Crafts & DIY
Hate having "gardener's hand?" Here's how you can get rid of those green stains on your fingers
Emma Smizer

If you’re like me, you own a pair of gardening gloves. You probably saw them on sale and thought, Finally I don’t need to ruin my hands! Then you tossed them into your gardening supplies where they never saw the light of day again. It’s understandable, gloves can be cumbersome and hot – sometimes it’s just easier to yank those weeds out without your gloves on. But then you go to wash your hands and see all the dirt under your nails, your green stained fingers, and your rough flaky skin. And then you remember where you put those darn gloves with perfect clarity and swear you will never ever garden again without them. Until you do, of course.

That’s why we’re here to share some secrets about how to clean up, moisturize and tend to your gardener’s hands.

Hand Scrubs


  1. Mix lemon zest with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 1/2 cups of sugar.
  2. Add a few drops of tea tree oil for added nourishment.
  3. Mix well until the scrub is thick, and not runny.

Lemon and sugar hand scrubs have become insanely popular thanks to their healing and exfoliating properties.

This recipe from Pop Sugar makes DIY scrubs simple and quick. For a more natural recipe, we decided to replace dish soap with lemon juice, which has natural antibacterial properties. Adding coconut oil can help to condition your skin as well, keeping it moisturized and healthy. Feel free to play with recipe until you get it to your liking!

Pro tip: add a splash of lavender essential oil to make your scrub smell extra fresh!


Hand Soaks

hand treat

  1. Mix 2 cups of warm water, 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 3 tablespoons of olive oil into a large bowl.
  2. Soak hands for 10 minutes and then pat dry.
  3. Follow up with your favorite hand cream to lock in that moisture.

Hand soaks are another great way to help repair and moisturize your hands, and thanks to this simple DIY recipe by First For Women, your hands will never have to suffer again. If you feel like the soak stings your hands at all, dilute the vinegar by adding more warm water to your bowl.

Pro tip: Add some rose petals to feel extra luxurious. You earned it!

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Tell us in the comments about your favorite scrubs and soaks!
