Crafts & DIY
Here's how to treat athlete's foot at home and prevent it from happening again
Erin Russell

Athlete’s foot is the common name for a fungal infection that can form between toes and leave your feet dry, itchy, scaly, cracked, and red. Athlete’s foot is very contagious. The infection usually starts in moist, damp environments, such as public showers, swimming pools, or locker rooms. Once you’ve acquired athlete’s foot, it can be very tough to get rid of—but don’t be discouraged. There are plenty of remedies you can use to help clear the infection and stop that annoying itch. Over-the-counter sprays and creams are always an option, but it’s a good possibility you have a few cures already in your cabinets at home, too.

Tea Tree Oil


Applied topically to the affected areas, tea tree oil works to eliminate fungal infections. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of olive oil, and apply to the affected area twice a day for two to three weeks or until the infection goes away. You can also combine three parts tea tree oil with one part aloe vera gel for a soothing treatment to massage into your feet. This method should also be put to use two times per day until the athlete’s foot disappears completely.

Lemon Water

Lemon is a natural disinfectant with anti-fungal properties. To treat athlete’s foot, simply rinse your feet with lemon water two to three times per day. Not only will a lemon water rinse help keep your feet free of fungus and bacteria, as a bonus, it will make them smell better as well.


A warm cinnamon water soak is another soothing remedy that will lightly scent your feet while fighting off infection. Boil enough water to allow you to comfortably submerge your feet in a large pot. Add a few whole cinnamon sticks or a couple of bags of cinnamon tea. Let the water cool until it’s pleasant to the touch, and then soak your feet in the cinnamon water for a few minutes every night.

Oregon Lavender Destinations
Oregon Lavender Destinations


Lavender, too, has a relaxing, fresh scent as well as anti-fungal properties. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a carrier oil, such as almond or walnut, and massage into the affected areas once per day.

Baking Soda

Make a paste using three teaspoons of water and one tablespoon of baking soda, stirring until the mixture becomes a thick, spreadable paste. Apply directly to affected areas, and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing off. You can also put a small amount of baking soda inside your shoes to soak up unwanted moisture and keep odors at bay. If excess perspiration is a problem for you, try sprinkling your feet with talcum powder before putting on your socks.


Calendula is an all-natural ointment that has been used for centuries to treat unwanted skin conditions. It has very strong anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties and is quite affordable. Apply calendula ointment to your feet as directed on the package, being sure to cover the spaces in between your toes.


Salt Water Soak

Though salt water is not an effective curative treatment for fungus, a salt water soak can help relieve the ceaseless irritation and itching that comes along with an athlete’s foot outbreak. Mix two teaspoons of salt with a pint of warm water. Soak your feet for five to 10 minutes at a time. You can repeat this process every hour until the itching subsides.

Athlete’s foot doesn’t just come into play for athletes (pun intended). In fact, it affects more than 15 percent of the population—but it doesn’t have to affect you. Keep your feet clean and dry. Wear sandals occasionally to let your feet breathe. When lounging around the house, go in your stocking feet, wearing clean cotton socks, to encourage air circulation. Allow your shoes to air out for a full day after each use. Following these precautions will go a long way toward preventing further outbreaks.

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[Source: Huffington Post, Livestrong, Reader’s Digest, WebMD]
