Crafts & DIY
According to researchers, eat these 8 different foods while you are pregnant
Anthea Poppmeier

Being pregnant is one of the most exciting yet daunting moments in a woman’s lifetime. Research has proven that what you eat during your pregnancy can have a huge impact on your infant’s development whilst in the womb as well as affecting you child’s health as an adult.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed with this huge responsibility start by choosing a few of the foods on this list and continue eating a diet that is as unprocessed and natural as possible.

Here are 8 Highly Nutritious Foods to eat During Your Pregnancy:


1) Fatty Fish: Salmon, Herring, Anchovies, Sardines, Mackerel

These fish are commonly referred to as fatty fish. Let this not put you off though as they are high in the best kind of fat- Omega 3 fatty acids.

Of course eating these fish on the regular is also highly beneficial to anyone whether they or pregnant or not. However numerous studies have found that the benefits for both a pregnant woman and her baby are exceptional:

  • Decreased risk of prenatal depression
  • Improved absorption of fat soluble vitamins
  • Extremely beneficial for development of babies brain
  • Important for eye development of baby

If you aren’t able to eat at least 2-3 portions of fatty fish per week simply opt for a daily omega 3 supplement.

2) Avocados

Staying with healthy fats, avocado’s (which are actually a fruit), are extremely rich in delicious healthy fats. Avocados are also packed with the all important pregnancy nutrient folate, along with vitamin C, potassium and vitamin B6.

Make some homemade guacamole and snack on carrot and cucumber sticks for a scrumptious healthy anytime snack.


3) Broccoli and Dark, Leafy Greens

These superfoods are packed with nutrients that benefit you at any time in your life but they are especially beneficial when you are pregnant.

The rich green color tells us that these vegetables are packed with antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K as well as other nutrients such as iron, folate, potassium and calcium. Incredibly, a study in the Journal of nutrition found a correlation between increased vegetable intake and a decreased risk of low birth weight in infants.

A further added bonus is that they are super low in calories and full of fiber, which helps to prevent constipation as a result of pregnancy.

4) Eggs

Eggs used to have such a bad reputation for raising our cholesterol levels and they were often limited as it was thought that they contributed to heart disease.

This couldn’t have been further from the truth. Eggs are actually one of the most nutritionally dense food sources available to us. Not only do they supply us with a healthy dose of protein and fats but they also contain another essential pregnancy nutrient- choline.

According to a recent study, choline may be particularly important during the 3rd trimester of your pregnancy as well as while you are breastfeeding. Having a high level of choline in your diet may actually prevent certain birth defects.

There is no easier way to get in your extra choline than incorporating eggs into your daily pregnancy diet.


5) Dairy products

Dairy products supply us with two important nutrients, namely protein and calcium. A 2012 study found that your daily calcium intake when pregnant is largely responsible for determining bone health and formation for your unborn child.

Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, is extremely beneficial for pregnant women. Greek yogurt supplies us with a good dose of calcium, more than other dairy products as well as helpful probiotic bacteria, which ensure that digestive health is maintained during the pregnancy.

Enjoy your Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit as an anytime snack or in a smoothie for an on-the-go breakfast.

6) Lean Meats

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is extreme fatigue. The reason for this extreme exhaustion is an increase in your blood volume. This sudden increase in the amount of blood circulating means that the amount of iron circulating in your blood is no longer enough, the body, therefore, has to manufacture more and this takes time.

One of the easiest ways to help combat the fatigue and sustain your iron levels is to increase the amount of unprocessed protein products you are eating daily.

Think along the lines of lean turkey, chicken, beef or pork. All cooked well of course.

To maximize iron absorption be sure not to consume caffeine products with your meal as caffeine can block iron absorption. On the flip side, it is best to consume a vitamin C rich drink like orange juice to ensure maximal absorption of iron.


7) Nuts and Nut Butters

Not only are nuts delicious and easy to grab on the go, but the fat them is critical for helping your baby’s brain to develop properly. As an added bonus they will help you to feel fuller for longer and hopefully stave off pregnancy hunger.

Look for heart healthy almonds or almond butter and take care to choose the unsalted variety as the extra sodium can lead to unwanted water retention.

8) Water

While this may not be a food it is just as important to drink enough liquids and remain hydrated, as it is to practice healthy eating.

As we already covered, in the first 3 months of pregnancy your blood volume almost doubles. Aside from this, the baby will live in watery amniotic fluid for the duration of your pregnancy. It goes without saying then that adequate hydration is vital during this time and remains important even after the birth of the child and whilst breastfeeding.

Start by drinking a glass of water or diluted fruit juice every 60-90 minutes to ensure that you are kept hydrated over the course of the day.

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