Crafts & DIY
Hang This Homemade Bottle Opener On The Wall For Easy Access
Secure this bottle opener to the wall for easy access
Patricia Lynn

This easy DIY Bottle Opener will make enjoying a nice cold beer just THAT much easier! It also makes a great gift that’s simple enough to make that your kids can give you a hand putting it together.


  • Rectangular piece of wood (any size will work – choose the size you like best!)
  • Paint (any color you like)
  • Mason jar
  • Bottle opener (find one here)
  • Screws
  • Hose clamps


  1. Paint your piece of wood in your choice of color. Let dry.
  2. Using 2 screws, attach your wall mounted bottle opener to the upper portion of your painted wood block.
  3. Attach the hose clamp below the bottle opener (this will hold your mason jar).
  4. Place the opening of your mason jar inside the hose clamps and tighten until secure. The jar will catch all the bottle caps from your bottles!
  5. Your bottle opener is now ready to use! Secure to a wall or fence and crack open a cold one.

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