In today’s society, we are given a single test, distributed to all, to measure our intelligence. The IQ test was been widely accepted as the test to determine a persons intelligence in comparison to those around him.
Unfortunately, IQ tests don’t account for the nine different types of intelligences.
That’s right. There’s nine.

So if you didn’t do well on your IQ test, don’t worry, it might not have catered to your type of intelligence.
If you think about it, it makes sense. Many teachers and general educators agree, not all children learn the same way. A concept that one child cannot seem to grasp might be picked up by another right away. But if you try teaching the slower child with a different approach of use a different example, chances are it will help them understand better.

Each different type of intelligence has its strengths and constraints. As each is different from the others in thought processes.
Psychologist Howard Gardner explains that these nine different schools of thought are completely and totally independent of each other. But society has us believing in this “single entity” mind that assumes all of us think the same.
One study even went as far as to find that intelligence was largely genetic. In 2015, a study published on Nature Neuroscience suggests that the M1 and M3 gene clusters are what determine our natural intelligence. And different concentrations of each of those help determine our varying intelligence type.
Check out the nine different intelligences listed below, and see which one fits you!

1. Naturalist
They often are considered more sensitive to the natural world. In the past they were the greatest survivalists, and they are naturally drawn to the outdoors.
2. Musical
These people are sensitive to sound, and much more artistically inclined. Most often they find themselves drumming a beat, or humming a tune.
3. Logistical/Mathematics
Remember that kid in high school that seemed to know the answer to ever math question? These people think very logically and deductively. This is what most people think of when they think of general intelligence.
4. Existential
These are the deep thinkers. They enjoy meditation and serendipity. They contemplate more existential questions and are deeply philosophical.
5. Interpersonal
These people are what you would consider “people smart.” They excel in communication and friendship and are often found in leadership roles.
6. Bodily/Kinesthetic
Often the most athletic of all the thinkers, these people are inclined more towards the muscle mind connection, and enjoy more physical forms of labor.
7. Linguistic
Often considered the “geeky” intelligence, they are the word smart people who are best known for their ability to clearly communicate with everyone.
8. Intra-personal
Very similar to those of an existential mindset, the only difference with these people is that they tent to gravitate towards themselves and stay more isolated.
9. Spatial
This type of person is best at thinking outside of the box. They are able to see things in their entirety and never lose themselves to details. Often they are architects or pilots.
Which type of intelligence are you? Let us know in the comments below.
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