Potted plants can really enliven your home. And keeping those plants in stylish pots can make for some very chic decor.
Making your own pots and DIY decor can help you save money as well as ensure your furnishings are exactly to your liking.
AIRINS CRAFT has the cutest design for a stone flower pot that’s incredibly easy to make.

The project involves taking a balloon and strategically gluing stones to each other and around it.
Once enough stones are glued together, pop the balloon and you have yourself a bowl shape.
Then you just toss a flower pot inside your stone bowl and take pride in the adorable little project you made.

This project uses a glue gun to glue the stones together, but you’d have to be really careful not to get it on the balloon because the heat might melt the balloon and cause it to pop.
Another alternative is to use epoxy.
Epoxy dries clear and smooth and is cool to the touch, which might be a better option.
You’ll just have to mix the epoxy in small batches and move quickly so it doesn’t dry before you’re finished. But any industrial adhesive, like E600, will work.
I think this project would be absolutely gorgeous if you used tumbled stones like rose quartz but that could get expensive as this project requires probably about 50 to 100 stones.
There are actually different tutorials for this project using bamboo sticks or sand and seashells.
But we’re going to explain how to create this pretty flower pot using stones. Let’s get started.

Step 1) Blow up a balloon so that it is medium-sized or however large you’d like your flower pot to be.
The thicker the balloon you can get, the better if you’re using a hot glue gun.
Step 2) Plop your balloon down on a roll of masking tape so that the knotted part of your balloon is facing up and the round part of the balloon sits in the ring of your roll of tape. This will keep your balloon in place while you work.

Step 3) You’ll want to draw a circle around your ballon so you clearly see how tall you want to build the walls of your flower pot as you work.
This project uses what seems to be the lid of a quart of ice cream to outline their demarcation.
They just put the lid over the top of the balloon over the center knot and traced the outline of it with a Sharpie marker.

Step 4) Flip your balloon over so that the knotted part is in the ring of your tape roll
Step 5) Take a stone and glue it to another stone that it fits together nicely.

Step 6) Place your two stones on top of the balloon, then glue more stones to each other around the balloon.
Be careful not to get glue on the balloon if possible. If you’re using a hot glue gun, you’ll have to be extra careful not to pop the balloon.

Step 7) Continue this process. Once the balloon is covered and you’ve reached your Sharpie line, you can stop.
Step 8) Pop the balloon, toss in a potted plant, and enjoy your incredibly earthy flower pot.
Watch the tutorial in the video below for more details!
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