We all have those mornings, when we get up on the wrong side of the bed. Well, most of the people ahead all woke up feeling fine, it’s just that something else was a huge problem.
When most of us go to sleep, we can be pretty sure that things will pretty much be the same when we wake up. Or can we? The 30 people ahead took a snooze, thinking that nothing strange would happen while they slumbered. But they were so, so wrong…
1. How long had he been staring at her?
Is he stuck or something? I’d always assumed that racoons were pretty nimble creatures. He’s like a guardian angel, except he might spread rabies.
2. Because counting sheep is so last year
From now on, we can just count color-coded goldfish snacks. And yes, by “count’ I mean “eat.” Who could resist?
3. Why would anyone ever leave their suit on the floor?
That’s just gonna get crumpled like crazy. And apparently, your cat will turn it into a tunnel bed. Clearly, that’s a cat that knows an opportunity when he sees one.
4. The person napping got a text from a wrong number. It was this image
That cat wishes he was in a suit sleeve. Instead, he got toilet paper sleeves. Is this technically animal abuse?
5. When six-year-olds leave notes
It’s lucky that he was ciding all along! This is a pretty innocent joke. But imagine reading that when you were waking up and all dazed.
6. Name them Humpty and Dumpty
He’d been living there for six years, and had never seen a bear. And then two-scale your fence at once! Do they do any other tricks?
7. What did he stumble upon?
That baby owl looks like he’s been caught in the middle of a crime. And no, the home owner did not adopt a baby owl. The owl just arrived one day.
8. Just one of the many friendships that bacon is responsible for starting
The cat followed him home one night after he gave it a piece of bacon. He’s going to get so much bacon in the future, right!? He’ll never leave!
9. Just your typical snail circle. Nothing to see here
Did you know that snails did this? A French person must see this and get so hungry. Yum, yum!
10. How long has this been going on for?
Perhaps, they visit every time she naps. It’s just that this time, they didn’t realize that she was waking up. So the deer is their leader, right?
11. How drunk do you have to be to do this?
I didn’t realize Uber would even let someone travel such a short distance. That must have been the easiest ride of the driver’s life. How many minutes did this ride take exactly?
12. This person could enjoy looking at foxes from the comfort of their own home
What a luxury it is to see this adorable sight. The mother’s like, “Stop bothering that poor human! He needs his rest!”
13. They don’t know that he isn’t a prince yet
Hurry up and find out. All you need to do is kiss the frog. If he is a prince, he’ll be so happy!
The Imgur user explained:
“My roomates woke me up at 3:45 a.m. by laughing, I walked out to yell at them, and found this.”
14. When you wake up in a horror movie
Maybe his life has actually been directed by Alfred Hitchcock all along? The next thing he should do is split up from his housemates. That sounds like a pretty smart move.
15. Not AGAIN!
That’s a human pool. There’re plenty of rivers and lakes for hippos. So why is he always doing this? Maybe it’s heated.
16. The son loves his new mask
It’s like if that awful planet of the apes had been Earth all along. Wait a minute. The Statue of Liberty buried under the sand? That WAS our planet!
17. She used to squawk him awake every morning
Now he sings to her every day. In fact Greta, the goose, even decided to make a nest just outside his room. Yes, this is in Nashville, where the answer to everything is country music.
18. Look what the toddler found!
The Imgur user woke up to their kid holding a cat, but they don’t even own one. “Can I keep him? Can I keep him? Can I keep him?” And so on for the rest of the day.
19. Is that their baby, or a ghost?
That kid is gonna grow up to love horror movies. He’ll be scaring his parents for decades to come. So inspiring to know that he started freaking them out young!
20. I know who I’d suspect…
Do either of you guys know what happened? Any time you want to own up would be great. The one on the left will crack first.
21. When you pass out on the street in London and get woken up by a fox
Who can’t relate to this? That fox can tell that that human is going through a hard time. Maybe he’ll guide him to rehab.
22. Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile
“What do we want? Breadcrumbs!? When do we want them? Now!”
23. He had an unexpected surgery before the day of his friend’s wedding. They tried to make him a part of the day anyway.
I guess the groom had to see the bride before the wedding on this occasion. Can you really blame them? This is such a nice thing to do!
24. That’s Canada for you
At least it didn’t cover the whole door this time! You can still see the light. Yes, work is canceled.
25. He made some friends
He just had to sleep under the stars instead of in his tent. So is it bacon for breakfast? Or maybe sausages?
26. Most angels wear more than just underpants
But not this one, apparently. Maybe Santa could get him a pair of pants this Christmas. Just an idea.
27. What a catastrophe!
Yes, a cat astrophe. Cat-astrophe. Because there are cats.
28. Pretty good prank
Imagine sitting on the John with him looking at you. Why do you judge me, Gollum? We all do this!
29. Yet another racoon
Perhaps their number one hobby is staring at sleeping humans? Something fishy sure is going on! Anyone else want to start a conspiracy theory about this?
30. If he was snoozing in the library, then go for the coffee!
Let’s face it, if he’s a student, he probably gets through enough beer as it is. And the best thing is, $5 can buy you two coffees! (In fact, in Starbucks, they refill a coffee for less than a dollar!)
This really makes you appreciate normality. After all, you might think your days are pretty boring, but at least you don’t wake up to any of this on a regular basis. But there’s one pretty clear takeaway: Always be on the lookout for spying raccoons! We’ve seen more than enough evidence to believe that they’re up to something.
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