Who doesn’t know Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, and Donatello?
They were known to be some of the greatest visual artists of all time who were born with hands that can make works of wonders.
There are talented artists today, too.
Some may just be a little less well-known than others.

While the aforementioned men were masters of visual arts like painting and sculpting, there are some equally talented people around the globe who have a knack for turning simple things into something amazing.
Just look at the guy in this video.
He has an Indonesia-based YouTube channel called Triple A Craft, and let me tell you – his creations are indeed AAA.
His preferred medium? Popsicle sticks.

Yes, you read that right, this talented guy is making miniature designs of almost everything using popsicle sticks.
Who would’ve thought that this material which we often discard after slurping a cold and yummy popsicle could still be of use and be turned into a work of art?
In this video, the talented guy behind these wonderful creations turns a couple of popsicle sticks into something amazing.
A flying bird figure.

First, he drew a bird’s head and body and outlined it on top of a row of four popsicle sticks then cut it using a cutter.
After doing so, he then soaked a couple of popsicle sticks in water.
Just make sure not to overdo it, just soak them long enough to make the sticks bend a little for the proceeding steps.
He turns nothing into something.

Using the wet popsicle sticks and a Cyanoacrylate Adhesive, also known as “Super Glue”, the guy on the video started shaping the bird’s body.
Although we highly recommend testing first if your skin will react to the super glue because it might trigger skin allergies for some people.
The bird starts to take shape.

To shape it like a real bird, the guy put a pair of little bumps on both sides of the bird where he later lined it with rows of bent sticks.
The process made his creation fluff a little to make it resemble the shape of a little bird.
After the shaping process, he cut the excess end parts of the sticks.
Then, he used sandpaper to polish and give texture to the bird before moving on to the eyes and legs.
Next came the most complicated parts.

The wings and tail.
For the most part, I think the wings and tail were the hardest things to do, at least in my opinion.
It took the guy some measuring and, of course, imagination to picture how he wanted the wings and the tail to be.

He didn’t leave out any detail.
The craftsman then added a three-layered tail to his creation, followed by attaching its majestic wings.
Finally, he made a perch to add more details to his masterpiece.
Even without coloring it, the outcome was still amazing.

The entire process was fascinating, especially when you think about it being made out of popsicle sticks.
I think the 2.9 million people who saw the video would also agree with me.
Check out his YouTube channel if you want to see more of this talented guy’s creations.
See this man transform old popsicle sticks into a majestic bird in flight in the video below!
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