It’s truly amazing what you can do with a little cement and sand.
Design Construction Creative shares a simple, extremely inexpensive, crafting project that will result in the most adorable planter. Take a quick trip to the dollar store and pick up a few plastic dustpans. You won’t be sorry.
This project uses six but after watching the video you could easily complete this project with as little as three.

Use some clear tape at the bottom of each dustpan.
This tape keeps the cement mixture from sliding off the dustpan.

Mix sand and cement together in a plastic bucket in a ratio of 2:1.
Although it’s messy, this is the fun part. This doubles as a stress-relieving craft project.

Pour the mixture equally into all six dustpans.
Make sure to smooth out the cement mixture on top so you don’t have any large bumps on the surface.

Wait 24 hours until the cement is completely hardened.
Yes, I know waiting is the hardest part. Pun intended.

Flip the dustpans over to carefully loosen the cement from the pan.

Form a circle with the cement pieces and prop them up using bricks.
You can see the shape of the planter emerging. Measure the corners directly across from each other to ensure an even shape.
Make sure to place a plastic sheet on the bottom of your planter.

Mix more cement and spread it on the bottom of your planter.
Spread evenly making sure no bumps or bubbles appear.

Use remaining cement to spread into the corners so the planter is completely sealed.
Wait another 24 hours until the sides and bottom are completely dry. Ugh, more waiting. Don’t fret. The really fun part is coming up. Paint.

This crafter uses white paint as a base coat for the planter.
You are in the home stretch of this craft project. Just imagine how many plants you will be putting in this adorable planter.

You can then choose a different color to paint your finished planter.
The sky is the limit for this project. There are so many ways to make a planter similar to this one.
You can paint a design on the sides or leave it one color. If you have kids, let them each decorate a side of the planter for a family keepsake.

This crafter uses a painted piece of concrete as a base for the planter.
This gives the impression that this is a giant flower planter and it’s super adorable. Now it’s time to choose a plant of your choice or a few.
The best part of this planter is that you made it yourself and it shows off your individual style.

Watch out or your family and friends will be asking you to make some for them. The good thing is that you can reuse the dustpans.
Have fun trying out this easy and one-of-a-kind craft.
See this creative hack for creating beautiful, inexpensive planters in the video below!
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