Couple moves into 140-year-old home and discovers incredible treasures hidden throughout it
The more they poked around the house, the more treasures they found.
Jake Manning

Most people dream of discovering buried treasure, but it’s not every day that you actually find it, especially inside your very own home.

For Thad and Robin Krasnesky, this dream became a reality when they purchased a historic mansion in Leavenworth, Kansas.

Their new home, a 140-year-old mansion, not only boasted a grandiose architectural style but also held within its walls secrets that would unfold an unexpected adventure.


Thad and Robin Krasnesky had always been fascinated by history and old homes, so when they found a 9,000-square-foot mansion with a rich past in Leavenworth, they were eager to call it their own.

The mansion, built in the late 19th century, had seen many generations come and go, each leaving behind a piece of their story.

However, the Krasneskys had no idea just how many remnants of the past were still hidden within its walls.


From the moment they moved in, the Krasneskys were eager to explore every nook and cranny of their new home.

Eventually, their curiosity led them to incredible discoveries.

Behind the walls and under the floors, they began to unearth various hidden treasures.

Each find was like a piece of a puzzle, gradually revealing the rich history of the mansion and its former inhabitants.


One of the most thrilling discoveries was a hidden room filled with dirt, which has been fun to explore.

This find was just the beginning.

As they continued their explorations, Thad and Robin uncovered more artifacts that added layers to the mansion’s story.

Among these treasures were a Civil War presentation cane and a pocket watch found on top of a 12-foot-high bookshelf, items that had likely belonged to one of the mansion’s earliest residents.


Their discoveries also included a remarkable collection of books dating back to 1907.

Titles like “The Scarlet Letter,” “Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm,” and “Ben-Hur” were found, each volume showing the literary interests of the house’s former occupants.

Under loose floorboards, they found two jars of silver coins, including a quarter dated 1916 and a dime from the 1890s.

These coins, likely hidden during times of uncertainty, added a tangible connection to the past.


For Thad Krasnesky, each find was more than just an old object; it was a treasure that brought excitement and a sense of adventure.

He loved unearthing these hidden items, imagining the lives of the people who once lived in the mansion.

The thrill of discovery turned their home into a living museum, filled with relics that painted a vivid picture of its history.


The mansion’s history was as intriguing as its hidden treasures.

The first owner, who moved in in 1885, tragically died just three months later.

The property then passed to his daughter and eventually to his granddaughters, who lived there until the 1970s.

Each generation left behind a legacy, contributing to the mansion’s storied past and the treasures waiting to be discovered.


Thad Krasnesky’s passion for history and treasure hunting extended beyond his own home.

He began hosting metal detecting parties, inviting friends and local history enthusiasts to join in the adventure.

The proceeds from these events went to the local historical society, ensuring that the community could also benefit from preserving and exploring its heritage.


Despite the ongoing renovations, Thad is committed to preserving the mansion’s history.

He takes care to document each find and maintain the character of the house.

Moreover, Thad has a unique approach to leaving a legacy.

He places current newspapers, coins, and notes within the house, creating a time capsule for future caretakers.

This act of placing new artifacts alongside the old ensures that the mansion will continue to be a source of discovery for generations to come.

Watch the KCTV5 News report below to get a closer look at the couple’s incredible home!

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