Crafts & DIY
Grow An Endless Supply Of Lemons With Just 1 Seed
Emma Smizer

Summer is officially in full swing, which means a lot of things. Everyone is obsessing about how to get beach ready and we all have lemonade on our minds. Who doesn’t jump at the chance to sip on an ice-cold, refreshing lemonade? Well, you might want to curb your enthusiasm. Lemonade is often packed with TONS of sugar and often made from lemon concentrate, instead of fresh lemons.

That’s why we’re here to show you how to grow your own indoor lemon tree and get the most health benefits!

When life gives you lemons, make lemon-infused water!


It probably goes without saying that we know lemons have some amazing health benefits – to start, they are absolutely packed with vitamin C. Yet, I think we have all struggled with how to incorporate lemons into our diet without drowning them in sugar-water. The answer? Try lemon-infused water instead!

This new craze has been sweeping health and weight-loss communities all around the world. Lemon water has been shown to not only be a great source of vitamins, but also a no-calorie detoxifier that keeps you hydrated throughout your day. Don’t forget to add a sprig of fresh mint to brighten up the flavor of your lemon-water!

A great source of fresh lemons for all of this lemon-water can actually be made at home by growing your very own lemon tree. Let’s break it down for you.

Planting the seed!


First, you’ll need to get a few lemons from your local farmer’s market and pluck out all of the seeds. Make sure you wash them to get off any excess lemon pulp that might be hanging around.

Next, in a pot full of dampened soil, press each seed about 1 inch down, taking care not to press them into the soil too deeply. You shouldn’t be able to see the seed, but you also want to let them sprout easily by keeping them close to the surface.

Pro tip: Use a larger container than what may initially seem necessary – lemon trees will need extra space once they begin to grow.

Then, you’ll want to put a breathable plastic cover over the top of your container to keep moisture in. You don’t want your seeds too damp, but this will help keep them from drying out. Place your pot somewhere warm with not too much direct sunlight. Once you notice sprouts poking through the soil, remove the plastic cover and relocate your pot to somewhere with more sunshine.

Give ’em plenty of TLC


The best way to care for your lemon seeds is make sure they get plenty to drink. You’ll want the soil to be moist at all times without over saturating it. A great way to make sure you’re not over-watering is by choosing a pot that has a hole for drainage on the bottom.

Lemon trees LOVE good old sunshine. Make sure you’re giving them direct sunlight as much as possible (about 8 hours per day) and keeping their average temperature around 70 degrees fahrenheit. Fun fact: Lemon trees tend to go dormant if their temperature drops anywhere below 55 degrees.

Also, don’t be afraid to give your lemons some natural fertilizer, such as a compost of coffee grounds and egg shells. Your lemon tree will definitely thank you.

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