If you think about all the things you use on an everyday basis to make your life easier or to get something done, it’s pretty shocking. Most of the items that fill our homes and offices only have one use — or so it seems.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you found some new ways to use items you already have? Instead of filling your home with more things, you can declutter by learning how to use the things you already have in multiple ways. It’s not as hard as you might think.
With a little bit of creativity and thought, you can come up with new ways to use almost anything. Some everyday items have uses that you probably don’t even know about. Once you realize what they were intended for, you will wonder what other items have secret uses.
Here are 35 items that you probably already have in your home, car, or office. You already know what they are meant for, but you probably don’t know about the many other ways you can use them. Try out some of these uses to make your life even easier.
1. Small Pockets On Jeans
Ever wondered what that tiny pocket on your jeans is for? It’s for a pocket watch. It’s a perfect size, and it keeps the watch safe and easy to reach. Few people carry a pocket watch anymore, but if you decide to start, you know where to keep it now.
2. Orange Bag Pot Scrubbers
When you buy oranges, they usually come in a mesh bag. Don’t throw that bag away. Instead, just tie it up and make a little pot scrubber out of it. It will work great on your dishes and to clean your sink and appliances.
3. Binder Clip As Money Clip
Need a way to keep all your money together? Grab a binder clip from your desk. It will clip the money just like a money clip and will help you avoid losing it.
4. Greek Yogurt Containers
If you enjoy the Greek yogurt that comes with fruit, you are probably used to dipping your spoon into the fruit and scooping it into the yogurt. The containers are actually made so that you can fold them in half and pour the fruit into the yogurt.
5. Gas Arrow
Look at the gas gauge on your car. Next to the picture of the gas pump, there is a little arrow. Do you know what it means? Not a lot of people do. It points to the direction that the gas tank door is on. It helps you know which side of the tank to pull up to.
6. Toblerone
Toblerone are hard to resist, but you aren’t supposed to eat them all. They are divided into little sections, so you can break them off and eat them piece by piece. Oh, yeah, and so you can share them. Who wants to share, though?
7. Hole In Pen Cap
You may have noticed that most pen caps have holes at the end of them. What’s the point? The hole is for safety reasons. If a child or even an adult would happen to swallow the pen cap, that hole could help them breathe. Considering how many people chew on pen caps, this is a great idea.
8. Chinese Takeout Container
Chinese takeout containers aren’t just made to carry out your food. They have another useful purpose. They make great paper plates. Just unfold them, and you have a plate of Chinese food to enjoy.
9. Tiny Attached Pin Cushion
That tiny little strawberry is there for the needle you are currently using or use the most. You can push all your other pins and needles into the bigger strawberry but save your favorite for the tiny one.
10. Tabs On Foil Box
If you look at a box of aluminum foil, you may notice that there are some tabs that can be pressed in on the side. These are to help prevent the foil from rolling. You can push the tabs in and then hold the foil while you pull off the pieces you need.
11. Ketchup Bottle
Have you ever tried to hit the bottom of a ketchup bottle to get the ketchup to come out? It doesn’t work, right? Instead, trying tapping in the middle of the bottle. It will loosen up the ketchup and help it come out more easily.
12. Toilet Seat Cover
The flap on the toilet seat cover is actually meant to go toward the front. It helps prevent the seat cover from dragging through all the germs and nastiness on the toilet. Most of us put them on backward. Hopefully, that changes now.
13. Hole On Elevator Door
This hole is actually for a key. Only authorized personnel have the key and can open the door. They may use it for maintenance or for an emergency. It’s not for spying on your co-workers or neighbors.
14. Tic Tac Lids
The lid on a pack of Tic Tacs has a small round indention on it. That’s so you can shake out a Tic Tac onto the lid and offer it to someone. It’s much more sanitary than shaking it into your hand.
15. Applesauce Lid
If you forget a spoon in your lunch and want to eat your applesauce, you can use the lid. Just create a scoop and twist the end for a handle. You now have a small spoon that you can throw away when you are finished.
16. Cup Plunger
You probably use a plunger on your toilet. Did you know the kind with the cup is actually made for your sink? It’s OK, whatever works to get rid of that clog. Maybe just keep an extra for the sink.
