Couple Live In Incredible Cave Home In Arizona
Patricia Lynn

When Cathy and her husband Randy decided to buy an interesting piece of property in Arizona, even they didn’t know what they would do with the land. Because the land was too vertical, it would be impossible to build a home on it. While Cathy was out exploring the land one day, however, she heard an loud explosion off in the distance. When she went over to investigate, she saw it had been one of her neighbors, who was a mining engineer, that had set off the explosion.

Why had her neighbor decided to set off a dynamite explosion on his own property? The neighbor told Cathy that he was creating space inside a rock in order to create a cave home. Cathy was immediately interested. Could she and her husband build a similar cave home for themselves? She ran her idea by her husband, who loved it. So the couple got to work to build their dream cave home.

If I told you to imagine what a cave home would look like, you would probably think of a drab place that not many people would want to live in. Let me tell you, however, that Cathy and Randy’s cave home is the exact opposite of what you’re imagining. The features of this cave home? 2,568 square feet, three bedrooms, high ceilings, kitchen, dining room, living room, loft bed, and to top it all off a deck that overlooks the surrounding range. In essence, this is more than just a cave home!

Cathy said,

“I’ve never lived in a house this wonderful, anywhere. It will be very hard to leave this house.”

What did you think about Cathy and Randy’s cave home? Would you ever live in a similar place? We want to hear your thoughts. Let us know in the comments below!

Please SHARE Cathy and Randy’s beautiful cave home with your friends and family.

[Source: CNNMoney]
