The high temperature brought by the summertime doesn’t bother succulent plants. It’s simply because the water content of some succulent organisms can get as much as 90 to 95%. It’s almost safe to say that, unlike other types of plants, they can survive even if you don’t water them that much.
According to Wikipedia:
“By definition, succulent plants are drought resistant plants in which the leaves, stem, or roots have become more than usually fleshy by the development of water-storing tissue.”
If you love succulent plants then you will also love ‘string-of-pearls’.
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It’s an incredibly unique-looking succulent plant.
“It is a flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. It is a creeping, perennial, succulent vine native to the drier parts of southwest Africa. In its natural environment its stems trail on the ground, rooting where they touch and forming dense mats.”
While some succulent plants are easy to grow indoors, the string of pearls requires a different set of care. You know indoor plants when they don’t get what they need. They rot and go flatline.
Take care of your string of pearls and follow the caring tips listed below.
1. Pick the container with the right size

Succulent plants like the string of pearls have small root systems and they are better to be put in small containers. The soil in larger containers requires a longer time to dry up and this plant doesn’t like that.
2. Potting soil mix for succulents

These types of plants are more likely to grow better in fast-draining soil. It’s simply because succulents like it better when their roots are dry. You may also want to add extra drainage for your succulent potting soil in order to maintain a fairly dry mix.
3. Hang them
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Given the natural body structure of a string of pearls, it’s best for this type of plant to be put in a hanging basket. Hanging them will allow their tendrils to crawl downwards, it’s an easy way for them to avoid breaking.
4. Avoid crown rotting
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When repotting or transferring plants, particularly string of pearls, one common mistake by plant growers is planting them far beneath the soil surface. You do not want your plant’s crown/root to rot because it’s one of the easiest ways to kill an entire stem. Just dig around 1.5 to 1 inch deep beneath the soil surface to avoid crown rotting.
5. Give them enough sunlight
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It’s best to put them where they get a daily dose of bright, unfiltered sunlight for around 2 to 3 hours. Their location must also give them indirect light for the rest of the day. If that’s something unattainable, you might consider exposing them to 14 – 16 hours of artificial light, like a fluorescent grow light bulb.
6. Keep them away from windows
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Though they need sunlight, it’s not recommended to place them beside windows. Why? Because glasses can amplify the bright light coming from the sun and once that happens, it can damage or scorch the exposed parts.
7. Wintertime is rest time

During this time of the year, don’t force your plants to get more sunlight. Let them rest around temperatures ranging from 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s only natural for their growth to slow down during the cold season, don’t fret, and just keep them chilling under the weather.
8. Refrain from bombarding them with too much fertilizer

Unlike other plants, succulents like string of pearls don’t depend much on artificial food like fertilizers. Too much of it can only cause root burns which will also affect the way they absorb water and other nutrients.
9. Let them drink moderately
Remember not to flood them with water, succulents have plenty of water inside them. However, unlike other plants of its species, string of pearls doesn’t hold that much water compared to others. Hence, make it a habit to let its soil dry out first before giving them another gulp.
10. Prune to groom them into much fuller looking plants
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Rotten or dead stems or pearls aren’t too pleasing to the eyes, especially for an indoor plant. It’s highly recommended to prune them off if there are any. Removing such parts will not just make them healthier but also better looking.
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