We all have our own methods and ways of cleaning, but your way might be the wrong way. Using the wrong solvents can actually do damage to your surfaces or appliances and shorten their lifespan. And that stuff costs money, so we all want to take care of them well. But don’t worry, we got your back!
Here are 11 cleaning mistakes that you’re making and how to correct them:
1) Using Fabric Softener on Towels
Luxury linen designer Nancy Koltes says that you should never use fabric softener when washing your towels.
“Fabric softeners or worse, fabric softener sheets, function by putting a coating on fabrics which cannot be removed, rendering towels, in particular, less absorbent,” she told Huffington Post.

2) Using Bleach On Rust
Yeah… don’t. It’s tempting, especially when we think the bleach will whiten the rust stain left by our shaving cream can on your porcelain countertop but it’s not a good idea. Bleach could actually set the stain and make it stick around forever. It’s best to use something like CLR or Lime-A-Way.

3) Washing Your Workout Clothes With Just Detergent
Many of us wash our workout clothes like we wash anything else, but you really need to go the extra mile when it comes to these clothes. Pour some vinegar into the washing machine, then run the load a second time with baking soda to kill bacteria and stinky smells.

4) Washing Windows On A Sunny Day
While sunny days might give you the energy and pep you need to clean your house and tackle all the windows, it’s actually not the best idea. The sun warms up your windows and can make your window spray evaporate quickly. This can leave streaks all over if everything evaporates before you rinse it off or wipe it down. It’s best to wash your windows on a cloudy day and out of direct sunlight.

5) Putting Non-Stick Pans in the Dishwasher
Your non-stick pans really need to be hand washed. Putting them in the dishwasher can significantly reduce their lifespan since the hot water that goes through the dishwasher wears down the non-stick coating over time. Use dish soap, warm water, and a little bit of elbow grease instead.

6) Spraying Cleaner Directly Onto The Surface
Most of us do this but spraying cleaner directly on your surface can be too heavy and wear away at your surfaces. It can also release those chemicals into the air which you breathe in. It’s best to spray your cleanser onto your cloth or paper towel then wipe your surface down.

7) Putting Kitchen Knives in the Dishwasher
Kitchen knives are also something that shouldn’t be put in the dishwasher. And you definitely don’t want to use vinegar since it can etch the steel. The best way to wash your knives is to use dish soap and warm water.

8) Wiping Counters With Dirty Cloths or Dirty Water
First of all… ew. This seems like a no-brainer but if you’re using a sponge or cloth that you have lying around the kitchen, it could be dirty. Doing this spreads germs and bacteria around, so make sure your cloth is clean or you’re using a disposable cloth.

9) Cleaning Stainless Steel In A Circular Motion
Most of us clean by using a circular motion, but this isn’t a good idea for stainless steel. You’ll see those circular marks on your steel when you do. You should clean with the grain of your stainless steel to prevent streaks.

10) Cleaning Windows With Newspaper
We’ve all heard that it’s a good idea to clean windows with newspaper for a streak-free shine, but some ink on newspapers can come off when it gets wet making a bigger mess than you started with. Try a brown paper bag instead.

11) Cleaning Stone Countertops With Vinegar

Lots of us love to clean with vinegar because it’s free of chemicals, but you don’t want to use it on stone surfaces. The acid can wear down the surface leaving it vulnerable to knicks and scratches. Make sure you clean these surfaces with cleaning products that are specially made for those surfaces.