Crafts & DIY
Woman's Fairy Lanterns so gorgeous her tutorial earns 2.1M views
I love these so much I gave them as gifts to my friends.
Ma Fatima Garcia

Are you looking for an amazing DIY project that you can make with your kids? Or maybe, you want to re-decorate your room? Then, this adorable and magical DIY fairy jar is just what you need.

Do you love fairies? Have you already seen one?

Tu Nguyen / Pexels
Tu Nguyen / Pexels

Well, you are lucky if you have already met a fairy in real life, but for those of us who haven’t, the next best thing is creating fairy-inspired projects.

Imagine redesigning your room and making it magical.

willsantt / Pexels
willsantt / Pexels

We all know that we can’t catch fairies and put them on jars to keep, right? That is just cruel and a very bad thing to do. So, why not use this simple tutorial to create fairy jars that would go perfectly in your bedroom, garden, or living room.


You will only need a few simple things to get started.

luizclas / Pexels
luizclas / Pexels

Nichola Battilana of Pixie Hill blog posted a blog six years ago about a simple tutorial on how to create fairy jar lanterns. Before she proceeds with her tutorial, she posted a gentle reminder that we should never ever try to put real fairies inside these jars.

She also said that there were no fairies harmed during this DIY project.

Sahir Sujahudeen / Pexels
Sahir Sujahudeen / Pexels

Nichola said that this project would be perfect for your garden, your living room, and of course, as nightlights in your bedroom.

To do start, you will need the following:

  • Glass jars or Mason jars
  • Fairy cutouts
  • Tissue paper
  • Glitters
  • Fast-drying glue
  • Twine
  • Accessories
  • LED fairy lights or battery-powered tea-lights
Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot
Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot

Nichola’s reminders:


Never use real candles as this may become dangerous. Also, fairy cutouts are available here, or you have the choice to create your own.

Are you all set up? Then, let’s start.

Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot
Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot

First, prepare all the things that you will need. Then, add some fast-drying glue to the fairy cutout and stick it on the inside of the jar. In any event that your jar has decoration or pattern, paste the fairy on the opposite end.

Hold the fairy cutout into place until the glue dries up.

Then, apply a thin layer of glue on the outside part of the jar and then layer it with tissue paper.

Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot
Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot

Expect to see some tears and overlapping of tissue paper, and that’s okay. Just make sure that you don’t put too much tissue paper because this will block the light.

Once you are done – leave them to air dry.

The next step is to apply a thin layer of glue on the top and bottom parts of the jar. Then it’s time to sprinkle some magic!

Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot
Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot

Another tip from Nichola is to use clear glitters. This will add that desired vignette effect.

Remember those areas where you had overlapping tissue papers and tears? You can add more glue and glitters here but remember not to overdo it. This might block the light.


Leave the jars to dry again. Then, it’s time to decorate.

Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot
Nichola Battilana / YouTube Screenshot

Now, you can use your imagination here. For Nichola, she used a brown twine, and she wrapped it around the rim of the jars. She then added little pinecones and berries to match the twined design.

That’s it. Just wait for your accessories to dry and then you can add LED fairy lights or those battery-operated tea light candles.

Never use real candles because this can cause a fire.

Pixie Hill Blog Photo
Pixie Hill Blog Photo

Now, see how magical the finished product is. The dim light will create a dazzling silhouette of a fairy inside a jar. Match it with indoor plants and flowers, and you will have a whimsical garden bedroom.

Go ahead and watch the full tutorial video below, and don’t forget to share this with your friends. Better yet, you can create fairy jars for them as gifts too!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
