear.
39. Reclaiming his throne
At least that’s what this man stated. We wonder what kingdom he reigns? Wherever it is, we wouldn’t mind living there.
40. Completely different
Here you see the same man with short and long hair. Although he sports short hair well, his long hair gives him more character. With a gleam in his eyes, we think he agrees.
41. Long isn’t always long
Remember, everyone has their opinion as to what constitutes long hair. For this guy, it doesn’t mean growing it out until it reaches the floor. Rather, it’s just a little longer than how he typically wears it.
42. Three years and counting
A lot of people don’t even get close to this length after three years. But this man’s locks grow fast. He’s so stoked about the outcome that he’s not ready to stop the process just yet.
43. Breathtaking
This photo is downright breathtaking. The angle combined with the sun’s reflection shows just how incredible this guy’s hair is. He could be on the cover of a romance novel.
44. Hang Ten
A lot of people who live on a tropical island enjoy a laid-back lifestyle. This guy’s one of them. Even though he spends a lot of time in the ocean, his natural curls bounce back to give him a sensational look.
45. Effortless
Just imagine having long hair that looks this good but without doing anything to achieve it? This is one fortunate man. Day or night, his look is effortless.
46. Following a suggestion
The only reason this man posted his photo is that a friend recommended it. And we’re so glad he listened to them. Gosh, his hair is beyond remarkable.
47. A perfect match
Here’s a man who enjoys life to the fullest. And with his hair at this length, it fits his carefree lifestyle perfectly. He made a great choice in growing in out.
48. Sporting the look
In this guy’s words, he likes looking like a lion. Okay, we can see it. Not only is his hair long and full, but also styled well.
49. au Naturale
Afros are coming back into style. But for this man, his is a little different. All his fantastic curls frame his face perfectly and they’re natural.
50. Surfer dude
For anyone who surfs, they don’t want their hair to get in the way. They could do what this guy did. Grow his hair long yet not too much.
51. Doing his thing
By admission, this individual enjoys being unique. That means he makes decisions that a lot of other people might think are weird. That’s fine but we hate to burst his bubble … it’s common to see men with long hair.
52. Mad Max
He’d fit right in. This is a prime example of someone misjudging another human based on their appearance. It’s a shame because the tattoos and long hair look phenomenal.
53. Disappointed
This was before he made a big mistake. For whatever reason, this guy had his long hair chopped off. And now, he’s disappointed.
54. We’d be smiling, too
Heck, if we had hair like this, we’d smile, too. It’s gorgeous. And as a bonus, he loves kitty cats.
55. Professor who?
Admit it. If this man was your college professor, it might take you 10 years to graduate. Again, his hair isn’t super long but just enough that it’s appealing.
56. Switching things up
This guy usually wears his longer hair in a man bun. But just like women, he gets bored with the same thing day after day. So, he decided to switch things up.
57. Not just for the young
As you can see, wearing long hair isn’t only for young guys. Here’s proof. This man has amazing hair and deserves to show it off.
58. Team effort
While the guy on the left is growing his hair out, his partner is focusing on his beard. Together, they’ll both have longer hair in no time. Keep up the great work.
59. All in the family
Here, you have not one but four guys growing their hair long. As brothers, there’s a little competition. It’d be fun to see who comes out with the longest locks after a year.
60. Samoan curls
Pacific Islanders are known for having great hair. So, this guy didn’t have to try very hard to achieve this look. His hair is naturally gorgeous.
61. Cool and collected
Sometimes, dreads look messy and unkempt. But in this case, they’re spectacular. He’s not done growing his hair but at this point, he’s doing a great job.
62. How far will he go?
Here’s another pandemic story. When he first started the lockdown process, this guy had super short hair. Seven months later, and there’s a significant difference.
63. Considered an improvement
While there’s nothing wrong with his short hair, you’ll probably agree that he looks much better with it long. Worn up or down, it adds to his personality. We hope he doesn’t decide to cut it since it looks amazing.
64. Now, that’s an awesome style
While long hair on men is common, we can’t say we’ve ever seen someone who’s had theirs put in a French braid. This is so cool. More guys should consider this option.
65. Curls gone wild
This is what you call “Shirley Temple” curls. They’re tight and breathtakingly beautiful. You have to wonder if they’re natural or if he’s had his hair permed. Either way, he must get a lot of attention.
66. Flows like water
It was only after spreading his hair out on a pillow that this man realized just how much of it he had. We can only imagine how incredible it looks when he’s standing. It’s clear that he takes good care of it.
67. Please don’t
This guy recently posted that he was thinking about having his long hair cut. All we can say is please don’t. It’s gorgeous and it highlights his beautiful eyes.
68. Still going at 40
This man chose to grow his hair long a little later in life. It was a good decision. Although it hasn’t reached the length he wants, it’s well on its way.
69. Goldielocks…
…or perhaps Rapunzel. That’s not meant to be offensive whatsoever. Rather, this man’s hair makes a lot of women feel jealous.
70. Playing around
Typically, this man’s hair is straight and sleek. However, it does have a lot of body and waves. When a friend suggested he brush it, this was the result.
71. A lucky girlfriend
Yep, this woman is very lucky. She has a boyfriend with fantastic hair. That means she can run her fingers through it whenever she wants.
72. Smart move
In life, it’s common for people to make bad decisions. But in this case, the guy made a smart move. He opted to grow his hair out and just look at it … sensational.
73. We like it
This is a great example of what semi-long hair can look like. The soft waves combined with the beard equal a very handsome fellow. Not only does this look good but it’s probably super easy to care for … a nice bonus.
74. A little unruly
This man admits that his hair looks unruly in this photo. So, this is a bad hair day? We can’t imagine how great it looks on a good day.
75. Ski bum hair
As a ski bum, this man thought it was only natural to grow his hair long. He could wear it in a bun to get more speed down the slopes. Or let it frow freely just to look extra cool.