It’s no secret that there’s always an overwhelming amount of negative news in the media – but if you’re looking to have your faith in humanity restored, you’ve found the right place. All thanks to the Hamilton paramedics.
Being a paramedic is already an amazingly challenging job, yet the Hamilton paramedics showed us all how to give back by starting their own community garden. Yep, paramedics and gardeners. Is there anything these astounding men and women can’t do?
According to CBC, in this past year alone the paramedics grew and donated 1,400 pounds to their local food bank Neighbor to Neighbor. This year, they have already grown more than 900 pounds of produce!
Some of the veggies growing here include tomatoes, broccoli, okra, cabbage, fennel, cucumbers, beets, peppers, leeks and lettuce – just to name a few.
This project began three years ago when the paramedics received a $5,000 grant to kickstart their giving-back garden. They built the community garden on a lawn next to a sound-blocking wall from the freeway located below. Once the raised planters were in place, the garden began to steadily grow (no pun intended) in popularity and size.
Paramedic Heather Little, who spends several off-hours tending to the garden, said to CBC, “People who are eating healthy and spending more time outside, it’s a direct correlation to someone’s health.”
For those of you wondering how you can replicate this garden in your backyard, it’s actually surprisingly easy. All you need are a few boards of wood, wooden posts and some nails. Make sure to measure the space in your yard to see how big your planter can be. We recommend installing a drip-watering system to save yourself time and energy – trust us, your plants will thank you!
Keep in mind, most planters will be getting constant direct sunlight, so you will want to choose plants and produce that absolutely love sunlight, otherwise you might end up with a planter full of fried plants.
Either way, hats (and gardening gloves) off to these astounding people!
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