Crafts & DIY
Protect yourself from the flu with these 7 effective home remedies
Anthea Poppmeier

Each and every year the dreaded flu season rolls by. Instead of secretly hoping and wishing that you don’t get sick, rather spring into action and try these home remedies to prevent you and your family from catching a cold or the dreaded flu.

Here are 7 home remedies to help fight off the flu:


1) Stress Less-Meditate

Unfortunately going through stressful times or feeling stressed can be extremely detrimental to your health. One way to ensure that you can clear your mind and let go of your stress is to learn how to meditate. One study conducted by the University of Wisconsin in 2012, found that regular meditation and other mindful techniques can reduce your chances of catching a cold by up to 50 percent. This was especially found to be effective in the older populations.

2) Wash your Hands More Often

Think about how many surfaces your hands touch per day or how many hands you shake. It goes without saying that none of us wash our hands nearly enough yet hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the contraction of a cold or flu.

Equally as important is drying your hands effectively after washing them, as germs prefer a moisture rich environment to breed in.


3) Supplement with probiotic rich foods

We are finding out more and more that an important part of the strength of our immune system is linked to our gut health. Increasing your intake of probiotics via food or a supplement can ensure that your gut is healthier and happier and more able to fend off any attacks. In fact, a 2013 meta-analysis of 10 studies found that people taking probiotics were 42 percent less likely to be infected with a cold.

Get going by taking a good quality probiotic daily or incorporating more probiotic-rich foods into your diet.

4) Get Enough Shut-eye

One of the fastest ways to weaken your immune system is to go without adequate sleep. According to this 2011 study, not getting enough sleep can be linked to a long list of health problems, including an impaired immune system. Of course, a weakened immune system leaves us wide open to various infections.

Make your sleep a priority by getting into bed an hour earlier, especially if you feel that you could be getting sick.

5) Cut Back on the Sweet Stuff

This one is fairly depressing, but it turns out that our favorite candies and sweet stuff may affect more than just our waistline.

Whether it is pure sugar or sugary drinks like fruit juices, sugar depresses our immune system for a few hours after consuming it. The problem with this is that if your daily diet is full of highly processed sugary items your immune system may be perpetually weakened, opening you up to frequent colds and flu.


Start taking a long hard look at your daily intake of sugar and see where you can make improvements.


6) Eat more garlic

Garlic has been used for centuries as an effective antibacterial and medicinal ingredient. Garlic contains a group of compounds called allicins, these compounds are formed when we crush garlic. Theses allicins have powerful antimicrobial properties that help to ward off any lurking bugs.


One study showed that garlic not only reduces your risk of being infected but also reduces the length of time you stay sick. An important point to remember is that heating the garlic can destroy the important antimicrobial properties so before you cook with it, crush the garlic and allow it to stand for 10 minutes to let the allicin build up.


7) Gargle with salt

It might seem like an old wives tale, but gargling with salt water remains one of the most effective ways to help prevent as well as manage symptoms of colds or flu. Essentially, gargling with salt water helps to lessen an inflamed sore throat by drawing fluids away from the area. Additionally, gargling also helps to loosen any mucus build up which also removes any lurking bacteria from the throat.

A 2005 study Published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that gargling with salt water up to 3 times per day can reduce upper respiratory infections by up to 40 percent.

The message is clear, don’t wait until your throat is sore. Rather, use gargling salt as a preventative practice this season.

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