17. Neck Bottles
Beer and soda bottles with long necks are made to help keep your drinks cooler longer. If you touch the neck of the bottle instead of the body of the bottle, you aren’t transferring as much heat, and your drink will stay cool.
18. Soda Can Tabs
That little metal tab on your soda can has a purpose aside from opening your can. You can twist it around and poke a straw through the hole. This will hold your straw in place, so you don’t have to chase it around when you want a drink.
19. Pan Handle Holes
Have you ever noticed the holes in the handles of your pots? Those are just so you can hang them up for storage. You can put your wooden spoons and cooking utensils in the holes while you are cooking. It’s easier than leaving them on the counter.
20. Juice Boxes
On the top of a juice box, you will find a seam. You can flatten that seam out, so the corners stick out on each side. These are so you can hold your juice box without squeezing it and causing the juice to spill out all over the place.
21. Paperclips To Fasten Bracelets
If your bracelet brakes and you need a way to hold it on, just grab a paperclip. Hook the paperclip through each end of your bracelet. Then, fasten it by twisting it tightly.
22. Lids As Coasters
The lids of many restaurant cups can double as coasters. Just flip them upside down and set the cup on them. It will keep your cup from dripping all over the place and could help prevent a mess.
23. Bread Tags
You may have noticed that your favorite bread often uses different colored tags. The tags are part of a system that tells the bread company and the store when the bread was made. This allows them to know if the bread is fresh.
24. Water Bottle To Separate Eggs
If you are baking or cooking, you may need to separate your eggs. There are a lot of ways you can do this, but one of the easiest is to use a water bottle to suck up the yolks and then drop them into your mixing bowl.
25. Buttons To Hold Earrings
Extra buttons work great as earring holders. If you are trying to pack up your jewelry for a trip, just put them through the holes in the buttons. They won’t get lost and will stay separate from other jewelry and earrings.
26. Beer Koozies To Stop Fruit From Bruising
Want to pack some fruit in your lunch but don’t want it to bruise? Just put it in a beer koozie. Koozies are the right size for most fruits and are soft, so the fruit won’t get bruised if it bounces around in a lunch box all day.
27. Tissue Boxes
Before you throw out your old tissue boxes, think about how you can reuse them. Store your plastic bags in them and you can pull them out whenever you need them. It will help keep your kitchen a little more organized.
28. Wine Bottle To Water Plants
If you have an empty wine bottle, don’t throw it out. Instead, fill it with water and then put the bottle into a planter upside down, pushing it gently into the soil. The water will empty out into the pot as the soil starts to dry out. You won’t have to remember to water your plants every day.
29. Wine Bottle Rolling Pin
If you can’t find your rolling pin or don’t have one, don’t worry about it. Just grab a bottle of wine. Pour yourself a glass and then use the bottle as a rolling pin. It works perfectly. Who doesn’t keep a bottle of wine in the kitchen? You also could use a liquor bottle if you don’t have wine on hand.
30. Coffee Filters In Flower Pots
If you like to garden but hate when you water your plants and the water leaks out the bottom, just go to your pantry. Grab a coffee filter and place it in the bottom of your pot before you add the dirt and plant. The filter will keep the water from spilling out of the pot.
31. Lollipop Drink Stirrer
Instead of using a plastic stirrer to mix your drinks, why not add something with a little more flavor? Use a lollipop as a stirrer instead. It will stir the drink perfectly and add a little extra sweetness and flavor to your drink.
32. Glasses Case For Makeup Holder
A glasses case can double as a makeup holder. Just toss your makeup inside it and make sure the lid closes. It will keep your makeup from getting smashed in your purse or in your luggage. It can also prevent messes.
33. Soap Box Camera Case
If you are packing your camera in your luggage and are afraid it might break, a case can help protect it. If you don’t have a case, a soapbox can work instead. Just find one that is big enough for your camera, and it will protect it from drops and bumps.
34. Wine Cork Pin Cushion
Need a pin cushion but want something a unique? Use a wine cork. Pins and needles easily press into it, and you can just toss it in your sewing basket so it’s there whenever you need it.
35. Laundry Sheets For Dusting Baseboards
If you need to dust your baseboards, just grab a dryer sheet. They pick up the dust and cobwebs easily, so you can get the job done faster. They also smell great and will make your home smell nice, too.
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