Couple lives off the grid in self-built home and opens up about their intriguing lifestyle
This looks like it takes a lot of work, but the benefits seem incredible. I'd love to be self-sufficient like this!
Cherie Gozon

Nature has provided us with everything we need if we only know how to use it.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

More and more people have come to realize that they can live simply with the least number of luxuries in their life.

Living off the grid can be fun and exciting, and it also is a great learning experience.

Stephanie and Joel have enjoyed the off-the-grid life for 14 years.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Some may not believe it, and others couldn’t imagine being in their shoes. But if there’s one thing this couple proved, and that it is doable.


However, there is no guarantee that life will all be unicorns and rainbows.

The couple admitted they struggled initially because they had so little.

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They took a few acres in a shared land and had to start from scratch. There were two things they had to begin with: the outhouse and Joel’s workshop.


They were fortunate that Joel had a woodcutting business and was good at working with wood.

He started putting up the beams and slowly built their house per section.

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They used many salvaged materials from an old barn on that same property. Even their decors were full of repurposed materials.

Stephanie and Joel got their hand on whatever was free for them to take and use and worked their way around it.

They also started planting crops and vegetables in their common garden – greens, spices, vegetables, and some fruit trees.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

They also raised chickens for their eggs and bees for their honey. Through time, they added more crops like corn and cabbage and even learned to grow mushrooms in tree trunks.

Little by little, Steph and Joel afforded the little luxuries in life.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

They started buying solar panels and a little battery to power up their lights, washer, fridge, and computer – the basic things most people have in their homes.


During the winter, they use a generator to supplement their solar power.

Water also isn’t a problem for the couple.

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They use a pump to get water from the quarry nearby and stock it up in their reservoir. They use that water for bathing and washing their clothes and dishes.

However, for their water, they get it from a well on their property.


Steph and Joel learned that they could live such simple yet fulfilling lives.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Their off-the-grid journey taught them a lot about themselves, and they learned many skills along the way.

Living off the grid also taught them to be more grateful for what they have.

The couple built another off-the-grid property for people to rent out.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

Joel said that they created that space so people could experience what it feels like to live in an off-the-grid home.

This is Stephanie’s little business, and it helps them get by with everything they need, along with Joel’s wood business.

Steph also shared that they also want to impart what they learned to others.

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YouTube Screenshot - Exploring Alternatives

They saw how their home could benefit others and would like to take the fear and apprehension it might bring to others.

She and Joel are learning how to forage different plants and herbs for their food and medicine. This is something they want to teach others in the future.


Watch the video below to get a closer look at the couple’s amazing home and lifestyle! Could you do this?
