Do you avoid the outdoors because you hate dealing with pesky flies?
There’s a way to get rid of them without having to use sprays or swatting them. In fact, you can make a fly deterrent for every corner of your yard with things you already have in your home.

Have you been to someone’s house and seen a bag of water and a penny sitting in the corner?
You probably thought it was a little strange and wondered why it was there. They were simply trying to keep the flies away.

Here’s everything you need to make your own fly deterrent.
- A heavy-duty freezer bag
- Table salt
- Lime juice
- A few coins
- Water

Gather your supplies and simply fill the bag with all the other items and seal it. Hang the bag above your door or anywhere you have a fly problem. You can put it outside or inside. It is perfect for cookouts and sunrooms, too. Just make sure the bag is hanging in a place where it can reflect light. It works with sunlight or outdoor lamps. You can also use it with indoor lights.

According to the Orkin website, there are plenty of reasons to keep flies away from your home and family.
The website says:
“Since they live in such close proximity to people, house flies are generally unwelcome. While usually just a nuisance, these pests can carry a variety of diseases harmful to both humans and pets. House flies pick up bacteria, fungi, and viruses and then spread these pathogens by contaminating food and water. Several health problems can develop from house fly infestations. These include food poisoning, dysentery, and tuberculosis. Regular cleaning will limit areas where house flies are able to breed.”

Flies land on food, drinks, surfaces, and even people.
They also land on nasty things, like pet feces, trash, and dead animals. When they land on something, their feet pick it up, and when they land again, they transfer whatever is on their feet to the new surface. That’s a lot of germs and bacteria that can be spread around your home thanks to nasty little flies. They also lay eggs, which maggots hatch from. They are pretty gross.

If you are wondering why this works to keep the flies away, there’s some scientific evidence behind it.
Flies see things a lot differently than people, so when the water and the coin reflect back into their eyes, it causes an unpleasant sight and causes them to have a hard time focusing on where they are flying.
The flies eventually learn to avoid the area, so they don’t get disoriented by the bags of water. You don’t have to worry about dealing with pesky flies and can eat and enjoy your outdoor areas in peace. There’s no need for chemicals, fly swatters, or the gross bug zappers. It’s completely natural and humane. It’s also affordable.
You’re probably thinking that there’s no way this can work, but the people who have made them swear by them. In fact, once you make one, you will probably end up making more. Be prepared to get a lot questions about them.

If you are looking for other ways to get rid of flies in and outside your home, there are some good options.
You can put out basil leaves or even grow it in pots around your patio. There are distinct types of basil, and they all grow differently. Flies hate the scent of basil, so they will avoid the area. This also works on several other types of insects.
Bay leaves work in a similar way. You can grow them, put the dry leaves around your home or patio, or make a spray by boiling the leaves in water. The flies won’t come near the scent of basil, and it’s a lot better than using strong chemicals or bug repellants.
Don’t spend a lot of money on sprays and fly deterrents that don’t work. Make your own and save time and money.
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