There are some things that your mama just never taught you how to clean.
For example, how are you supposed to remove at all the dust bunnies multiplying like crazy inside a knife block? Or what about all the crumbs that are still clinging to the inside of your toaster after you flip it upside down and give it a good shake?
Well, none of that is a problem when you use these cool cleaning tricks.
Everything from toothpicks, to pipe cleaners, and even safety pins can be your friend when it comes to cleaning these 25+ things that you thought would stay dirty forever!
1) Greasy oven
Why waste your precious waking hours laboring over a dirty oven? If you fill a glass casserole dish with ammonia, it’ll work like magic to clean your oven while you sleep!
Get all the details on this blog here.
2) Water spots on chrome
Instead of having to constantly clean water spots on your chrome fixtures after the fact, you can prevent it from happening in the first place. Use wax paper to coat it with a protective film, and it’ll extend the shine for quite a while.
Get the full tutorial on this blog here.
3) Hairspray build-up on flat irons
If you run a flat iron over hair that’s not freshly washed, all the hair products you use will start to cement itself onto your flat iron over time. When the gross level gets to be too much, you can make it look new again with this “miracle cleaner!”
Find out more about this simple trick on this blog here.
4) Lime-crusted faucets and showerheads
We all know that hard water can accumulate over time on faucets and showerheads, but they’re also breeding grounds for some pretty gross stuff! Thankfully, it’s a lot easier than you think to get rid of the gunk – just let the faucet soak in a plastic baggie bath that’s filled with baking soda and vinegar.
Get all the how-to instructions on this blog here.
5) Microwave splatter
Microwaves sometimes have a way of making a mess when it cooks our food, but if you’re like a lot of people, you don’t exactly wipe it down right away. If the thought of tackling all that greasy splatter makes you cringe, just give it a vinegar steam bath and the problem will go away!
Get the lowdown on this simple cleaning hack on this blog here.
6) Fabric upholstery stains
Removing the stains from fabric upholstery can definitely be a challenge. But, it’s not an impossible task if you have the right tools to work with, like dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and a microfiber cloth.
Check out this blog here for more info on the how-to’s.
7) Dried bugs stuck on cars
You know that layer of dead, dried bugs that stick like superglue to the outside of your car? Just spritz them with cooking spray and it’ll be a lot easier to wipe those buggers away!
8) Dirty grout between floor tiles
Look, you don’t have to get on your hands and knees with a toothbrush like Cinderella to clean the grout on your tile floors.
Just pre-soak the area first with a DIY scrub consisting of 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide, and 1 teaspoon of dish soap. It’ll do all the hard work for you!
Get the ultimate guide to cleaning grout and tile on this blog here.
9) Baked-on brownie batter
Got a bad case of the baked-on brownie blues? Well, after you’re done trying to eat away your sorrows, you can easily clean-up the cookie sheet mess with a thick layer of baking soda and a few spritzes of hydrogen peroxide.
Find out more about this simple two-ingredient trick in this tutorial here.
10) Smelly garbage disposal
Unlike almost everything else that can be scrubbed down with a sponge, you can’t just stick your hand in the garbage disposable to make it squeaky clean. That’s where these brilliant garbage disposal bombs come into play!
Get more info and the recipe on this blog here.
11) Stove top grates
Getting rid of caked-on grease isn’t as easy as letting the grates sit in a sudsy sink for a bit. It actually needs a good, long soak in an ammonia bath!
However, it’s not actually the liquid that gets rid of the grease – it’s the fumes! Of course, inhaling fumes is not good, which is why a plastic zipper bag is your best friend.
Put the grate into the baggie, making sure to leave a pocket of air so the fumes can circulate, and then let it soak overnight.
You can find more details about this cleanup job and the safety measures you need to take on this blog here.
12) Water/heat stains on wood furniture
It may seem impossible to remove those annoying white-colored water/heat stains on your coffee table, but that’s because you probably haven’t tried this hot hairdryer trick. And yes, it really is as easy as applying some heat! Even stubborn stains can be removed with some patience.
For a demonstration on how to do this, check out this video right here.
