You only have to wander into any health spa or pharmacy and see the hundreds of products dedicated to cellulite to realize how big of a problem it is for many women. Cellulite is fat stored under the skin’s surface.
Up to 98% of adult women have cellulite and millions of dollars are spent yearly in trying to combat the problem. For many, it is an extreme source of shame and embarrassment.
The bad news is that for many people cellulite is due to genetics, the good news, however, is that for others their cellulite is as a result of their dietary choices, activity level, and toxins.
No matter the reason for your cellulite, try these home remedies today. While they might not eradicate your cellulite they may minimize the appearance of the problem.

1) Hydration is essential
We all know by now that we should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day but many of us neglect ourselves and the last thing on our to-do-list is drinking enough water. Aside from the many other benefits of drinking enough water, being adequately hydrated helps to decrease the appearance and severity of our cellulite.
Instead of reaching for your cup of coffee in the morning start your day with 1 or 2 glasses of water. Your body will thank you!

2) Omega 3’s and Vitamin D
Both omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D are only available through outside sources-our body cannot manufacture these essential nutrients on its own. When it comes to omega 3, most of us do not consume enough foods rich in the fatty acid as it is only found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring.
Vitamin D is also deficient in many of us due to our lifestyles. Vitamin D is absorbed through our skin by being exposed to sunlight for 15-20minutes per day. With many of us sitting in offices under neon lights we hardly ever get the required dose needed.
Studies have often proven that these nutrients are crucial for ensuring that our hormones are balanced and our metabolism functioning at an optimum level. Without them, our body experiences elevated levels of inflammation and decreased collagen production-both leading to worsening cellulite.
3) Coffee scrub
Coffee scrubs can be an extremely beneficial way of helping to reduce cellulite. Make your own coffee scrubs at home by combining:
- 1/4 cup coffee grounds
- 3 tablespoons of brown or white sugar or course sea salt
- 2-3 tablespoons of melted coconut oil
Mix the ingredients together to create a paste. The paste can be stored in a glass jar to use 2-3 times per week.
Massage the paste into your problem areas while applying a bit of pressure. Wash off in the bathe or shower.
Aside from potentially helping with visible cellulite the rub also acts as a fantastic exfoliator. A study published in the 2008 Journal of Cosmetology, illustrated that anti-cellulite creams that contain caffeine could reduce cellulite by up to 17% of the diameter of the fat cells.

4) Foam rolling
One of the many theories about cellulite is that it is formed in the layer of connective tissue beneath our skin called the superficial fascia; this layer also contains fat cells. Due to desk jobs and not enough exercise this layer becomes thick and course over time, potentially causing what we know as cellulite.
In a perfect world, we would be able to go for professional deep tissue massage to help smooth out and heal the fascia. Unfortunately, this is impossible for most of us. A great do-it-yourself option is foam rolling.
By regularly performing foam rolling at home you can help to improve the texture and appearance of your trouble areas.
5) Dry brushing
Dry brushing works to stimulate lymphatic fluid and improve the circulation in your skin, both of which should help to improve the appearance of cellulite.
Tips for dry brushing:
- Choose a brush with stiff natural bristles rather than synthetic bristles.
- Dry brush your dry skin before bathing or showering.
- Always brush towards your heart making long sweeps.
- Start at your feet and work up your legs on both sides.
- Move on to the arms working towards your chest
- When brushing your stomach, work counter clockwise
- Do not brush too hard, the skin should not feel sore or irritated.

6) Exercise
When it comes down to it, cellulite is essentially fat underneath your skin. It is, therefore, logical that any activity that eliminates or utilizes fat for fuel will help to lessen cellulite.
To effectively decrease your cellulite:
- Participate in ‘cardio’-get out of breath for 30-40 minutes, 3 times per week. Try walking, cycling, swimming or running.
- Participate in weight training a few times a few in addition to your cardiovascular exercise. By building and strengthening your muscle you are effectively ensuring that you are increasing your resting metabolism-this also contributes to ‘burning’ fat, even when you are resting.
7) Including Gelatin in your Diet
There are various health benefits when it comes to upping the amount of gelatin in your diet. Among the potential benefits is the improvement in unsightly cellulite.
Gelatin is made from two important amino acids- glycine and proline, and most modern societies do not consume enough of it in our diet as it gelatin is mostly found in bones, and other parts of animals we do not consume.
Studies show that these amino acids are not only great for improving the health of our hair, skin, and nails but also for ensuring that our connective tissue remains healthy. One of the theories about cellulite is that our connective tissue is largely to blame for the dimples and it, therefore, makes sense that healthier connective tissue means improved cellulite.
One of the easiest ways to increase the amount of gelatin in your diet is to start making and eating bone broth.
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