Life is filled with universal truths that can often be downright hilarious. Like that moment when you’re shopping online and suddenly second-guess everything because of the shipping cost? That’s exactly the kind of relatable humor we mean.
We’ve gathere pictures guaranteed to make you laugh out loud while striking a chord on so many levels.
Birthdays begin at midnight

By the time you wake up on your birthday, the celebration has already been underway for about eight hours. Your notifications are buzzing with likes and birthday messages, and the excitement is hard to miss!
Cats and dogs are viewed differently
Dogs are often identified and referred to by their specific breeds—you can probably list dozens off the top of your head. Cats, on the other hand, are usually just called “cats,” regardless of their breed.

jaimekampos via imgur
Getting a strike while bowling is awesome
It makes you feel unstoppable—until the very next frame, when you somehow throw a gutter ball. Good things never last forever.

via memesmonkey
Little kids are like sponges
We’ve all witnessed it—a toddler running around, then stopping to mimic an adult doing something amusing. The little girl in this picture watched her dad hit his thumb instead of the nail, and now she knows the perfect face to make for excruciating pain.

via everythingmom
Sunglasses with writing on them cost more
If there’s a tiny scribble in the top right corner of the sunglasses, chances are they’re twenty times the price of regular shades—or more. That’s just how the industry operates: you’re paying a premium for the designer label.

drmaxpayne via imgur
No one looks good when sitting in a salon chair
There’s something about fluorescent lighting and plastic capes that makes anyone feel less than their best. Add in the countless mirrors surrounding you, and it’s impossible not to watch yourself as the stylist works their magic.

jonny_dodds via x
The older you are, the nicer your signature is
This likely comes from a time when cursive writing was considered an essential skill. Nowadays, it’s not even taught in many schools, and most people rely on computers for all their writing needs.

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Seatbelts are only important in certain situations
How else can you explain the fact that school buses don’t have seatbelts? If a child isn’t buckled up in a car, parents can face serious consequences. Yet, on a bus, the absence of seatbelts seems to raise little concern.

drmaxpayne via imgur
Getting a cold makes you appreciate being healthy
You never truly appreciate how great it is to feel healthy until you’re sick. Then it becomes a frustrating waiting game. Recovery will come eventually, but it’s usually a slower process than you’d hope for.

Airplane mode on cellphones is not just for air travel
It’s more useful than you might expect—like when you know a flood of messages is coming that you’d rather not deal with. It’s almost like hitting a pause button on time.

Noodlefloop via x
Fixing stuff always feels good
Whether it’s a small fix or a big repair, it always feels great to get things back in working order. Just ask the little guy in this meme—his proud stance says it all after helping fix the car!

Delivery drivers are some of the fastest runners
Have you ever seen a UPS driver drop off a package? They seem to take off running as soon as it’s set down. It’s almost like making it to the next delivery is a race against time!

abedelrey via x
Cartoons are not just for kids
They’re a guaranteed way to ruin your chances of sleep that night. However, there’s a handy trick to help you rest: just distract yourself with a kids’ TV show afterward.

mikedopee via x
A couple of carefully placed graphics make all the difference
To give something a fancier look, simply add a fern or leaf design on each side. Other shapes can work too, like stars or images of Roman columns and pillars.

drmaxpayne via imgur
Waiting on packages to arrive can be very painful
Waiting for an ordered item to arrive can feel like it takes forever, especially when the delivery date keeps getting pushed back every time you track it. It’s hard to trust the post office in those situations.

A charged phone is a lifesaver when you are out alone
It’s like having a security blanket in your pocket. Whenever there’s downtime, an entertaining distraction is just a few swipes away—unless, of course, your battery dies.

makeupbymario via instagram
Alcohol is surprisingly sketchy
Drinking in real life is nowhere near as glamorous as it appears in commercials and movies. In reality, it’s often messier and usually leads to a lot of regret the next day.

drmaxpayne via imgur
People who don’t respond to calls have no excuse
It’s incredibly frustrating when you know someone has their phone and is available, but they still choose to ignore your call. It quickly turns into a never-ending game of phone tag.

