Crafts & DIY
8 benefits of drinking orange water that you never knew about
Jake Manning

We have all heard how important fruits are to our body. They are rich with vitamins and nutrients, and they possess a variety of benefits for our overall health. Our body also demands to be hydrated with water. Doctors often recommended 8 glasses a day to stay healthy.

Why not get the best of both worlds by infusing your water with fruit? It’s an easy way to not only hydrate your body, but load it up on all the benefits that fruit can provide. One such fruit is the orange.

Starting off your day with a glass of warm water and an orange slice is the  first step to a healthy body. Don’t believe me? Take a look at all these benefits!


1. Oranges protect the skin

Oranges are full of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells from damage. It defends against free radicals and eliminates signs of aging. A glass of orange infused water each morning will keep you looking young and healthy.

2. Oranges lower cholesterol


One common problem many people face is high cholesterol. With all the fatty, unhealthy foods out there, it’s refreshing to know that drinking orange water will lower your cholesterol. Oranges are full of soluble fiber making you feel more full in the process.

3. They will boost your heart health

Oranges are rich in potassium, an electrolyte responsible for helping your heart function properly. When your body’s potassium levels drop, you may develop heart-related conditions such as an irregular heartbeat.

4. Oranges protect against sickness

It’s no secret that oranges come packed with vitamin C. Haven’t you seen all those labels on orange juice? Because they are so rich with vitamin C, oranges protect your body against viruses and other bacteria. The vitamin C neutralizes free radicals such as cancer and heart disease.


5. Oranges are proven to protect against cancer

Going on from what was stated above, oranges are rich in citrus limonoids, which is proven to help fight against a variety of cancers including stomach, colon, lung, breast, and skin.

6. Say goodbye to constipation

If you feel constipated, orange infused water can relieve your congestion. Oranges are full of dietary fiber which stimulates the digestive juices and relieves constipation.

7. Protect your eye health and vision

Because oranges are rich in carotenoid compounds – vitamin A – they help prevent macular degeneration.

8. Balance out the body

Oranges contain many alkaline minerals which balance out your body once they are digested. It’s important to keep a balance body so all systems function smoothly!

Please SHARE these benefits of drinking orange infused water with your friends.


Preview image credit: Jez Timms