13) Window frame tracks
Window tracks are a magnet for collect dust and grime, and because of their shape, they can be really hard to clean. But if you use a toothbrush, baking soda, and vinegar, you won’t have to do nearly as much scrubbing as you thought!
Check out this blog here for a full tutorial.
14) Keurig coffee maker
Cleaning out all the nooks and crannies in your Keurig coffee maker can be difficult. But if you take a safety pin to the little hole at the bottom of the pod holder, you can clean out the grimy buildup in a flash!
For more Keurig cleaning tricks, watch this video here.
15) Knife blocks
Surprise, surprise – knife blocks are one of the germiest things in the kitchen! But the slots are easy to clean if you wedge a pipe cleaner in there.
Find out more about how to clean your knife block on this blog right here.
16) Dishwasher
It seems kind of crazy to clean something that appears to be self-cleaning every time it runs, but even dishwashers need a good scrubbing now and then. And when it comes to getting rid of the tiny bits of food particles that may be stuck to the bottom of your dishwasher, tiny tools like toothbrushes and toothpicks are your friend.
Check out this blog here for a tutorial on how to clean your dishwasher from the inside out.
17) Stained rugs
Thankfully, you don’t need industrial cleaners or lots of elbow grease to remove carpet stains. Baking soda and white vinegar, the holy grails of cleaning products, will do the trick every single time.
Get more info and a tutorial on this blog here.
18) Foggy headlights on your car
No matter how many times you take it through the car wash, those foggy headlights on your car won’t get clean. Thankfully, there’s an easy fix for that. Rub some solid white toothpaste (not the gel kind) with bunched-up paper towels onto a dry headlight, then wipe it off with a damp rag.
You can find out more about this headlight cleaning tip on this blog here.
19) Tarnished silverware
Tarnished silverware isn’t something you can dump into a sink full of hot sudsy water to get clean. But, if you dunk it into a sink full of hot water, aluminum foil, baking soda, and sea salt, some real magic starts to happen!
Learn why tarnished silver is no match for aluminum foil on this blog here.
20) Permanent marker on walls
If your artistically expressive kiddo uses permanent markers to draw on the wall, you may as well just re-paint it for all the good traditional cleaners do. But, despite its name, they’re not as permanent as you think! Non-acetone nail polish, when applied the right way, can help save the day and clean up the mess.
Check out this blog here for more info.
21) Cutting boards
Guess what, those dingy yellow stains on your plastic cutting board is proof that you’ve been sentencing your food to the knife guillotine over the years. Give it a clean slate by dunking it into a bleach bath. Not only will it remove the stains, but it’ll get rid of all the leftover bacteria, too.
Get more info on this blog here.
22) Toilet brush
Toilets are gross for the mere fact of what they’re used for. But, toilet brushes are even worse, because all that yucky stuff actually clings to the bristles! Thankfully, it’s easy to keep your toilet brush disinfected. Just keep a spray bottle filled with hydrogen peroxide handy and spritz it every time you use it.
You can find out more info on this blog here.
23) Car upholstery
Detailing the upholstery on your car doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Let the bubbly flow by giving it the club soda treatment!
Find out more about how to use club soda to clean your car seats on this blog here.
24) Dirty sneakers
It seems like cleaning white sneakers should be a pretty straightforward task – you just toss it into a tub of bleach and let it do its thing while you eat bon bons and watch Netflix, right? Well, that takes up too much time, and working with large amounts of bleach can be such a hassle!
If you need to clean your shoes in a hurry, grab some hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and a toothbrush to scrub the sneakers with.
Watch this video tutorial here for step-by-step instructions.
25) Mildew-y washing machine smells
Even a machine that washes itself every time you use it can get dirty over time. Mildew, anyone?
26) Sticky cookie sheets
You know that layer of sticky grease that’s really hard to remove from your cookie sheets? Well, if you soak it with a dryer sheet before you scrub, all of that gunk will quickly dissolve away!
To find out more, watch a quick video tutorial here.
27) Toaster
Even after you fip the toaster upside down, there may still be crumbs that are hiding inside the inner workings of the toaster. Just use a cheap paintbrush to dislodge it and brush it away!
Find out more about how to make your toaster look brand new again by following this tutorial here.
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