Dealing with a mosquito bite is as easy as making an X
You make a small X shape on the bite using your fingernail. This simple home remedy surprisingly works well and helps relieve most of the itching for a while.

Desks keep getting smaller as you get older
It’s not just because you’re growing; the desks actually change sizes too. In elementary school, you have plenty of space to spread your papers around. But by the time you get to college, the desks are so small that there’s barely room to rest your elbows.

drmaxpayne via imgur
Not everyone has patience when it comes to watching content
We’ve all checked the time on a video to see when it will end, especially when a friend tries to show you something they’re interested in, but you’re just not that into it.

ripmod via x
The lifeguard has all of the power at water parks
What they say goes. They can make you wait at the top of the slide in a ridiculous pose for as long as they want, and you have no say in the matter.

Cashout_GClark via x
It’s always best to make a single trip with grocery bags
Even if it means straining every muscle, it’s worth it to prove you can do it. Besides, making two trips is just inefficient—it’s a fact.

drmaxpayne via imgur
Feeling rushed at checkout lanes is standard
Cashiers often hand you the receipt and money at the same time, making it tricky to put everything away quickly. This is especially challenging when coins are involved.

wayansjr via x
Turning off lights in rooms can be freaky
Being alone in the dark can be incredibly frightening. It’s amazing how many random noises you start to hear, and they could be coming from anywhere—or anyone.

Maaouad via x
No one likes doing math
Not many people enjoy crunching numbers. For most of us, a calculator is essential—even for the simplest calculations.

bustle via instagram
Greeting people you don’t really know is awkward
You’re walking down the street and a semi-familiar face appears. You’re unsure whether to stop and say hello, offer a head nod, or just keep walking and ignore them. What’s the best move?

There is no such thing as too much swag
At least, that’s what we used to believe. However, according to this man, the magic number of swag items to own is 41. It’s a very precise figure.

drmaxpayne via imgur
Your own voice sounds really weird
The way others hear your voice and how it sounds to you are completely different. Hearing it out loud for the first time is a huge shock to the system. It almost feels like a stranger is speaking.

sadmichaeljordan via instagram
Kids can bring out the soft side in anyone
It doesn’t matter how tough you are. If a kid wants to be goofy around you, you’ll inevitably play along. It’s just human nature.

via reddit
There is nothing more adorable than a dog on a slide
Just take a look at the pug in this photo for proof. He’s absolutely hilarious, clearly not used to the slippery surface.

Not all of us are destined for great things
There are plenty of things you can control in life, but there are also limits to how much you can improve your situation. For instance, no matter how much you sing every day, you’ll never reach the level of Beyoncé.

Potato chip bags are very deceptive
It seems like you’ll be getting plenty of chips, but most of the bag is just air. This snack-sized bag only contained eight tiny chips.

Seals and dogs are surprisingly similar
Take a look at pictures of seals and dogs. Their bodies and mannerisms are surprisingly similar. Of course, one of them definitely enjoys the water more than the other.

Nutella is perfect for any situation
Nutella is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You can’t go wrong with a few scoops—or even the whole jar. It’s all-natural and completely healthy, we promise!

jagexluna via x
Fedoras are no longer fashionable
No matter who you are, no one can really pull off a fedora. It’s a thing of the past. If you already own one, it’s probably best to let it stay in the closet gathering dust.

olgakhmylev via x
A lot of people use dogs to get likes on social media
Posting a picture of a dog is almost guaranteed to grab attention. Everyone loves dogs—they’re one of the cutest animals out there.

lordtaka via imgur
Not all bread is edible
When only the end pieces are left, you might as well toss them. No one wants to eat a slice that’s all crust, but the local animals will certainly appreciate the gesture.

Dinner goes better with entertainment
Have you ever sat down with a fresh plate of food, only to wait for your video to load before you start eating? It’s surprisingly common. No matter how hungry you are, entertainment always takes priority.

freddyamazin via x
Getting out of bed is the worst part of the day
There’s nothing worse than waking up and realizing you have to get ready for work in just a few minutes. It’s a huge letdown. In an ideal world, we could sleep all day and ignore the alarms.

1_natematthews via x
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